This is X11R6.3 for OpenBSD 2.1/sparc with public patch #01 applied. ACK: Thanks to John Stone without whos cpu time and ACK: disk space this build would not have been! This relese of X11R6.3 was patched with the following patches: patch-1.gz - patch sent to me by Matthieu Herrb from the XFree86 Project for OpenBSD (creates, fixes the sparc kbd repeat bug) patch-2.gz - patch from Matthieu Herrb fix for __OpenBSD__ patch-3.gz - the X11R6.3 'fix-01' patch patch-4.gz - there have been several postings on bugtraq mailing list regarding buffer over flows: David Hedley posted an initial fix for Xrm.c; Alex Belits then posted a more comprehensive patch; I then corrected a typo and a scoping error; Alex then sent me this patch which also includes a locale buffer overflow bug I added '#define ForceNormalLib 1' in site.def so './lib/*.a' all files are created. Required -------- X11R6.3bin.tgz Clients, run-time libs, and app-defaults files X11R6.3lib.tgz Data files required at run-time X11R6.3cfg.tgz sample config files for xinit, xdm X11R6.3f75.tgz 75dpi fonts X11R6.3fscl.tgz Scalable fonts (Speedo and Type1) X11R6.3misc.tgz misc fonts Optional -------- X11R6.3man.tgz Manual pages X11R6.3f100.tgz 100dpi fonts X11R6.3fsrv.tgz Font server and config files X11R6.3prog.tgz X header files, config files and compile-time libs Servers ------- X11R6.3Xsun.tgz standard 8bit X server X11R6.3XsunMono.tgz monochrome X server X11R6.3Xsun24.tgz X server for 24bit framebuffers X11R6.3Xnest.tgz Nested X server X11R6.3Xvfb.tgz Virtual framebuffer X server X11R6.3Xprt.tgz X printer server Installation instructions: su # /bin/sh # cd /usr # mkdir X11R6 # ln -s X11R6 X11 # ln -s X11R6 X11R6.3 # this is a must for xdm config files # .. from Toshi Morita # cd X11R6 # for file in 'directory-you-put-it-in'/X11R6.3*.tgz > do > tar -zxvpf $file > done # ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib # exit # exit - make sure /etc/rc adds this to the path at boot time - if you plan to use something other than 'Xsun' you will need to create a symbollic link: # ln -fs /usr/X11R6/bin/X /usr/X11R6/bin/X Make certain /usr/X11R6/bin (or /usr/X11/bin) is in your path. Deal with X as you normally would. (startx, xinit, Xsun..) Please report any problems, distress calls, or anomilies related to this binary distribution to Todd Fries ..