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device %s not configured %s (root)%s at %sconfig_make_softcconfig_attach: device name too longconfig_attach: memory allocation for device softc failedconfig_attach: %sing dev arrayexpandcreatconfig_attach: duplicate %sevcnt_attachtrying to detach device %s (%p) bad unit in detach_devices%s removed %s%d%c: %s %sing fsbn readwrit%d%d of %d-%d (%s%d bn %d; cn %d tn %d sn %d)disk_attach: can't allocate storage for disklabeldisk_detach: disk_count < 0disk_unbusy: %s: dk_busy < 0 rootdev=0x%x rrootdev=0x%x rawdev=0x%x cannot open disk, 0x%x/0x%x, error %dcannot read disk label, 0x%x/0x%x, error %droot filesystem has size 0filesystem type %d not known.. assuming ffs extent_create: name == NULLextent_create: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_create: end < startextent_create: fixed extent, bad storagesize 0x%xextent_create: storage provided for non-fixedextent_destroy: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: bad sizeextent_alloc_region: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: overflowextent_alloc_region: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx) extent_alloc_region: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: region lies outside extentextent_alloc_region: can't allocate region descriptor extntextent_alloc_subregion: NULL extentextent_alloc_subregion: NULL result pointerextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', ex_start 0x%lx, ex_end 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: substart 0x%lx, subend 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad subregionextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad sizeextent_alloc_subregion: bad alignmentextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx, boundary 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad boundaryextent_alloc_subregion: can't allocate region descriptor extent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), alignment 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: overflow after alignmentextent_free: NULL extentextent_free: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_free: extent `%s', region not within extentextent_free: overflowextent_free: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_free: region not foundextent_print: NULL extentextent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), flags = 0x%x 0x%lx - 0x%lx klogpanic: %: kernel %sassertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d %s: table is full (null)D("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("h"("("("("("("("("("("t ("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("("x ("("("("("("("("(" 8!("0 ("!("("p!$8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'h'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'% % % % % % % % % %8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'|%%8'8'8'8'8'8'8't%8'8'&l&l%8'%8'8&8'8'&0123456789abcdefrminit %srmalloc %srmfree %srmfree: map '%s' loses space (%ld) selectpollpipeinit: cannot allocate pipe -- out of kvm -- code = %dpipelkpiperdpipbwwpipewrpipeclptrace: impossibledW$W$WY$W$WY$W$WV$WYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY$W$W$WWWWZWWZ XHYTY XZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYY Xmsginfo.msgssz=%d (0x%x) msginfo.msgssz not a small power of 2msginfo.msgseg=%d msginfo.msgseg > 32767msgmaps is NULLmsghdrs is NULLmsqids is NULLmsghdr->msg_spot out of rangemsghdr->msg_spot != -1msg_cbytes is screwed upmsg_qnum is screwed upmsgwaitmsg_perm.mode & MSG_LOCKEDsegs_needed > nfree_msgmapsmsgsz + msg_cbytes > msg_qbytesno more msghdrsmsqid_ds is already lockednot enough msgmapsnil free_msgmapsnext too low #1next out of range #1next too low #2next out of range #2didn't use all the msg segmentsmsg_first/last screwed up #1msg_first/last screwed up #2msg_first/last screwed up #3next too low #3next out of range #3sema is NULLsemu is NULLsemconfig: unknown flag parameter value (%d) - ignored semu_alloc - second attempt failedtudvvvDwwxdxxsemwaitsemop - can't undo undossemexit: undo vector disappearedsemexit - semid not allocatedsemexit - semnum out of rangeL  shmgetshmseg free count inconsistent@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@4$<,h|@Lp|`/dev/consolettrstrtttckoutqttyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d ؿload: %d.%02d not a controlling terminal no foreground process group empty foreground process group cmd: %s %d [%s] iowaitrunning%ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds %d%% %ldk tty_detach: tty_count < 0putc: required clalloc b_to_q: required clalloc mbinitmb_map full m_copymm_copydataunixsofree dqsoclose: NOFDREFsoaccept: !NOFDREFreceive 1receive 1areceive 3sbappendaddrsbappendcontrolsemi-panic: sbcompress sbflushsbflush 2sbdropacceptuipc 1uipc 2uipc 3uipc 4piusrreqGGGGGHJHH,IKK(K,GXGKKGKKunp_attachunp_connect2unp_disconnectunp_externalizebremfree: lost taildirtygetblkallocbuf: buffer larger than MAXBSIZE requestedallocbuf: negative bufsizegetnewbufbiowaitbiodone alreadyEMPTYAGELRULOCKED%s: total-%d, %d-%d cache_enter: name too longdoreallocblkscluster_read: size = 0cluster_read: DONE bpcluster_rbuild: size %ld != filesize %ld cluster_rbuild: too much memorycluster_callback: too little memorycluster_wbuild: size %ld != filesize %ld Clustered Block: %d addr %x bufsize: %ld Child Block: %d addr: %x Clustered write to wrong blocksoperation %s not listed in %s. vfs_op_descsvfs_opv_init: bad operationvfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.lf_setlock: lost lockxؔhDX|lf_findoverlap: defaultnamei: bad cred/procnamei: nameiop contaminated with flagsnamei: flags contaminated with nameiopsleaf should be emptyrelookup: null namerelookup: lookup on dot-dotrelookup: symlink found. vfslockvfs_unlock: not lockedvfsbusyvfs_unbusy: not busyvnodefree vnodefree vnode isn'tcleaned vnodecleaned vnode isn'tClean vnode has pending I/O'svwakeup: neg numoutputvinvalbuf: dirty bufsvinvalbufvinvalbuf: flush failedvflushbuf: not dirtyvflushbufvflushbuf: dirtybgetvp: not freebrelvp: NULLreassignbuf: NULLvgetvref used where vget requiredvrele: null vpvrele: bad ref countvrele: ref cntholdrele: holdcntbusyprtvflush: not busyvflush: busy vnodevclean: deadlockvclean: cannot reclaimvgoneallvgonemissing bdevmissing aliasVBADVFIFOVSOCKVLNKVCHRVBLKVDIRVREGVNON%s: type %s, usecount %d, writecount %d, refcount %ld,|VROOT|VTEXT|VSYSTEM|VXLOCK|VXWANT|VBWAIT|VALIASED flags (%s) Locked vnodes kinfo: vp changed unmount of %s failed with error %d WARNING: some file systems would not unmount syncing disks... %d giving up done mount: lost mountunmount: dangling vnodesyncprt(   ( (  ( ( ( &&&&&&'(((((((((defaultvop_lookupvop_createvop_mknodvop_openvop_closevop_accessvop_getattrvop_setattrvop_readvop_writevop_ioctlvop_selectvop_mmapvop_fsyncvop_seekvop_removevop_linkvop_renamevop_mkdirvop_rmdirvop_symlinkvop_readdirvop_readlinkvop_abortopvop_inactivevop_reclaimvop_lockvop_unlockvop_bmapvop_printvop_islockedvop_pathconfvop_advlockvop_blkatoffvop_vallocvop_reallocblksvop_vfreevop_truncatevop_updatevop_leasevop_whiteoutvop_strategyvop_bwritedead_read: lockdead_write: locktag VT_NON, dead vnode dead_badop calledfifo_read modefifo_write modetag VT_NON , fifo with %ld readers and %ld writersfifo_badop calledkernfs_get_rrootdev: no raw root device kernfsversionusermemtimerrootdevrootdevposixphysmempagesizeosrevosreleaseostypencpumsgbufmodelmachineloadavghzdomainnamehostnamecopyrightbyteorderboottime...%ld %ld %d %d %d %d %ld %u ETETEhEhE,E@EhETEtag VT_KERNFS, kernfs vnode kernfs: bad oplNlNlNM,LlNlNlNlNspec_read modespec_read procspec_read typespec_write modespec_write procspec_write typespec_ioctlspec_fsync: not dirtyspec_fsync: dirtyspec_close: not specialtag VT_NON, dev %d, %d ZZZZZZZZZspec_badop calleddos2unixtime(): month value out of range (%ld) deget(): pcbmap returned %d detrunc(): can't truncate root directory, clust %ld, offset %ld deextend: file too largemsdosfs_reclaim(): pushing activemsdosfs_inactive(): pushing activemsdosfs_inactive: locked denodefatentry(): function code doesn't specify get or set fatentry(): get function with no place to put result extendfile(): attempt to extend root directory extendfile: pcbmap. .. doscheckpath(): .. not a directory? msdosmsdosfs_sync: rofs modmsdosfs_create: no namemsdosfs_write(): bad file typemsdosfs_rename: no namemsdosfs_rename: lost to startdirmsdosfs_rename: lost from startdirrename: lost dir entrymsdosfs_rename: updating .. in root directory? msdosfs_mkdir: no name...locking against myselflockholder (%d) != 0locking by process 0 msdosfs_unlock: unlocked denodemsdosfs_unlock NOT LOCKEDunlocker (%d) != lock holder (%d)msdosfs_strategy: spectag VT_MSDOSFS, startcluster %d, dircluster %ld, diroffset %ld dev %d, %d, %s (LOCKED) owner pid %d waiting pid %d Lt4@|$h0(8XLP$|ptLd%s: can't handle af%d lo%dlooutput: no header mbuf%s: can't handle af%d sl%dsl%d: can't allocate buffer %s: af%d not supported ppp%d%s: comp_alloc failed %s: decomp_alloc failed %s: no compressor for [%x %x %x], %x %s: af%d not supported %s output: if_ppp/ccp: not enough data in mbuf (%p+%x > %p+%x) 9:;;99;;;;;;;;,;%s: got %d bytes %s: decompress failed %d %s: VJ uncompress failed on type comp %s: VJ uncompress failed on type uncomp %s: input queue full %s %s: bad char %x %s: bad fcs %x %s: too short (%d) %s: no input mbufs! %s: garbage received: 0x%x (need 0xFF) %s: missing UI (0x3), got 0x%x %s: bad protocol %x %s: packet too big %s: too few input mbufs! %s input: %s rn_addmask: mask impossibly already in treeMask for route not entered Non-unique normal route, mask not enteredrn_delete: inconsistent annotation rn_delete: couldn't find our annotation rn_delete: couldn't find us %s %p at %p rn_delete: Orphaned Maskrn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set rn_initrn_init 2raw_usrreq }H}P~|P~|`}|}|}}P~~||~$~|rtfreertfree 2rtfree: %p not freed (neg refs) ifafreertrequest deletertinit: wrong ifa (%p) was (%p) route_outputXđxxxrt_msg1routeЪHHHHHHH$HHHHarp_rtrequest: bad gateway value arp_rtrequest: malloc failed arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo arpresolve: unresolved and rt_expire == 0 arpintrarp: ether address is broadcast for IP address %s! duplicate IP address %s sent from ethernet address %s arp info overwritten for %s by %s arptfreearplookup: unable to enter address for %s revarpP```in_controlin_pcbhashlookup: faddr=%08x fport=%d laddr=%08x lport=%d interneticmp_erroricmp len8D$$D%d.%d.%d.%dgip_initipintr no HDRattempted source route from %s to %s save_rte: olen %d ip_srcroute: nhops %d mlen %d hops %x %x %x forward: src %x dst %x ttl %x redirect (%d) to %x h(` 0Xhx$8H\pip_mrouter_init: so_type = %d, pr_protocol = %d ip_mrouter_init ip_mrouter_done Source routed tunnels not supported. mdecap%dadd_vif #%d, lcladdr %x, %s %x, thresh %x, rate %d rmtaddrmaskdel_vif %d, numvifs %d add_mfc update o %x g %x p %x add_mfc %s o %x g %x p %x dbx %p multiple kernel entriesadd_mfc o %x g %x p %x dbg %p add_mfc no upcall o %x g %x p %x del_mfc origin %x mcastgrp %x ip_mforward: src %x, dst %x, ifp %p ip_mforward: received source-routed packet from %x ip_mforward: no rte s %x g %x ip_mforward: ip_mrouter socket queue full expire_upcalls: expiring (%x %x) wrong if: ifp %p vifi %d vififp %p ip_mforward: no tunnel with %x tbf_dequeue: vif# %d qlen %d phyint_send on vif %d err %d port %x prio %d ip_output no HDRUWUUUUUWPVPVPVPVPVWWWWWhVVVVUUUV,VDW`XWWWWWDWWWWWW`X`X`X`X`XXTXTXTXWWWWWZP[t[[]rip_attachrip_detachrip_usrreqXggh4idh4igh4ihgdi,i4i4i MLENmbuf siz=%d Bad nfs svc replynqexpcld kerbnqnfstimrnfsnqlcnfsconnfscon sotypenfs send error %d for server %s nfsd send error %d short receive (%d/%d) from nfs server %s %s (%d) from nfs server %s impossible packet lengthEgad!! receive error %d from nfs server %s nfsreply nilis alive againnqnfstrybuild > MLENnot respondingnfsndlcknfs sndunlocknfsrcvlknfs rcvunlockBad kerb verifier Not fullname kerb verifier Kerb nickname short Kerb nick verifier bad nfs server %s: %s build > MLENnfsm_uiotombuf: iovcnt != 1nfs S too bigstruct nfsnode bloated (> %dbytes) Try reducing NFS_SMALLFH struct nfsmount bloated (> %dbytes) Try reducing NFS_MUIDHASHSIZ struct nfssvc_sock bloated (> %dbytes) Try reducing NFS_UIDHASHSIZ struct nfsuid bloated (> %dbytes) Try unionizing the nu_nickname and nu_flag fields nfs getcookie add at 0nfsd initnfsidlnfsauth1nfsauth2nfs_getnickauth verf too smallnfsbuild > MLENroot/root on %s nfs_mountroot: vfs_locknfs_mountroot: getattr for rootroot time: 0x%lx nfs_mountroot: can't setup swap vpswap on device 0x%x swap/swapswap on %s nfs_mountroot: getattr for swapswap size: 0x%lx (blocks) nfs_mountroot: malloc mount for %snfs_mountroot: mget soname for %snfs_mountroot: mount %s failed: %dnfs_args: retrying connect nfsconnfsdismbuild > MLENopen eacces vtyp=%d PXXXXnfs_readdir: lost in spaceEEK! readdirrpc resid > 0 EEK! readdirplusrpc resid > 0 .nfsAxxxx4.4nfs physio/asyncnfsfsyncnfs_fsync: not dirtytag VT_NFS, fileid %ld fsid 0x%lx bwrite: buffer is not busy???dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloc: bad sizeffs_alloc: missing credential file system full %s: write failed, file system is full dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, osize = %d, nsize = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad sizeffs_realloccg: missing credential dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, bprev = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad bprevbad blockno%s: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME %s: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE dev = 0x%x, optim = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad optimdoasyncfreeprtreallocffs_reallocblks: non-clusterffs_reallocblk: start == endrealloc: ino %d, lbns %d-%d old:ffs_reallocblks: alloc mismatch %d, new: mode = 0%o, inum = %d, fs = %s ffs_valloc: dup allocfree inode %s/%d had %d blocks out of inodes %s: create/symlink failed, no inodes free pos = %d, i = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccgblk: cyl groups corruptedffs_alloccgblk: can't find blk in cylffs_clusteralloc: lost blockcg = %d, irotor = %d, fs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: map corruptedfs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: block not in mapdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s blkfree: bad sizebad block %d, ino %d bad blockdev = 0x%x, block = %d, fs = %s blkfree: freeing free blockblkfree: freeing free fragifree: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %s dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %s ifree: freeing free inodestart = %d, len = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: map corruptedbno = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: block not in mapuid %d on %s: %s ffs_balloc: ufs_bmaparray returned indirect block ffs_truncate: partial truncate of symlinkitrunc: newspaceitrunc1itrunc2itrunc3ffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeDisk overlap start %d, end %d overlap start %d, end %ld Disk buffer overlapffs_isblockffs_clrblockffs_setblockffsffs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'sroot_device%s: file system not clean; please fsck(8) ffs_reload: dirty1ffs_reload: dirty2ffs_statfsfs = %s update: rofs moddoclusterreaddoclusterwrite%s: modeffs_read%s: short symlink%s: type %dffs_write%s: nonsync dir write%s: typemfsmfs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'smfs_rootmfs_mount: dup devmfsidlmfs_ioctl not VBLKmfs_strategy: bad devmfs_close: ref count %d > 1 mfs_closemfs_inactive: not inactive (mfs_buflist %p)tag VT_MFS, pid %d, base %p, size %ld mfs_badop called ufs_bmaparray: invalid argumentsufs_bmaparry: indirect block not in cacheufs_ihashins: already lockedffs_inactive: pushing activeffs_inactive: locked inodeufs_reclaim: pushing activemangled entryi_ffs_size too small%s: bad dir ino %d at offset %d: %s bad dirFirst bad Second bad direnter: missing nameufs_direnter2: newblkufs_direnter2: frag sizeufs_direnter2: compact1ufs_direnter2: compact2checkpath: .. not a directory undefinedgroupuser %s: write failed, %s disk limit reached %s: warning, %s %s disk quota exceeded %s: write failed, %s %s disk quota exceeded for too long %s: write failed, %s inode limit reached inode quota exceededinode quota exceeded for too longchkdquot: missing dquotmissing dquotquotaoff: not busyqsync: not busydquotfree dquot isn'tdqsync: dquotdqsync: filedqflush: stray dquotufs_access: not lockedchown: lost quotaufs_link: no nameufs_whiteout: missing nameufs_whiteout: old format filesystemufs_rename: no nameufs_rename: lost from startdirufs_rename: lost to startdirrename: EXDEVrename: same filerename: linked directoryrename: lost dir entryrename: mangled dirufs_mkdir: no nameufs_mkdir: blksizeufs_readdir: lost in spacelocking against myselflockholder (%d) != 0locking by process 0 ufs_unlock: unlocked inodeufs_unlock NOT LOCKEDunlocker (%d) != lock holder (%d)ufs_strategy: spectag VT_UFS, ino %d, on dev %d, %d%s (LOCKED) owner pid %d waiting pid %d <<((ufs_makeinode: no namedev_pager_init() dev_pager_alloc(%p, %lx, %x, %lx) dev_pager_alloc calleddev_pager_alloc: pager %p devp %p object %p dev_pager_setup: bad objectdev_pager_dealloc(%p) dev_pager_dealloc: devp %p object %p dev_pager_getpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) dev_pager_getpage: cannot handle multiple pagesdev_pager_getpage: no map functiondev_pager_getpage: map function returns errordev_pager_putpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) dev_pager_putpage calleddev_pager_haspage(%p, %lx) dev_pager_putfake: bad pagethrd_sleeplock_set_recursive: don't have write locklock_clear_recursive: wrong threadswpg_init() swpg_init: ix %d, size %lx, bsize %x swpg_alloc(%p, %lx, %x) swap_pager_alloc: bad objectswpg_alloc: swpager malloc failed swpg_alloc: sw_blocks malloc failed swpg_alloc: pg_data %p, %x of %x at %p swpg_dealloc(%p) swpgdeallocswpg_dealloc: blk %x swpg_getpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) swap_pager_getpage: page is already faultingswpg_putpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) swpg_haspage(%p, %lx) swpg_haspage: %p bad offset %lx, ix %x %p blk %x+%x -> %c FTswpg_cluster(%p, %lx) swap_pager_cluster: bad offsetreturns [%lx-%lx] swpg_io(%p, %p, %x, %x) swap_pager_io: cannot do ASYNC readsswap_pager_io: cannot do clustered readsswap_pager_io: no swap block on write %s: no available io headers swap_pager_ioswpg_io: rmalloc of %x failed swpg_io: %p alloc blk %x at ix %x %s: no KVA space to map pages swap_pager_io: wait on swbuf for %p (%d) swpgiobufswpg_io: write: bp=%p swp=%p poip=%d swpg_io: %p write %d pages at %x+%lx swpg_io: off=%lx, npg=%x, mask=%x, bmask=%x swpg_io: lost spcswpg_io: bad free spcswpg_io: IO start: bp %p, db %lx, va %lx, pa %lx swpg_io: IO started: bp %p swpgioswpg_io: IO done: bp %p, rv %d swpg_io: IO error swpg_clean(%x) %s: clean of page %lx failed swap_pager_cleanswpg_clean: free spc %p swpg_clean_check: %s: page %p on list, flags %x writereadswpg_clean_checkswpg_iodone(%p) swap_pager_iodone: bp not foundswpg_iodone: bp=%p swp=%p flags=%x spc=%p poip=%x swpg_remove() swap_pager_remove: sw_cnt < 0swpg_next() vm_object_paging_beginthrd_sleepvm_fault: active, inactive or !busy after main loop%s: active or inactive before copy object handlingvm_faultvm_fault: active or inactive before retrying lookupvm_fault: active or inactive before pmap_enterunwire: page not in pmapvm_fault_copy_wired: page missingvm_fork: no more kernel virtual memorynoswapscheduler: running, procp %p pri %d schedulerswapin: pid %d(%s)@%p, pri %d free %d scheduler: no room for pid %d(%s), free %d thrd_sleepscheduler: room again, free %d swapout_threads: no duds, try procp %p swapout: pid %d(%s)@%p, stat %x pri %d free %d cpu_swapout: can't get herethrd_block %:thrd_sleepkmem_suballoc: bad status return of %d. kmem_suballockmem_suballoc: cannot create submapkmem_suballoc: unable to change range to submapkern_malloc_alloc: map != {kmem,mb}_mapkmem_malloc: entry not found or misalignedvm_map_create: out of mapsvm_map_entry_create: bogus mapvm_map_entry_create: out of map entriesvm_map_entry_dispose: bogus mapvm_map_copy_entry: copying over permanent data! vm_map_fork: encountered a submapvm_map_fork: copy in share_map region failed %s map %p: pmap=%p, ref=%d, nentries=%d, version=%d TaskSharemap entry %p: start=%p, end=%p, donate_copynonecopyshareprot=%x/%x/%s, wired, share=%p, offset=%p object=%p, offset=%p, copy (%s)neededdone Z\Y\YXXmmap(%d): addr %lx len %lx pro %x flg %x fd %d pos %lx msync(%d): addr 0x%lx len %lx msync: cleaning/flushing address range [0x%lx-0x%lx) munmap(%d): addr 0%lx len %lx munmapfd(%d): fd %d mprotect(%d): addr 0x%lx len %lx prot %d minherit(%d): addr 0x%lx len %lx inherit %d mlock(%d): addr 0%lx len %lx munlock(%d): addr 0x%lx len %lx vm_mmap(%d): ANON *addr %lx size %lx pager %p vm_mmap: no object: vp %p, pager %p vm_mmap: pmap botch! [foff %lx, addr %lx, paddr %lx] vm_mmap(%d): FILE *addr %lx size %lx pager %p vm_mmap: rv %d vospgwvm_object_paging_begin%s: pager_put error vm_object_page_cleanvm_object_deactivate: I'm sooo confused.vm_object_copy: copy/shadow inconsistencyvm_object_shadow: attempt to shadow null objectvm_object_shadow: no object for shadowingvm_object_cache_clear: I'm sooo confused.vm_object_overlay(0x%p) vm_object_overlay: busy or fake page in backing_objectthrd_sleepvm_object_overlay: pagein needed vm_object_overlay: pager returned %dvm_object_overlay: backing_object->pager remainsvm_object_overlay: we collapsed a copy-object!vm_object_overlay: backing_object still referencedvm_object_collapse: collapsing unreferenced objectObject 0x%p: size=0x%lx, res=%d, ref=%d, pager=%p+0x%lx, shadow=(%p)+0x%lx shadowers=(%s0x%p, ) cache: next=0x%p, prev=0x%p memory:= ...,(off=0x%lx,page=0x%lx)vm_object_set_shadow(object=0x%p, shadow=0x%p) old_shadow=0x%p vm_set_page_size: page size not a power of twopmap_steal_memorypmap_startup: can't get first pagepmap_startup: bad i=0x%xvm_page_insert: already insertedvm_page_remove: page is faultingvm_page_activate: already activevm_page_alloc_memory: alignment must be power of 2vm_page_alloc_memory: boundary must be power of 2vm_page_alloc_memory: page not on freelist%s:%d -- Already 0! ../../../../vm/vm_page.cvm_object_paging_beginpageoutttthrd_sleepno default pagervm_pager_deallocate: null pagervm_pager_remove: null pagervm_pager_next: null pagervm_pager_count: null pagervm_pager_put_pages: null pagervm_pager_has_page: null pagervm_pager_cluster: null pagervm_pager_nullcluster calledpager_mapvm_pager_map_pages: page not busyvm_pager_map_pages: page already in pagervm_pager_unmap_pages: %p(%lx/%lx) not owned vm_pager_atopswapinitswapvpWARNING: no swap space found WARNING: primary swap device not configured swfree errno %d swapinit swfree 0swstrategyswfreeswapswfree miniroot sizeswfree miniroot savePreserved %d blocks of miniroot leaving %d pages of swap sbrk: grow failed, return = %d sbrk: shrink failed, return = %d vm_coredump: %s map %p: pmap=%p, ref=%d, nentries=%d, version=%d TaskSharevm_coredump: entry: share=%p, offset=%p vm_coredump: skipping dev @ 0x%lx vnode_pager_init() vnode_pager_alloc(%p, %lx, %x) vnode_pager_setup: vp %p sz %lx pager %p object %p vnode_pager_dealloc(%p) vnode_pager_getpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) vnode_pager_putpage(%p, %p, %x, %x) vnode_pager_haspage(%p, %lx) vnode_pager_haspage: pg %p, off %lx, size %lx vnode_pager_haspage: BMAP err %d, pg %p, off %lx vnode_pager_cluster(%p, %lx) vnode_pager_cluster: bad offsetreturns [%lx-%lx] vnode_pager_setsize: vp %p obj %p osz %ld nsz %ld vnode_pager_uncache: vnode not locked!vnode_pager_io: cannot handle multiple pagesvnode_pager_io(%p, %p, %c): vnode %p vnode_pager_io: vp %p, off %ld size %ld vnode_pager_io: vp %p kva %lx foff %lx size %x returns error %x, resid %x mainbusno mainbus foundfdwdsduse one of: %s[a-h] %s parsediskboot device: lookup '%s' failed. boot device: %s. root device (default %s%c): swap device boot device not knownroot on %s%c can't figure root, hope your kernel is right \%dconfig_attach: device name too longscsieisamultiWarning: boot device unrecognized: %s %s%d%cdos partition I/O errordisk label I/O errorno disk labeldisk label corruptedbad sector table I/O errorbad sector table corruptedpicaDmaTLBMap: null page framepicaDmaNull called MIPS MagnumAcer Pica-61Deskstation rPC44Deskstation TyneAlgorithmics P-4032memsizebootdevunknownkernel not configured for this system ethaddrosloadoptionsnullprocstartup: TLB code too large0 @real mem = %d startup: cannot allocate buffersavail mem = %d using %d buffers containing %d bytes of memory kernel does not support -c; continuing.. sendsig(%d): sig %d ssp %x usp %x scp %x sendsig(%d): sig %d returns sigreturn: pid %d, scp %x old sp %x ra %x pc %x new sp %x ra %x pc %x err %d z %x System halted. System restart. dumping to dev %x, offset %d dump not yet implementedsdsdc2sdc1scdswc3swc2swc1scldldc2ldc1lldlwc3lwc2lwc1llcacheswrsdrsdlswswlshsblwulwrlhulbulwlwllhlbop37op36op35op34ldrldldaddiudaddibgtzlblezlbnelbeqlcop3cop2cop1cop0luixorioriandisltiusltiaddiuaddibgtzblezbnebeqjaljbcondspecdsra32dsrl32spec75dsll32dsradsrlspec71dsllspec67tnespec65teqtltutlttgeutgedsubudsubdaddudaddsltusltspec51spec50norxororandsubusubadduaddddivuddivdmultudmultdivudivmultumultdsravdsrlvspec25dsllvmtlomflomthimfhisyncspec16breaksyscallspec13spec12jalrjrsravsrlvspec05sllvsrasrlspec01sllbgezallbltzallbgezalbltzaltneiteqitltiutltitgeiutgei?bgezlbltzlbgezbltzfcmp.ngtfcmp.lefcmp.ngefcmp.ltfcmp.nglfcmp.seqfcmp.nglefcmp.sffcmp.ulefcmp.olefcmp.ultfcmp.oltfcmp.ueqfcmp.eqfcmp.unfcmp.ffop2ffop2efop2dfop2cfop2bfop2afop29fop28fop27fop26fop25fcvtwfop23fcvtefcvtdfcvtsfop1ffop1efop1dfop1cfop1bfop1afop19fop18fop17fop16fop15fop14fop13fop12fop11fop10fop0ffop0efop0dfop0cfop0bfop0afop09fop08fnegfmovfabsfsqrtfdivfmpyfsubfaddfmtffmtefmtdfmtcfmtbfmtafmt9fmt8fmt7fmt6fmt5wfmt3edsras8spgpk1k0t9t8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0t7t6t5t4t3t2t1t0a3a2a1a0v1v0atzeroc0op77c0op75c0op74c0op73c0op72c0op71c0op70c0op67c0op66c0op65c0op64c0op63c0op62c0op61c0op60c0op57c0op56c0op55c0op54c0op53c0op52c0op51c0op50c0op47c0op46c0op45c0op44c0op43c0op42c0op41c0op40c0op37c0op36c0op35c0op34c0op33c0op32c0op31eretc0op27c0op26c0op25c0op24c0op23c0op22c0op21rfec0op17c0op16c0op15c0op14c0op13c0op12c0op11tlbpc0op07tlbwrc0op05c0op04c0op03tlbwitlbrc0op00c0r31errepctaghitaglocacheerreccc0r25c0r24c0r23c0r22c0r21xcontextwatchhiwatchlolladrconfigpridepccausesrc0r11tlbhicountbadvaddrc0r7wiredtlbmaskcontexttlblo1tlblo0randomindex  %08x: %08x T0-7 %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x T8-9 %08x %08x A0-4 %08x %08x %08x %08x S0-7 %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x S8 %08x V0-1 %08x %08x GP %08x SP %08x AT %08x PC %08x RA %08x SR %08x Break table full!! Break to remove not found!! %08x Stop break (panic) # %08x # BRK %08x %08x -- %s -- # Debuggerbreak-set at delete at printInstruction at continueStack traceback: dump mod in-byte = %02xhalfword = %04xword = %08xout-tlb-dump flush-tlb LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL\  LLLLLLLLLLLLL   LLLxLLLLLL x mdbsetsstep: breakpoint already set at %x (va %x) can't clear break at %x nopmove %s,%s%s %s,%s,%d %s,%s,%s %s %s,%s %d%s %s,b %s %s,%s,0x%08xbc0%c ftmtc0 %s,%sdmtc0 %s,%smfc0 %s,%sdmfc0 %s,%sbc1%c mtc1 %s,f%dmfc1 %s,f%dctc1 %s,f%dcfc1 %s,f%d%s.%s f%d,f%d,f%d%s 0x%8x%s f%d,%d(%s)li %s,0x%x%s %s,%s,0x%x%s %s,0x%xli %s,%d%s %s,%s,%d\Pllhh(Dllhh444444444 4 4HHHxxHHHLlld4dd$ddddTLB %2d vad 0x%08x TLB*%2d vad 0x%08x 0=0x%08x %c atr %x 1=0x%08x sz=%x mmrwpmap_bootstrap_alloc: called after startup initializedpmap_init(%lx, %lx) pmap_create(%x) pmap_pinit(%x) thrd_sleeppmap_pinit: pm_segtab != 0pmap_destroy(%x) pmap_release(%x) pmap_release: segmap not emptypmap_reference(%x) pmap_remove(%x, %x, %x) pmap_remove: kva not in rangepmap_remove: uva not in rangepmap_page_protect(%x, %x) pmap_protect(%x, %x, %x, %x) pmap_protect: kva not in rangepmap_protect: uva not in rangepmap_page_uncache(%x) pmap_enter(%x, %x, %x, %x, %x) pmap_enter: pmappmap_enter: kvapmap_enter: uvapmap_enter: protpmap_enter: pv %x: was %x/%x/%x pmap_enter: first pv: pmap %x va %x pmap_enter: creating uncached mapping 0x%x, 0x%x. pmap_enter: found va %x pa %x in pv_table but != %x pmap_enter: new pv: pmap %x va %x pmap_enter: kernel wiredpmap_enter: new segmap not emptypmap_enter: new pte %x tlbpid %d pmap_change_wiring(%x, %x, %x) pmap_change_wiringpmap_extract(%x, %x) -> pmap_extractpmap_extract: pa %x pmap_copy(%x, %x, %x, %x, %x) pmap_update() pmap_collect(%x) pmap_zero_page(%x) pmap_copy_page(%x, %x) pmap_pageable(%x, %x, %x, %x) pmap_clear_modify(%x) pmap_clear_reference(%x) pmap_phys_address(%x) pmap_alloc_tlbpid: curproc %d '%s' pmap_alloc_tlbpid: curproc segtab %x tlbpid %d pid %d '%s' pmap_remove_pv(%x, %x, %x) pmap_remove_pv(%x, %x, %x) not found pmap_remove_pvviritual coherency datareserved 30reserved 29reserved 28reserved 27reserved 26reserved 25reserved 24watchreserved 22reserved 21reserved 20reserved 19reserved 18reserved 17reserved 16floating pointviritual coherency instructiontraparithmetic overflowcoprocessor unusablereserved instructionbreakpointsystem callbus error (load or store)bus error (I-fetch)address error (store)address error (load or I-fetch)TLB miss (store)TLB miss (load or instr. fetch)TLB modificationexternal interrupttrap: ktlbmod: invalid ptetrap: ktlbmod: unmanaged pagetrap: utlbmod: invalid segmaptrap: utlbmod: invalid ptetrap: utlbmod: unmanaged pageWarning: can't restore instruction at %x: %x fpintr$J0L0LQQRQRRRRRRRQRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR$KLLLMLM\M\MlMPQpQQRRQset_intr: to high priorityset_intr: int already setXXXXXXtrapDump(%s) %s: ADR %x PC %x CR %x SR %x RA %x SP %x code %d MachEmulateBranch: Bad branch condp[[\\4\d\\\4]4]4]4]4]4]4]4]4]\4]4]4\d\\\[[[[\\\\\\\\\\\\[[[[SS %s (%d): breakpoint already set at %x (va %x) stackframe count exceeded SP 0x%x: not in kernel MachKernIntr+%x: (%x, %x ,%x) ------- <>PC 0x%x: not in kernel %s+%x (%x,%x,%x,%x) ra %x sz %d stacktrace: loop! User-level: pid %d User-level: curproc NULL c\c\c\c\c\c\c\cLdLdldldldldldld@c@c@c@cldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldlddccccdldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldd4dcpu_switchidlesplxMachUserIntrMachKernIntrMachUserGenExceptionMachKernGenExceptioninterrupt%xcpu_fork: curprocpagemovevmapbufvmapbuf: null page framevunmapbufMicrosoft-JazzDESKTECH-ARCStation IDESKTECH-TYNEPICA-61ttttttttUNIDENTIFIED ARC SYSTEM `????????' VENDOR `sid->vendor'. Please contact OpenBSD (www.openbsd.org). Loading miniroot: Error %d. Load failed! . Loaded. atapibusSW03DALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. DC544C1.14UJDCD8730SANYO CRD-256P1.02SANYO CRD-254P4.21NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:2733.04NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:2601.06MATSHITA CR-5741.00GCD-R580Bdirectcdromopticalunknownremovablefixed%s drive %d: <%s, %s, %s> ATAPI %d/%s %s drive %d: <%s, %s> ATAPI %d/%s %s %s: can't allocate link for drive %d atapicmdatapi_exec_io: no pkt , retry #%d getpktatapi_get_pkt: cannot allocate pkt media change requested command aborted end of media illegal length indication , command: %2xrecovered errornot readymedium errorhardware errorillegal requestunit attentiondata protectaborted commandmiscompareunexpected sense key %02xЈtԇLl%s(%s:%d): probeacd %s: can't MODE SENSE: acd_get_mode failed %s: %d/%dKb/sec, %dKb cache, audio play, %d volume levels%s: disabling door locks. acdlckacdstart: null acd acdstart: null ad_link %s: not queuedacdioctl: impossibleATAPI CD-ROMfictitiousmainbus cpupicaalgorpbcpcibrisabrcan never mb_intr_establishcan never mb_intr_disestablishcpu: MIPS R2000 CPUMIPS R3000 CPUMIPS R6000 CPUMIPS R4400 CPUMIPS R4000 CPULSI Logic R3000 derivateMIPS R6000A CPUIDT R3000 derivateMIPS R10000 CPUNEC VR4200 CPU (ICE)NEC VR4300 CPUMIPS R8000 Blackbird/TFP CPUQED R4600 Orion CPUQED R4700 Orion CPUToshiba R3000 based CPUQED RM5230 based CPUUnknown CPU type (0x%x) Rev. %d.%d with Software emulation floatMIPS R2360 FPCMIPS R2010 FPCMIPS R3010 FPCMIPS R6010 FPCMIPS R4010 FPCFPCMIPS R10000 FPUNEC VR4200 FPC (ICE)MIPS R8000 Blackbird/TFPQED R4600 Orion FPCQED R4700 Orion FPCToshiba R3000 based FPCMIPS R5000 based FPCQED RM5230 based FPCUnknown FPU type (0x%x) Rev. %d.%d Primary cache size: %dkb Instruction, %dkb Data. Two way set associative. Direct mapped. Missing L2 cache or Snooping L2 cache. No Snooping L2 cache!   ԫ4H\ԫԫԫԫpԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫԫ0DXl\\Ь\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  4\\\\Hpicacompmspcascsonicfdclptdallas_rtc %s at %s slot %ld offset 0x%lxpica intr already setuncaught PICA intr for slot %d isabr isabrattach: unkown cputype!isa%s at %s isa_io_base 0x%lx isa_mem_base 0x%lxisa_intr_establish: can't malloc handler infointr_establish: bogus irq or typeintr_establish: can't share %s with %sisa: spurious interrupt. snsonic: bufsize %d address %s %s: Tx - timeout %s: Tx - lost interrupt %s: tx too many fragments %d sonic: CAM initialisation failed sonic: CAM initialisation without interrupt sonic: unexpected interrupt status 0x%x sonic: no heartbeat sonic: receive descriptors exhausted sonic: receive buffers exhausted sonic: receive buffer area exhausted sonic: receive FIFO overrun xmit status=0x%x len=%d type=0x%x from %s (to %s) sn ../../../../arch/arc/dev/if_sn.cmtdhead == mtdnextmtdhead->mtd_link == 0sonic: more than one packet in RBA! PSNSEQ(SRD(rxp->seq_no)) == 0SRD(rxp->pkt_ptrhi) == SRD(p_rra[orra].buff_ptrhi)SRD(rxp->pkt_ptrlo) == SRD(p_rra[orra].buff_ptrlo)%x,%x SRD(p_rra[orra].buff_wclo)rcvd 0x%x status=0x%x, len=%d type=0x%x from %ssonic: invalid packet length %d bytes getxscannot allocate scsi xs could not get size scsi_execute_xs: NOSLEEP and POLLscsi_scsi_cmdscsi_execute_xs: invalid return codescsi_execute_xs: impossiblescsi_scsi_cmd: buffer without nosleepscbusyunknown error category from scsi driver X` DEFERRED ERROR, key = 0x%x error code %d at block no. %d (decimal) \%s(%s:%d:%d): probeReservedMiscompare ErrorVolume OverflowEqual ErrorAborted CommandCopy AbortedVendor UniqueBlank CheckWrite ProtectedUnit AttentionIllegal RequestHardware ErrorMedia ErrorNot ReadySoft ErrorNo Additional Sense|h@(xT<(|D pL(  п     T ,̾hP0   Ľ lD(ܼļX8d<Ժt<d@ ̸lT 4!!"ķ$%&p&X&@&'(()*|*d*L+,,,-/l0L0(00ܴ1Ĵ122l3X687$9:;ܳ;;;T;D;8;;;; в; ; ; p; P;4=>????h@HA BCܰDİEFG|HPI8J$KLNȯPPPtQdRTS8S$STUȮWXYtZ<ZZZح[ȭ[[[|\h\P\4`$a aabȬcdIllegal Mode For This TrackEnd Of User Area Encountered On This TrackScan Head Positioning ErrorOut Of FocusUnable To Acquire VideoVideo Acquisition ErrorLamp FailureSpindles Not SynchronizedSpindles SynchronizedRPL Status ChangeLog List Codes ExhaustedLog Counter At MaximumThreshold Condition MetLog ExceptionOperator Selected Write PermitOperator Selected Write ProtectOperator Medium Removal RequestedOperator Request or State Change Input (Unspecified)Updated Block ReadGeneration Does Not ExistUnable To Recover Table-Of-ContentsSystem Resource FailureSCSI To Host System Interface FailureMedium Removal PreventedUnload Tape FailureMedia Load or Eject FailedCartridge FaultErase FailurePosition Error Related To TimingWrite Append Position ErrorWrite Append ErrorOverlapped Commands AttemptedLogical Unit Failed Self-ConfigurationData Phase ErrorCommand Phase ErrorInvalid Message ErrorINITIATOR DETECTED ERROR Message ReceivedSCSI Parity ErrorUnsuccessful Soft ResetSelect Or Reselect FailureInternal Target FailureMessage ErrorPower-On or Self-Test FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Data Path FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)RAM FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)INQUIRY Data Has ChangedChanged Operating DefinitionMicrocode Has ChangedTarget Operating Conditions Have ChangedLogical Unit Has Not Self-Configured YetInvalid Bits In IDENTFY MessageMedium Source Element EmptyMedium Destination Element FullPosition Past Beginning Of MediumPosition Past End Of MediumRead Past Begining Of MediumRead Past End Of MediumReposition ErrorFailed To Sense Bottom-Of-FormFailed To Sense Top-Of-FormPaper JamSlew FailureTape or Electronic Vertical Forms Unit Not ReadyTape Position Error At End-of-MediumTape Position Error At Beginning-of-MediumPositioning ErrorMedium Not PresentSaving Parameters Not SupportedRounded ParameterRibbon, Ink, or Toner FailureTape Length ErrorDefect List Update FailureNo Defect Spare Location AvailableFormat Command FailedMedium Format CorruptedCleaning Cartridge InstalledCannot Read Medium - Incompatible FormatCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatIncompatible Medium InstalledCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorOverwrite Error On Update In PlaceInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedToo Many Windows SpecifiedCommand Sequence ErrorCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectLog Parameters ChangedMode Parameters ChangedParameters ChangedPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredImport Or Export Element AccessedNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Threshold Parameters Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidParameter Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListLogical Unit Not SupportedIllegal Field in CDBIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Invalid Element AddressLogical Block Address Out of RangeInvalid Command Operation CodeRecovered ID with ECCMiscompare During Verify OperationGrown Defect List Not FoundPrimary Defect List Not FoundDefect List Not FoundSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorParameter List Length ErrorDefect List Error in Grown ListDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Not AvailableDefect List ErrorRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data With LECRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedData Synchronization Mark ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumMechanical Positioning ErrorRandom Positioning ErrorBlock Sequence ErrorEnd-Of-Data Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundRecord Not FoundRecorded Entity Not FoundAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite the DataUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentMiscorrected ErrorNo Gap FoundIncomplete Block FoundData Resynchronization ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedMultiple Read ErrorsError Too Long To CorrectRead Retried ExhaustedUnrecovered Read ErrorID CRC Or ECC ErrorWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite ErrorError Log OverflowSpindle Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureTracking Servo FailureTrack Following ErrorLogical Unit Communication Parity ErrorLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication FailureMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedNo Reference Position FoundLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableExcessive Write ErrorsNo Write CurrentPeripheral Device Write FaultNo Seek CompleteNo Index/Sector SignalNo Current Audio Status To ReturnAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation In ProgressI/O Process TerminatedEnd-Of-Data DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedFilemark DetectedNo Additional Sense InformationDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02xCheck Condition on opcode %x SENSE KEY: %s %c Filemark Detected%c EOM Detected%c Incorrect Length Indicator Set INFO FIELD: %d COMMAND INFO: %d (0x%x) ASC/ASCQ: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x SKSV: %s Additional Sense Information (byte %d out...): %2d: %2d: 0x%02x%s, Error in %s, Offset %d, bit %dCDBParametersError in %s, Offset %dActual Retry Count: %dProgress Indicator: %d(pUser command with no buf User command with no ioctl host adapter code inconsistency unknown error category from host adapter code luser_strat: No ioctl physio split the request.. cannot proceed cmdlen too big scistrscsi_do_ioctl: impossiblescsibusscsibus at %s: %d targets scsibusattach: can't allocate target linksscsibusattach: can't allocate lun linksV1.9SuperVista S-12 UMAX AT3 1.60 ULTIMA 02.2Model 3200 01.7Model 2600 02.4Model 1300 WangDAT 5150ES SCSI5099ES SCSIWANGTEK Python 28454-XXX2.2GVIPER 1500 21247VIPER 150 21247ARCHIVE TDC 3600 TANDBERGSDT-5200 3.SDT-5000 2.09SDT-2000 EXB-8200 EXABYTE TK50 TZ30 CP150 CALIPER FC-1TEACG0661467ZIP 100IOMEGAjaz 1GBiomega6027MK538FB ST296N ST296 ST157N ST125N SEAGATE RO3000S RODIME PD210S SUN0207PD1225S P105S 910-10-94xLPS525S QUANTUM 0307D3847 SnapLink MST LXT-200S LXT-213S SUN0207LXT-213S XT-8760SXT-4170S MXT-1240S XT-4380S XT-3280 MAXTOR DFRSS2FKZ-C0664IBM0663HIBM 0662SIBMRAID CP16CP15DK515CHITACHIA00MD21/S2 ESDIEMULEX RZ55 (C) DECDEC 1588-15MBSUN0669MICROP 3.30MOS321 DELTIS 0800M2513AFUJITSU3.08OMD-5010 EPSON 1.04CD-ROM DM-3x1SShinaKen1755XM-4101TASUNSLCDTOSHIBA 1.10CD-ROM DM-XX24 KTEXEL 1.0BCD-ROM CD-56S 1.06CD-ROM TEAC CD-ROM CDU-8012 CD-ROM CDU-8003ACD-ROM CDU-55S CD-ROM CDU-541 SONY 1.01CD-ROM DR-124X PIONEER CD-ROM DRIVE:8411.0CD-ROM DRIVE:210CD-ROM DRIVE:84 CD-ROM DRIVE:83 CD-ROM DRIVE:55 NEC 1.3CDR-H93MV MEDIAVISRENO CD-ROMX2A MEDAVIS 1.0bCD-ROM CR-5XX MATSHITA2.06CDD521/10 IMS C4324/C4325 HP VDRD-25X DENON CD-ROM CDS-535 CD-ROM CDS-525 Chinon CD-ROM CDS-431 CHINON %s offlinescsibusprint: impossible qualifiervendor-uniquedirectsequentialprinterprocessorcdromwormscanneropticalchangercommunicationscsibusprint: impossible device typeunknown targ %d lun %d: <%s, %s, %s> SCSI%d %d/%s %s%sremovablefixed4$DTdtDECTZ30TK50 not configured cd cdlck%s: not queuedcdioctl: impossibleSCSI diskfictitioussd %s: drive offline %ldMB, %d cyl, %d head, %d sec, %d bytes/sec, %ld sec total sdlck%s: not queued, error %d sdioctl: impossibleSCSI opticalSCSI diskfictitious%s: mode sense (%d) returned nonsense%s: could not mode sense (4/5); using fictitious geometry ????5150ES SCSI FA1501 AT4000s HP 263HEXB-8200 EXABYTE Model 1300 WangDAT 5525ES SCSI REV75150ES SCSI5099ES SCSIWANGTEK VIPER 150 21247DMT780 ANRITSU CP525 SANKYO VIPER 2525 25462ARCHIVE TDC 3800 TDC 3600 TANDBERG st %s: %srogue, drive empty density code 0x%x, %d-bytevariable blocks, write-%s protectedenabled%s: already open %s: cannot set selected mode 88888877777777777777788%s: bad request, must be multiple of %d %s: bad request, must be between %d and %d %s: not queued >>>4?0?d?|? %s: %dMB, %d cyl, %d head, %d sec, %d bytes/sec (%dKB cache) %s: using %d-sector %d-bit pio transfers, lba addressing chs addressing wdc_xferwdlckwdsetctlr: geometry upload failedwdioctl: impossiblewddump: recal failedwddump: write failedwddump: timeout waiting for ready %s: %s elink_reset: can't allocate state storageep_isa_probe: can't allocate state storageep_isa_probe: can't map Etherlink ID port ep_isa_probe: ignoring model %04x ep_isa_attach: can't map i/o space: 3Com 3C509 Ethernet : unknown 3Com Ethernet card: %04x clockdallas_rtcunknown CPUclockattach: it didn't get here. really. WARNING: preposterous time in file systemWARNING: preposterous clock chip time WARNING: clock %s %d dayslostgained -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! : mc146818 or compatible don't know how to set up for other system types.%d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d pcpmskbd_cmd: input char %x lost pc: timeout updating leds pc: timeout updating typematic rate picapcprobe: command error pcprobe: reset error %d : %s colormonopcioctl: impossible pcputcHHHHH@XHHHH4,hHHHHHlHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH$HHHHHHHkeycode %d pmsreabt(bt probe)%s: bt_cmd, host not idle(0x%x) %s: bt_cmd, cmd/data port full %s: bt_cmd, cmd/data port empty %d %s: bt_cmd, host not finished(0x%x) %s: scsibus btattach: bt_find of %s failed%s: mbi not in round-robin order %s: bad mbi ccb pointer; skipping %s: bad mbi status %02x; skipping btccbbtbuf%s: exiting ccb not allocated! should call debugger here (bt742a.c)%s: host_stat %x %s: target_stat %x bt_find: illegal bus type %c bt_find: illegal drq setting %x bt_find: illegal irq setting %x 3.31%s: %s, %s syncasyncparityno parity%s targ %d: sync, offset %d, period %dnsec 542B: model BT-%s, firmware %s %s: bt_scsi_cmd, out of bufs %d of %d left. timed out AGAIN com: ns16550a, working fifo : ns16550, broken fifo : ns8250 or ns16450, no fifo %s: console edWD8003SWD8003EWD8003EBWD8003WWD8013EBTWD8013WWD8013EPWD8003EPWD8013WCWD8013EBPWD8013EPCSMC8216/SMC8216CSMC8216TSMC8416C/SMC8416BTSMC8416T%s: irq mismatch; kernel configured %d != board configured %d %s: %s does not have soft configuration %s: failed to clear shared memory at %x - check configuration ,DFF?,h.X?4@AA8B4F`FFh.h.FDE|FFF F0B\FxFDD h.8h.dFFtEh.DF@FlFEFFF_DdevopndeviodevwaitdevindevoutdeviocdevclsP |KP[P[K,XXH[H[H[N@RHh.4U`VP[WP[P[DP[|P[P[P[P[0P[\P[P[h.h. 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%shostname-shshpdksh[testexprmvsleepsedpppdmkdirmtrmtipmount_kernfsmount_mfsnewfsinitsortchmodcutelf2ecoffgzcatgunzipgzipcpedhaltrebootmount_ffsftprouteslattachmknodchatscsifsck_ffsfsckrshmount_msdosumountegrepfgrepgrepfdiskmount_nfsmorelesslsifconfigchgrpchowncatpingcpiotarpaxdisklabellnsttyrestorevibuildsyncmount_ext2fsmountdfmount_cd9660ddskipseekofobsifibsfilescountconvcbsbsout of memoryunknown operand %sno value specified for %s%s: illegal argument combination or already setbs supersedes ibs and obsrecord operations require cbscbs cannot be zerocbs meaningless if not doing record operationsbuffer sizes cannot be zerobuffer sizes cannot be greater than %useek offsets cannot be larger than %qdunblockucasesyncswabosyncoldibmoldebcdicoldasciinotruncnoerrorlcaseibmebcdicblockascii,unknown conversion %s%s: illegal conversion combination%s%s: illegal numeric value%s: %s%s: short input record    [.<(+!&]$*);^-/|,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr~stuvwxyz{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@O{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|JZ_myjС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx    .<(+|&!$*);~-/,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr^stuvwxyz[]{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|ཚmyO_ !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwxjJ7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwxstdin%sfiles is not supported for non-tape devicesstdoutinput bufferoutput buffer%s: end of device%s: short write on character device%s: short write on tape device%u+%u records in %u+%u records out %u odd length swab %s blockblocks%u truncated %s %qd bytes transferred in %ld secs (%qd bytes/sec) %sskip reached end of inputupdateunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotaego:Rcd9660%s: Filesystem not supported by kernel%sppppppppppppppppppphppppppppppppppppppp$ppppppp,usage: mount_cd9660 [-egrt] [-o options] special node ,-o %s: option not supportedhiklnPt:only one -t option may be specified.-i is incompatible with -Pretrieving information on mounted file systems%s%s is not a local file system%s mounted as a %s file systemXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXempty type list@@/A@A@/AemBA CemB4&kC C 0B %5.0f%cBKMGTPE %5.1f%c$@%-*.*s %*ld %8ld %8ld %5.0f%% %7ld %7ld %5.0f%% %s Y@Y@Y@Y@ Size%-*.*s %s Used Avail CapacityFilesystem1K-blocks%-*.*s %s Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %%iused Mounted on 1024-blocks 512-blocks%-*.*s %s Used Available Capacity Mounted on %-*.*s %*ld %10ld %11ld %5d%% %s df: %qd: %s usage: df [-iklnP] [-t type] [file | file_system ...] ffslfsext2fsunionsynchronousroot file systemread-onlywith quotasnosuidnoexecnodevnoaccesstimenoatimelocalexported read-onlyanon uid mappingNFS exportedkerberos uid mappingexported to the worldasynchronousffsAadfo:rwt:uvonly one -t option may be specified.rorwrqnoautogetmntinfounknown special file or file system %s.can't find fstab entry for %s.%s: unknown special file or file system.%s has unknown file system type.:@nfs/var/run/mountd.pidr%dsignal mountd,/usr/sbin/sbinrealpath %s/statfs %s%s on %s type %.*s: %s already mountedforceupdatemount_%sexec: mount_%s %s fork%s/mount_%sexec %s for %swaitpid%s: %s%s on %s type %.*s%s%s (, %sunknown flag%s %#xs) empty type list%s,%s-ousage: mount %s %s mount %s mount %s [-dfruvw] [-o options] [-t ffs | external_type]special node[-adfruvw] [-t ffs | external_type][-dfruvw] special | nodeufs%s: fstab uses outdated type 'ufs' -- fix please%s: fstab type %s != disklabel type %s,-o %s: option not supportedupdateunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotao:ext2fsmount table fullspecified device does not match mounted devicefilesystem not supported by kernel%s on %s: %susage: mount_ext2fs [-o options] special node ,-o %s: option not supported@(#)cl_bsd.c 8.29 (Berkeley) 7/1/96@(#)cl_funcs.c 10.50 (Berkeley) 9/24/96smcuprmcupError: move: l(%u) c(%u) o(%u)xterm]0;%s%susage: ex [-eFRrSsv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] usage: vi [-eFlRrSv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] @(#)cl_main.c 10.36 (Berkeley) 10/14/96TERMunknown]0;%s/dev/ttytcgetattr%s: No terminal database found %s: %s: unknown terminal type signal-reset%s:%s @(#)cl_read.c 10.15 (Berkeley) 9/24/96CCCACinputlines=%lucolumns=%lu@(#)cl_screen.c 10.49 (Berkeley) 9/24/96016|Vi's standard input and output must be a terminalTERMLINESCOLUMNS%s%s: unknown terminal typetcgetattrtcsetattrcupsmsormsoelcuu1%lu@(#)cl_term.c 10.22 (Berkeley) 9/15/96cursor upkkcuu1cursor rightlkcuf1delete to end of screendGkedscroll upkripage upkpppage downknpcursor lefthkcub1delete lineddkdl1insert at cursorikich1go to sol^khomego to eol$kllscroll downkinddelete to eolDkelcursor downjkcud1delete characterxkdch1insert lineOkil1lakahajakf%d233|This terminal has no %s keyfunction key %dstderr%s046|messages not turned on: %s045|messages not turned off: %sTERMlinestigetnum: linescolstigetnum: colsLINESCOLUMNS@(#)cut.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96`phpppxpppppp@(#)delete.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 10/23/96002|Line length overflow@(#)ex.c 10.57 (Berkeley) 10/10/96script 170|Interrupted!#&*<=>@~080|Unknown command name1bca1082|%s: command not available in ex mode083|Count may not be zero084|%s: bad line specification085|Internal syntax table error (%s: %s)lr086|Usage: %s088|Flag offset to before line 1089|Flag offset past end-of-file090|@ with range running when the file/screen changed091|Global/v command running when the file/screen changed092|Ex command failed: pending commands discarded093|Ex command failed: mapped keys discarded\\\\\\TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTdTTTTTTTTTTTT(TTTTTTTTTTTTLTTTԫ<<((((094|The second address is smaller than the firstԼԼ$0123456789'\/?.+-^095|No mark name supplied096|\ not followed by / or ?097|Reference to a line number less than 0Xddddddddddd098|The %s command is unknown099|Address value overflow100|Address value underflow101|Illegal address combination102|Illegal address: only %lu lines in the file103|Illegal address: the file is empty104|The %s command doesn't permit an address of 0(Xl@(#)ex_abbrev.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96105|No abbreviations to display106|Abbreviations must end with a "word" character107|Abbreviations may not contain tabs or spaces108|Abbreviations may not mix word/non-word characters, except at the end109|"%s" is not an abbreviation@(#)ex_append.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 10/23/96 273|Entering ex input mode.@(#)ex_args.c 10.16 (Berkeley) 7/13/96111|No more files to edit112|No previous files to edit113|No previous files to rewind114|No file list to display %s%s%s[]@(#)ex_argv.c 10.26 (Berkeley) 9/20/96echo 115|No previous command to replace "!"116|No filename to substitute for %%117|No filename to substitute for #./%s304|Shell expansion failed289|Shell expansions not supported when the secure edit option is setpiperfdopenvfork-c118|Error: execl: %s119|I/O error: %s@(#)ex_at.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)ex_bang.c 10.33 (Berkeley) 9/23/96!!%s 303|File modified since last write.! @(#)ex_cd.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 8/12/96120|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to overrideHOME121|Unable to find home directory location%s/%s122|New current directory: %s%s@(#)ex_cmd.c 10.20 (Berkeley) 10/10/96replace previous RE with previous replacement string,[line [,line]] ~ [cgr] [count] [#lp]~display different screens of the file[line] z [-|.|+|^|=] [count] [flags]3c01zcopy lines to a cut buffer[line [,line]] ya[nk] [buffer] [count]bcayankexit[line [,line]] x[it][!] [file]xitwrite the file and exit[line [,line]] wq[!] [>>] [file]wqwrite the file and switch to the next file[line [,line]] wn[!] [>>] [file]wnwrite the file[line [,line]] w[rite][!] [ !cmd | [>>] [file]]writedisplay vi key usage statement[viu]sage [key]viusageedit another file (from vi mode only)[Vv]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode[line] vi[sual] [-|.|+|^] [window_size] [flags]2c11visualdisplay the program version informationversionexecute a global command on lines NOT matching an RE[line [,line]] v [;/]RE[;/] [commands]vdelete an input or command mapunm[ap][!] word!w1runmapdelete an abbreviationuna[bbrev] wordunabbreviateundo the most recent changeu[ndo]undorun the tcl interpreter with the commandtc[l] cmdtcldiscard all tagstagt[op][!]tagtopmove to the previous tagtagpr[ev][!]tagprevreturn to the previous group of tagstagp[op][!] [number | file]tagpopmove to the next tagtagn[ext][!]tagnextedit the file containing the tag[Tt]a[g][!] [string]!w1otag[line [,line]] t line [flags]tsu[spend][!]suspendsuspend the edit sessionst[op][!]stopread a file of ex commandsso[urce] filef1rsourcesuspend editing and run a shellsh[ell]shellset options (use ":set all" to see all options)se[t] [option[=[value]]...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]wNsetrun a shell in a screensc[ript][!] [file]scriptsubstitute on lines matching an RE[line [,line]] s [[/;]RE[/;]repl[/;] [cgr] [count] [#lp]]re-edit all the files in the file argument listrew[ind][!]rewindgrow or shrink the current screenresize [+-]rowsc+resizerecover a saved filerecover[!] filerecoverappend input from a command or file to the line[line] r[ead] [!cmd | [file]]readexit ex/viq[uit][!]quitappend a cut buffer to the line[line] pu[t] [buffer]putedit the previous file in the file argument list[Pp]rev[ious][!]previouspreserve an edit session for recoverypre[serve]preserverun the perl interpreter with the command, on each lineperld[o] cmdperldorun the perl interpreter with the commandpe[rl] cmdperldisplay lines[line [,line]] p[rint] [count] [#l]printenter "open" mode (not implemented)[line] o[pen] [/RE/] [flags]openchange display to number lines[line [,line]] nu[mber] [count] [l]numberedit (and optionally specify) the next file[Nn][ext][!] [+cmd] [file ...]!fNnextwrite a .exrc filemkexrc[!] file!f1rmkexrcmap input or commands to one or more keysmap[!] [keys replace]!Wmap[line] ma[rk] keymarkmove lines elsewhere in the file[line [,line]] m[ove] linelmovedisplay lines in an unambiguous form[line [,line]] l[ist] [count] [#]listmark a line position[line] k keykjoin lines into a single line[line [,line]] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]!ca1joininsert input before a line[line] i[nsert][!]insertdisplay help statementhe[lp]helpexecute a global command on lines matching an RE[line [,line]] g[lobal][!] [;/]RE[;/] [commands]globalbring a backgrounded screen into the foreground[Ff]g [file]fgdisplay (and optionally set) file namef[ile] [name]filedisplay ex command usage statement[exu]sage [command]w1oexusage[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]exbegin editing another file[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]f1oeditdisplay buffers, connections, screens or tagsdisplay b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]w1rdisplaydelete lines from the file[line [,line]] d[elete][flags] [buffer] [count] [flags]bca1deletecreate a set of tags using a cscope commandcs[cope] command [args]!scscopecopy lines elsewhere in the file[line [,line]] co[py] line [flags]l1copychd[ir][!] [directory]chdirchange the current directorycd[!] [directory]!f1ocdchange lines to input[line [,line]] c[hange][!] [count]!cachangeput a foreground screen into the backgroundbgdisplay file argument listar[gs]argsspecify an input abbreviationab[brev] [word replace]Wabbreviateappend input to a line[line] a[ppend][!]append@ [buffer]@shift lines right[line [,line]] >[>...] [count] [flags]>display line number[line] = [flags]1=shift lines left[line [,line]] <[<...] [count] [flags]<execute a buffer* [buffer]b*repeat the last subsitution[line [,line]] & [cgr] [count] [#lp]s&display numbered lines[line [,line]] # [count] [l]ca1#filter lines through commands or run commands[line [,line]] ! commandS!scroll lines^D@(#)ex_cscope.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 9/15/96Discard all current cscope connectionsresetkill numberKill a cscope connectionkillhelp [command]Show help for cscope commandshelpfind c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t buffer|pattern c: find callers of name d: find all function calls made from name e: find pattern f: find files with name as substring g: find definition of name i: find files #including name s: find all uses of name t: find assignments to nameQuery the databases for a patternfindadd file | directoryAdd a new cscope databaseadd309|Use "cscope help" for helpCSCOPE_DIRS :%s/%scscope.outcscope.tpath%s:pipevforkcd '%s' && exec cscope -dl -f %s/bin/shsh-cexecl: %swr310|No cscope connections running%d%s 278|No matches for querysgdct efi311|%s: unknown search type: use one of %scscope: %d lines%1[ ]%s: "%s" %s doesn't match any cscope command Command: %s (%s) Usage: %s cscope commands: %*s: %s 312|%d: no such cscope session1No cscope connections. %2d %s (process %lu) @(#)ex_delete.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)ex_display.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 4/10/96buffersconnectionsscreenstags123|No cut buffers to displaydefault buffer********** %s%s (line mode) (character mode) @(#)ex_edit.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)ex_equal.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96%ld @(#)ex_file.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 7/12/96@(#)ex_filter.c 10.34 (Berkeley) 10/23/96piperfdopenvfork-cexecl: %sfilterforkwparent-writerfilter read@(#)ex_global.c 10.22 (Berkeley) 10/10/96124|The %s command can't be used as part of a global or v commandpp@(#)ex_init.c 10.26 (Berkeley) 8/12/96/etc/vi.exrcNEXINITEXINITHOME%s/%s.nexrc.exrc125|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root126|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you127|%s/%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner128|%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root129|%s: not sourced: not owned by you130|%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner@(#)ex_join.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96131|No following lines to join.?!@(#)ex_map.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 3/6/96132|No input map entries133|No command map entries134|The %s character may not be remapped135|"%s" isn't currently mapped@(#)ex_mark.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96136|Mark names must be a single character@(#)ex_mkexrc.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 3/6/96.exrc137|%s exists, not written; use ! to override%swabbreviate map map! 138|New exrc file: %s@(#)ex_move.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96139|Destination line is inside move range@(#)ex_open.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96140|The open command requires that the open option be set141|The open command is not yet implemented@(#)ex_perl.c 8.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96306|Vi was not loaded with a Perl interpreter@(#)ex_preserve.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 4/27/96142|Preservation of this file not possible143|File preserved@(#)ex_print.c 10.18 (Berkeley) 5/12/96%6ld TOOBIG $ [ynq]%c@(#)ex_put.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_quit.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)ex_read.c 10.38 (Berkeley) 8/12/96!!%s ! r%s145|Only regular files and named pipes may be read146|%s: read lock was unavailable147|Reading...148|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters@(#)ex_screen.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 6/29/96149|No background screens to display @(#)ex_script.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 9/24/96150|The script command is only available in vi modetcgetattrptyforkTERMemacsTERMCAPemacs:EMACSt-iexecl: %sselectError: timed outError: shell: EOFshell151|No command to execute script-shellttypqrs0123456789abcdef@(#)ex_set.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_shell.c 10.38 (Berkeley) 8/19/96%s -i vfork-cexecl: %swaitpid%.*s%s: received signal: %s%s ...; core dumped%.*s%s: exited with status %dFilesize limit exceededCputime limit exceededWindow size changesVirtual timer expiredUser defined signal 2User defined signal 1Urgent I/O conditionStopped (tty output)Stopped (tty input)SuspendedTrace/BPT trapTerminatedBad system callSuspended (signal)Segmentation faultQuitProfiling timer expiredBroken pipeKilledIOT trapI/O possibleInterruptInformation requestIllegal instructionHangupFloating point exceptionEMT trapContinuedChild exitedBus errorAlarm clockAbort trapUnknown signal: %d@(#)ex_shift.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/15/96152|shiftwidth option set to 0@(#)ex_source.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 8/10/96%s@(#)ex_stop.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_subst.c 10.37 (Berkeley) 9/15/96153|Count overflow155|Regular expression specified; r flag meaningless156|The #, l and p flags may not be combined with the c flag in vi mode169|Confirm change? [n]157|No match found44DXllllllllll [[:<:]][[:>:]]^.[]$*([ ]|/\*([^*]|\*/)*\*/)*\^.[]$*+?()|{}RE error: %sd#&&&&&&&&&##########&&&&&&&&&&&p&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&p&&&&&&&|&&&&&&&&&&@(#)ex_tag.c 10.36 (Berkeley) 9/15/96158|No previous tag entered282|Already at the last tag of this group255|Already at the first tag of this group159|Less than %s entries on the tags stack; use :display t[ags]160|No file %s on the tags stack to return to; use :display t[ags]292|Display too small.%2d ... %*.*s %*.*s*%s%.*s 164|%s: the tag's line number is past the end of the file165|The tags stack is empty166|%s: search pattern not found162|%s: tag not found%s 163|%s: corrupted tag in %smunmapclose%s/%s@(#)ex_tcl.c 8.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96302|Vi was not loaded with a Tcl interpreter@(#)ex_txt.c 10.17 (Berkeley) 10/10/96\\4c^\P\\\\\P\_`bbbbp]bbb]bbbbbbb_%c%6lu %.*s@(#)ex_undo.c 10.6 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_usage.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 5/3/96To see the list of vi commands, enter ":viusage" To see the list of ex commands, enter ":exusage" For an ex command usage statement enter ":exusage [cmd]" For a vi key usage statement enter ":viusage [key]" To exit, enter ":q!" The %.*s command is unknown Command: %s Usage: %s ^D%*s: %s The %s key has no current meaning Key:%s%s Usage: %s %s @(#)ex_util.c 10.23 (Berkeley) 6/19/96167|%d more files to edit168|Buffer %s is empty144|%s: expanded into too many file names283|The %s command requires the ex terminal interface272|That form of %s requires the ex terminal interface274|Command failed, no file read in yet.173|The %s command requires that a file have already been read in171|No previous buffer to execute172|No previous regular expression230|This screen may not be suspended290|The %s command is not supported when the secure edit option is set284|That form of %s is not supported when the secure edit option is set174|Usage: %svvw4wLwwwwx,xDx@(#)ex_version.c 10.31 (Berkeley) 8/22/96Version 1.79 (10/23/96) The CSRG, University of California, Berkeley.@(#)ex_visual.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 6/28/96175|The visual command requires that the open option be set%luz%c%lu%luz%c @(#)ex_write.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 7/12/96! 253|Writing...%s@(#)ex_yank.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_z.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96---------------------------------------- @(#)exf.c 10.49 (Berkeley) 10/10/96/tmp%s/vi.XXXXXX237|Unable to create temporary file238|Warning: %s is not a regular file%s239|%s already locked, session is read-only%s/%s-c option240|%s: remove241|%s: close242|%s: remove243|%s: remove244|Read-only file, not written; use ! to override245|Read-only file, not written246|%s exists, not written; use ! to override247|%s exists, not written248|Partial file, not written; use ! to override249|Partial file, not written250|%s: file modified more recently than this copy; use ! to override251|%s: file modified more recently than this copy252|%s: write lock was unavailableaw254|%s: WARNING: FILE TRUNCATED256|%s: new file: %lu lines, %lu characters315|%s: appended: %lu lines, %lu characters257|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters258|%s expanded into too many file names.%d259|%s: not a regular file260|%s: not owned by you261|%s: accessible by a user other than the owner262|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override263|File modified since last complete write; write or use :edit! to override264|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override265|File is a temporary; exit will discard modifications266|File readonly, modifications not auto-written@(#)getc.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96177|Empty file@(#)key.c 10.33 (Berkeley) 9/24/96079|No non-printable character found0123456789abcdef01234567$HHH276|Unexpected character event277|Unexpected end-of-file event279|Unexpected interrupt event280|Unexpected quit event281|Unexpected repaint event285|Unexpected string event286|Unexpected timeout event316|Unexpected resize event287|Unexpected write event|Ht||$P@(#)line.c 10.21 (Berkeley) 9/15/96003|unable to delete line %lu004|unable to append to line %lu005|unable to insert at line %lu006|unable to store line %lu007|unable to get last line008|Error: unable to retrieve line %lu@(#)log.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96009|Log file/usr/src/usr.bin/vi/build/../common/log.c010|Logging not being performed, undo not possible011|No changes to undoT h TP012|Logging not being performed, undo not possiblex 013|Logging not being performed, roll-forward not possible014|No changes to re-doHH 015|%s/%d: log put error267|Log restarted@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Keith Bostic. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 10.48 (Berkeley) 10/11/96exnexnviewviewc:eFlRrSst:vw:only one -c command may be specified.only one of -r and -t may be specified.only one tag file may be specified.-s option is only applicable to ex.window=%s (4`p%s%.*sex/vi: ---c$-s%s: %s @(#)mark.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 7/19/96017|Mark %s: not set018|Mark %s: the line was deleted019|Mark %s: cursor position no longer exists@(#)msg.c 10.48 (Berkeley) 9/15/96020|Error: %s, %d: : %s%.*s  x299|yanked298|shifted297|moved296|joined295|deleted294|changed293|added301|lines300|line%lu 317|%d files to edit021|new file022|name changed023|modified024|unmodified025|UNLOCKED026|readonly028|empty file027|line %lu of %lu [%ld%%]029|line %luLC_MESSAGESLANG%s%sVI_MESSAGE_CATALOG030|The file %s is not a message catalog268|confirm? [ynq]269|Press any key to continue: 270|Press any key to continue [: to enter more ex commands]: 161|Press Enter to continue: 275| cont?271|Press any key to continue [q to quit]: 78<8h888@(#)options.c 10.51 (Berkeley) 10/14/96writeanywrapscanwrapmarginwraplenwindownamewindowwarnw9600w300w1200verbosettywerasetimeouttildeoptersetermtagstaglengthtabstopsourceanyslowopensidescrollshowmodeshowmatchshiftwidthshellmetashellsecuresectionssearchincrscrollrulerreportremapredrawrecdirreadonlypromptprintpathparagraphsoptimizeopenoctalnumbernoprintmsgcatmodelinemesgmatchtimemagiclocklistlisplinesleftrightkeytimeignorecaseiclowerhardtabsflashfilecextendedexrcerrorbellsescapetimeedcompatibledirectorycommentcolumnsceditcdpathbeautifybackupautowriteautoprintautoindentaltwerasewswmwlwiwawttytypettytstotltagswsmdsmslowshsectscrroreparaoptnumodelinesliichtexedebdircobfawapaiCDPATH:cdpath=%sTMPDIR/tmpdirectory=%sescapetime=1keytime=6matchtime=7msgcat=%s/usr/share/vi/catalog/report=5paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbppath=%srecdir=%s/var/tmp/vi.recoversections=NHSHH HUnhshSHELL/bin/shshell=%sshellmeta=~{[*?$`'"\shiftwidth=8sidescroll=16tabstop=8tags=%sscroll=%ldwindow=%lu031|Unable to set default %s optionall032|Usage: %s291|set: the %s option may not be turned off313|set: the %s option may never be turned on034|set: [no]%s option doesn't take a value035|set: %s option isn't a boolean036|set: %s option: %s037|set: %s option: %s: value overflow038|set: %s option: %s is an illegal number314|set: the %s option may never be set to 0039|set: %s option isn't a boolean305|No %s edit option specified%ld%*s %s%sno%s=%ld%s="%s"set %s set no%s set %s=%-3ld set 033|set: no %s option: 'set all' gives all option values@(#)options_f.c 10.25 (Berkeley) 7/12/96040|Screen columns too small, less than %d041|Screen columns too large, greater than %d042|Screen lines too small, less than %d043|Screen lines too large, greater than %d044|The lisp option is not implemented048|The paragraph option must be in two character groups049|The section option must be in two character groups@(#)put.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/23/96053|The default buffer is empty054|Buffer %s is empty@(#)recover.c 10.21 (Berkeley) 9/15/96%s055|Files with newlines in the name are unrecoverable%s/vi.XXXXXX056|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails057|Copying file for recovery...058|Preservation failed: %s059|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails060|File backup failed: %s061|Copying file for recovery...062|Information on user id %u not found%s/recover.XXXXXX063|Unable to lock recovery file%s%s %s%s %s %s %s%s %s%s %s X-vi-recover-file: X-vi-recover-path: Reply-To: rootFrom: root (Nvi recovery program)To: Subject: Nvi saved the file Precedence: bulk%s%.24s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s On , the user was editing a file named on the machine , when it was saved for recovery. You can recover most, if not all, of the changes to this file using the -r option to : -r 064|Recovery file buffer overrun065|Recovery file.recdir: %srecover.r+066|%s: malformed recovery file%.24s: %s vi: no files to recover. %s/%s067|%s: malformed recovery file068|No files named %s, readable by you, to recover069|There are older versions of this file for you to recover070|There are other files for you to recover/usr/sbin/sendmail071|not sending email: %s%s -t < %s@(#)screen.c 10.15 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)search.c 10.25 (Berkeley) 6/30/96072|File empty; nothing to search073|Reached end-of-file without finding the pattern074|No previous search pattern075|Pattern not found076|Reached top-of-file without finding the pattern077|Search wrapped@l078|Searching...@(#)seq.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/30/96 %s@(#)util.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)v_at.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 4/27/96 %lu@(#)v_ch.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96$Dd$Lt178|No previous F, f, T or t search179|%s not found@(#)v_cmd.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 3/28/96 ~ reverse case[count]~ } move forward paragraph[count]} | move to column[count]| { move back paragraph[count]{ z reposition the screen[line]z[window_size][-|.|+|^|] y copy text to motion into a cut buffer[buffer][count]y[count]motion x delete character[buffer][count]x w move to next word[count]w u undo last changeu t before character in line forward search[count]t character s substitute character[buffer][count]s r replace character[count]r character p insert after cursor from buffer[buffer]p o append after line[count]o n repeat last search m set markm[a-z] l move right by columns[count]l k move up by lines[count]k j move down by lines[count]j i insert before cursor[count]i h move left by columns[count]h f character in line forward search[count]f character e move to end of word[count]e d delete to motion[buffer][count]d[count]motion c change to motion[buffer][count]c[count]motion b move back word[count]b a append after cursor[count]a ` move to mark`[`a-z] _ move to first non-blank_ ^ move to first non-blank^]] move forward section]][[ move back section[[ZZ save file and exitZZ Y copy line[buffer][count]Y X delete character before cursor[buffer][count]X W move to next bigword[count]W U Restore the current lineU T before character in line backward search[count]T character S substitute for the line(s)[buffer][count]S R replace characters[count]R Q switch to ex modeQ P insert before cursor from buffer[buffer]P O insert above line[count]O N reverse last searchn M move to screen middleM L move to screen bottom[count]L J join lines[count]J I insert before first nonblank[count]I H move to count lines from screen top[count]H G move to line[count]G F character in line backward search[count]F character E move to end of bigword[count]E D delete to end-of-line[buffer]D C change to end-of-line[buffer][count]C B move back bigword[count]B A append to the line[count]A @ execute buffer@buffer ? search backward?RE[? offset] > shift lines right to motion[count]>[count]motion < shift lines left to motion[count]<[count]motion ; repeat last F, f, T or t search[count]; : ex command:command [| command] ... 0 move to first character0 / search forward/RE[/ offset] . repeat the last command. - move up by lines (to first non-blank)[count]- , reverse last F, f, T or t search[count], + move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count]+ ) move forward sentence[count]) ( move back sentence[count]( ' move to mark (to first non-blank)'['a-z] & repeat substitution& % move to match% $ move to last column [count]$ # number increment/decrement[count]# +|-|# ! filter through command(s) to motion[count]![count]motion command(s) move right by columns[count]' '^^ switch to previous file^^^] tag push cursor word^] ^\ switch to ex mode^\^[ exit input mode, cancel partial commands^[ ^Z suspend editor^Z^Y page up by lines[count]^Y^W move to next screen^W^V input a literal character^V^U half page up (set count)[count]^U^T tag pop^T^R redraw screen^R^P move up by lines[count]^P^N move down by lines[count]^N^M move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count]^M^L redraw screen^L^J move down by lines[count]^J^H move left by characters[count]^H^G file status^G^F scroll down by screens[count]^F^E scroll down by lines[count]^E^D scroll down by half screens (setting count)[count]^D^C interrupt an operation (e.g. read, write, search)^C^B scroll up by screens[count]^B^A search forward for cursor word[count]^A@(#)v_delete.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)v_ex.c 10.42 (Berkeley) 6/28/96207|The Q command requires the ex terminal interface <>suspend180|No previous file to edit!307|No ex command to execute@(#)v_increment.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 3/19/96%#0*lo0x%0*lx0X%0*lX%+ld%ldabcdefABCDEF181|Cursor not in a number182|Resulting number too large183|Resulting number too small@(#)v_init.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/30/96@(#)v_itxt.c 10.16 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)v_left.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_mark.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 9/20/96@(#)v_match.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96184|No match character on this line185|Matching character not found@(#)v_paragraph.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_put.c 10.5 (Berkeley) 3/6/96BBBBBBBB@(#)v_redraw.c 10.6 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_replace.c 10.17 (Berkeley) 6/30/96186|No characters to replace,ExExETEEEEEEEE@(#)v_right.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_screen.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 4/27/96308|Enter to execute a command, :q to exit187|No other screen to switch to@(#)v_scroll.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)v_search.c 10.18 (Berkeley) 9/19/96search+%lu188|Characters after search string, line offset and/or z command%s%s%s[[:<:]][[:>:]]189|No previous search pattern190|Search wrapped to original position@(#)v_section.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_sentence.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96xr(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(rr`rhr(r(r(r(rhr(rhr(r(r(r(r`r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r`r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(r(rhr@(#)v_status.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 5/15/96@(#)v_txt.c 10.87 (Berkeley) 10/13/96191|Abbreviation exceeded expansion limit: characters discarded 192|Illegal character; quote to enterLL`8Hdܠdl193|Already at the beginning of the insert%s %s%*s Unmatched %s194|No more characters to erase@(#)v_ulcase.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_undo.c 10.5 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_util.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 6/30/96195|Movement past the end-of-file196|Movement past the end-of-line197|No cursor movement made198|Already at the beginning of the file199|Movement past the beginning of the file200|Already in the first column201|Buffers should be specified before the command209|The file is empty202|Already at end-of-file203|Already at end-of-line204|%s isn't a vi commandWindow resize interrupted text input mode205|Usage: %s<h@(#)v_word.c 10.5 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_xchar.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 10/23/96206|No characters to delete@(#)v_yank.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 5/19/96@(#)v_z.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 5/16/96@(#)v_zexit.c 10.6 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)vi.c 10.57 (Berkeley) 10/13/96110|Vi command failed: mapped keys discarded231|Interrupted: mapped keys discarded236|Interruptedt   < ~ change case to motion[count]~[count]motion234|Only one buffer may be specified208|No command to repeat210|%s may not be used as a motion command211|Already in command mode214|Windows option value is too large, max is %u%d screens backgrounded; use :display to list them212|Cursor not in a word235|Number larger than %lu8,,,P,,|,,,,,,,@(#)vs_line.c 10.19 (Berkeley) 9/26/96%7lu @(#)vs_msg.c 10.77 (Berkeley) 10/13/96|/-\%s %.*s. ; .+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+%.*s @(#)vs_refresh.c 10.44 (Berkeley) 10/13/96219|Replace218|Insert217|Command216|Change215|Append%lu,%lu @(#)vs_relative.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 5/13/96@(#)vs_smap.c 10.25 (Berkeley) 7/12/96 HHH   H220|Movement past the end-of-screen221|Movement past the beginning-of-screen@(#)vs_split.c 10.31 (Berkeley) 10/13/96222|Screen must be larger than %d lines to split223|There are no background screens224|There's no background screen editing a file named %s225|You may not background your only displayed screen227|The screen cannot shrink228|The screen cannot grow226|The screen can only shrink to %d rows./restoresymtableTAPE/dev/rst0TMPDIR/tmp/b:cdf:himNRrs:tvxyillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0%c and %c options are mutually exclusiveillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0none of i, R, r, t or x options specified.Begin incremental restore Calculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure l8L`tLhusage: %s -i [-chmvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] %s -R [-cvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] %s -r [-cvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] %s -t [-chvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...] %s -x [-chmvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...] option requires an argument -- %c/addcd%s: not a directory delete%s: not on extraction list extracthelp%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sAvailable commands are: ls [arg] - list directory cd arg - change directory pwd - print current directory add [arg] - add `arg' to list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from list of files to be extracted extract - extract requested files setmodes - set modes of requested directories quit - immediately exit program what - list dump header information verbose - toggle verbose flag (useful with ``ls'') help or `?' - print this list If no `arg' is supplied, the current directory is used lspwd/ %s quitxitverboseverbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help ,X%s > %s: out of memory command lines cannot be continued missing %c ../..ls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s: %s/%s%s: name exceeds %d char Warning: undefined file type %d ` H P  `  P    @  H  X %*d %srestore interrupted, continue%sleafdir %10d %s %s: not on the tape ./%uMark entries to be removed. Delete whiteouts %s: REMOVE corrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s [%s] %s: %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modesNODE and LEAF links to same inode[%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %d) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state l'!!!&  P# ( ('$' '$|NIL|ONTAPE|INOFND|NAMEFND|MODECHGFind unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsRemove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyContinue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %d: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %d, got %d unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeExtract requested files Add whiteouts Add links Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsWarning: missing name %s missing inumber %d type should be LEAFExtract directories from tape %s/rstdir%d-XXXXXXXXXXwcannot create directory temporary %s%s/rstmode%dcannot create modefile %sopendirfileRoot directory is not on tape %s/.Warning: `.' missing from directory %s ..Warning: `..' missing from directory %s %s%s: name exceeds %d char /lsMangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than DIRSIZ (%d < %d) reclen name too big (%d > %d) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %ld error reading directory corrupted directory: bad reclen %d corrupted directory: bad inum %d Set directory mode, owner, and times. modefile not defined directory mode, owner, and times not set rfopencannot open mode file %s set owner/mode for '.'cannot find directory inode %d error setting directory modes Cannot find directory inode %d named %s %s: cannot create filewrite error extracting inode %d, name %sreadwrite error extracting inode %d, name %s writeno memory directory table addino: out of range %d duplicate inumdeleteino: out of range %d deleteino: %d not found %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long no memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existant name duplicate entry not marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundcannot move ROOTcannot find entry in parent listbad name no space for string table Check pointing the restore wfopencannot create save file %s for symbol table fwriteoutput error to file %s writing symbol table Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table .opencannot open symbol table file %s statcannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table readcannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too %slowhighinitsymtable called from command %c -/dev/ttyrcannot open %s/dev/nullCannot allocate space for tape bufferVerify tape and initialize maps %sTape is not a dump tapeConverting to new file system format. .cannot stat .bad block size %ldTape is not volume 1 of the dumpheader read failed at %ld blocks no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal listmaxino = %d no memory for active inode map Cannot find file dump listno memory for file dump list Changing volumes on pipe input? %s%s%s%s%sYou have not read any tapes yet. Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start with the last volume and work towards the first. You have read volumes: %s%ld, Specify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %ld Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) none Cannot open %s tape is not dump tape Wrong volume (%d) Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %sread %ld recs, tape starts with %d Skipping %ld duplicate record%s. sactive file into volume 1 Warning: %s %s End-of-input encountered whi (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x  (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpxle extractingCannot have multiple dumps on pipe inputioctl MTFSFDump date: %sthe epoch Dumped from: %sLevel %d dump of %s on %s:%s Label: %s %s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) extract special file %s %s: cannot create special fileextract fifo %s %s: cannot create fifo%s: cannot create fileran off end of tape not at beginning of a file Missing address (header) block for %s at %ld blocks write error extracting inode %d, name %s writeseek error extracting inode %d, name %s lseeksymbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %dunallocated block in symbolic link %shole in map mid-media short read error. partial block read: %ld should be %ld Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %d continuecontinuation failedEnd-of-tape encountered partial block read: %d should be %d tape read errorTape block size (%ld) is not a multiple of dump block size (%d)Tape block size is %ld Note: Doing Byte swapping 8l4s31l528b1l192b2lNote: Doing Quad swapping gethead: unknown inode type %d l  Volume header (%s inode format) oldnewbegins with record %dDumped inodes map headerUsed inodes map headerFile header, ino %dFile continuation header, ino %dEnd of tape header; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksܽ@unexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d resync restore, skipped %ld blocks Checksum error %o, inode %d file %s lmktempname: called with TMPNAMEnot on ino list%s%ld%dRSTTMPcannot rename %s to %srename %s to %s newnode: not a node%sMake node %s removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s cannot create symbolic link %s->%scannot create hard link %s->%slinkit: unknown type %d Create %s link %s->%s symbolichardcannot create whiteout %sCreate whiteout %s delwhiteout: not a leafcannot delete whiteout %sDelete whiteout %s bad entry: %s name: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s entry type: %s NODELEAFinode number: %d flags: %s |NIL|REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|NEW|KEEP|EXISTED%s is not on the tape %s? [yn] abortdump coreLost connection to remote host.shelltcpshell/tcp: unknown servicewho are you?malloc/etc/rmtinvalid user name: %sO%s %d closeC R%d readW%d writeL%d %d seekstatusS I%d %d ioctl%s: %sProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). werasetimesuspstopstatusstartreprintquitminlnextkillintreraseeol2eoleofdsuspdiscardrprntflushbrkoption requires an argument -- %sundefmaximum option value is %d -- %soption requires a numeric argument -- %sillegal gfmt1 option -- %sillegal gfmt1 optiongfmt1:cflag=%x:iflag=%x:lflag=%x:oflag=%x:%s=%x:ispeed=%d:ospeed=%d :%lxcflagiflagispeed%ldlflagoflagospeedttyspeedsizesanerowsrawostopostartospeedoldnlnewlcaseispeedextproceverythingdeccookedcolumnscolscbreakallillegal option -- -%soption requires an argument -- %s%d %d %d TIOCSETDTIOCSTARTTIOCSTOP-mdmbufmdmbuf-crtsctscrtscts-clocalclocal-huphup-hupclhupcl-pass8pass8-oddpoddp-evenpevenp-parityparity-paroddparodd-parenbparenb-creadcread-cstopbcstopbcs8cs7cs6cs5-imaxbelimaxbel-decctlqdecctlq-ixanyixany-tandemtandem-ixoffixoff-flowflow-ixonixon-iuclciuclc-icrnlicrnl-igncrigncr-inlcrinlcr-istripistrip-inpckinpck-parmrkparmrk-ignparignpar-brkintbrkint-ignbrkignbrk-xcasexcase-kerninfokerninfo-nokerninfonokerninfo-newcrtnewcrt-crtcrt-pendinpendin-flushoflusho-tostoptostop-noflshnoflsh-icanonicanon-isigisig-prteraseprterase-echoprtechoprt-ctlechoctlecho-echoctlechoctl-echonlechonl-iexteniexten-altwerasealtwerase-crtkillcrtkill-echokeechoke-echokechok-crtbscrtbs-crterasecrterase-echoeechoe-echoecho-oxtabsoxtabs-tabstabs-onocronocr-onlretonlret-onlcronlcr-olcucolcuc-ocrnlocrnl-litoutlitout-opostoposttablet disc; slip disc; ppp disc; #%d disc; ispeed %d baud; ospeed %d baud;speed %d baud; %d rows; %d columns; lflags-icanon-isig-iexten-echo-echoe-echok-echoke-echonl-echoctl-echoprt-altwerase-noflsh-tostop-flusho-pendin-nokerninfo-extprociflags-istrip-icrnl-inlcr-igncr-ixon-ixoff-ixany-imaxbel-ignbrk-brkint-inpck-ignpar-parmrkoflags-opost-onlcr-oxtabscflags-creadcs5cs6cs7cs8-parenb-parodd-hupcl-clocal-cstopb-crtscts-mdmbufcchars%s = %s;%-8s%s %s: %s %s %s%d-aefgaef:g%snot a terminalTIOCGETDTIOCGWINSZgfmt1illegal option -- %stcsetattrTIOCSWINSZusage: stty [-a|-e|-g] [-f file] [options] Ffs.%s%s: is a directory%s/%susage: ln [-fs] file1 file2 ln [-fs] file ... directory vndccdfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownext2fsADFSHFSADOSbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth-Edition4.1BSDSystemVVersion7Version6swapunusedadoscd9660lfsmsdosffsBENRWb:ers:wnv%srioctl DIOCWLABEL))))))D'))))))))')))'))))4()))))))))))))())))))))L))))()))t)($++8,,-4.unknown disk type: %sDANGER! The disklabel was not found at the correct location!To repair this situation, use `disklabel %s > file' tosave it, then use `disklabel -R %s file' to replace it.A new disklabel is not being installed now.Erase the previous contents of the disk? [n]: ioctl DIOCSDINFOwriting label to block %d (0x%x) lseekwriteioctl DIOCWDINFO%s: No disk label on disk; use "disklabel -r" to install initial label%s: Label magic number or checksum is wrong! (disklabel or kernel is out of date?)%s: Open partition would move or shrink%s: Labeled partition or 'a' partition must start at beginning of diskcan't read master boot record# using MBR partition %d: type %02X off %d (0x%x) size %d (0x%x) warning, DOS partition table with no valid OpenBSD partitionreading label from block %d (0x%x) disk label corruptedno disklabel found. scanning.no disk labelfound at 0x%xioctl DIOCGDINFOBootstrap doesn't leave room for disk label %c: %*u %*u %c: %*.1f%c %*.1f%c %8.8s%8d %5d %5d %5.5s %5d %5d %5d %20.20s # (Cyl. %4d- %dBBEEEDEEECE@DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA# %s: type: %s type: %d disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: removable ecc badsectbytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld total sectors: %ld rpm: %ld interleave: %ld trackskew: %ld cylinderskew: %ld headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %d %d partitions: # %*.*s %*.*s fstype [fsize bsize cpg] sizeoffsetw # Notes: # Up to 16 partitions are valid, named from 'a' to 'p'. Partition 'a' is # your root filesystem, 'b' is your swap, and 'c' should cover your whole # disk. Any other partition is free for any use. 'size' and 'offset' are # in 512-byte blocks. fstype should be '4.2BSD', 'swap', or 'none' or some # other values. fsize/bsize/cpg should typically be '1024 8192 16' for a # 4.2BSD filesystem (or '512 4096 16' except on alpha, sun4, amiga, sun3...) re-edit the label? [y]: sh-cEDITOR/usr/bin/vifailed to start editor%s %sfork/bin/sh # line %d: syntax errortypeline %d: warning, unknown disk type: %sflagsremovableeccbadsectline %d: bad flag: %sdrivedata%d partitionsline %d: bad # of partitionsdisklabelbytes/sectorline %d: bad %s: %ssectors/tracksectors/cylindertracks/cylindercylinderstotal sectorsrpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: bad partition name: %sline %d: too few fieldsline %d: bad partition size: %sline %d: bad partition offset: %sline %d: warning, unknown filesystem type: %sline %d: unknown field: %ssector size %dsectors/track %dtracks/cylinder %dcylinders/unit %dwarning, revolutions/minute %dboot block size %dwarning, boot block size %% sector-size != 0super block size %dwarning, super block size %% sector-size != 0warning, number of partitions (%d) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)warning, partition %c: size 0, but offset %dpartition %c: offset past end of unitpartition %c: partition extends past end of unitpartition %c: block size < fragment sizewarning, unused partition %c: size %d offset %d usage: disklabel [-nv] [-r] disk%s (read) disklabel [-nv] [-r] -e disk%s (edit) disklabel [-nv] [-r] -E disk%s (simple editor) disklabel [-nv] [-r]%s -R disk proto (restore) disklabel [-nv] [-r]%s -w disk dtab [id] (write) disklabel [-nv] -[NW] disk%s (protect) `disk' may be of the forms: sd0 or /dev/rsd0%c. `dtab' is an entry from %s, see disktab(5) for more info. /etc/disktab`proto' is the output from the read cmd form; -R is powerful. For procedures specific to this architecture see: %s fdisk(8)vndccdfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownext2fsADFSHFSADOSbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth-Edition4.1BSDSystemVVersion7Version6swapunusedadoscd9660lfsmsdosffsYou need to specify a disk type for this disk.can't run when there is partition overlap.No 'c' partition found, adding one that spans the disk. Initial label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)> Available commands: p [unit] - print label. M - show entire OpenBSD man page for disklabel. e - edit drive parameters. a [part] - add new partition. b - set OpenBSD disk boundaries. c [part] - change partition size. d [part] - delete partition. m [part] - modify existing partition. u - undo last change. s [path] - save label to file. w - write label to disk. q - quit and save changes. x - exit without saving changes. ? - this message.Numeric parameters may use suffixes to indicate units: 'b' for bytes, 'c' for cylinders, 'k' for kilobytes, 'm' for megabytes, 'g' for gigabytes or no suffix for sectors (usually 512 bytes). Non-sector units will be rounded to the nearest cylinder./usr/bin/lesswIn no change mode, not writing label.No changes.Save changes?Save changes you have made to the label?nFilenameName of the file to save label into.cannot open %sNothing to undo!Last change undone.unable to write labelUnknown option: %c ('?' for help) tvH~xyz{ԃv}~~tXNo space left, you need to shrink a partition Partition must be between 'a' and '%c'. Partition '%c' exists. Delete it first. partitionThe letter of the new partition, a - p.Partition '%c' already exists. offsetStarting sector for this partition.Command aborted Invalid entry The OpenBSD portion of the disk starts at sector %u, you tried to add a partition at %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. The OpenBSD portion of the disk ends at sector %u, you tried to add a partition at %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. sizeSize of the partition.Sorry, there are only %u sectors left The OpenBSD portion of the disk ends at sector %u, you tried to add a partition ending at sector %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. Please re-enter an offset and size for partition %c. FS typeFilesystem type (usually 4.2BSD or swap)Unrecognized filesystem type '%s', treating as 'unknown' FS type (decimal)Filesystem type as a decimal number; usually 7 (4.2BSD) or 1 (swap).fragment sizeSize of fs block fragments. Usually 1024 or 512.Zero fragment size implies zero block sizeblock sizeSize of filesystem blocks. Usually 8192 or 4096.Error: block size must be at least as big as page size (%d). Error: block size must be a multiple of the fragment size. Error: block size must be at least as big as fragment size. cpgNumber of filesystem cylinders per group. Usually 16 or 8.partition to modifyThe letter of the partition to modify, a - p.Partition '%c' is not in use. Warning, need %u sectors but there are only %u free. Setting size to %u. The OpenBSD portion of the disk starts at sector %u, you tried to start at %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. 'c' partition may not be larger than the disk Size may not be larger than %u sectors Please re-enter an offset and sizeError: block size must be a multiple of the fragment size.Error: block size must be at least as big as fragment size.partition to deleteThe letter of the partition to delete, a - p.You may not delete the 'c' partition. The OpenBSD portion of the disk ends at sector %u. You can't remove a partition outside the OpenBSD part of the disk. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. device: %s type: %s disk: %.*s label: %.*s bytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld total sectors: %ld free sectors: %u rpm: %ld %d partitions: # %*.*s %*.*s fstype [fsize bsize cpg] partition to change sizeThe letter of the partition to change size, a - p.Partition %c is currently %u sectors in size (%u free). new sizeSize of the partition. You may also say +/- amount for a relative change.Only %u sectors free, you asked for %u %s: [%s] %s: [%u] Rounding to nearest cylinder: %u DDDDDD DAAAA?A Error, partitions %c and %c overlap: size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]Disable which one? [%c %c] Changing device parameters for %s: disk typeWhat kind of disk is this? Usually SCSI, ST506, or floppy (use ST506 for IDE)."%s" is not a valid disk type. Valid types are: "%s", label name15 char string that describes this label, usually the disk name.sectors/trackThe Numer of sectors per track.tracks/cylinderThe number of tracks per cylinder.sectors/cylinderThe number of sectors per cylinder (Usually sectors/track * tracks/cylinder).number of cylindersThe total number of cylinders on the disk.total sectorsThe total number of sectors on the disk.You may want to increase the size of the 'c' partition.Not enough free space to shrink by %u sectors (only %u sectors left) rpmThe rotational speed of the disk in revolutions per minute.out of memoryfailed to sort partition tablePossible values are:Disk typeStarting sectorThe start of the OpenBSD portion of the disk.Size ('*' for entire disk)The size of the OpenBSD portion of the disk ('*' for the entire disk).Treating sectors %u-%u as the OpenBSD portion of the disk. You can use the 'b' command to change this. Failed open to read on %sFailed open to write on %scan not gzip while appendingFailed open to read/write on %sFailed chdir to %sFailed stat on %sCannot write an archive on top of a directory %sx%s: Waiting for tape drive close to complete...done. %s: unknown format, %qu bytes skipped. cpio%qu blocks tar%s: %s vol %d, %lu files, %qu bytes read, %qu bytes written. Unable to truncate archive fileCannot append to an archive obtained from a pipe.Cannot append, device record size %d does not support %s specFailed read on archive volume %dEnd of archive volume %d reachedWrite failed, archive is write protected.Unable to append, trailer re-write failed. Quitting.Failed write to archive volume: %dWARNING: partial archive write. Archive MAY BE FLAWEDWARNING: partial archive write. Archive IS FLAWEDCannot allow updates to an archive with flaws.Unable to recover from an archive read failure.Attempting to recover from an archive read failure.Foward positioning operation on archive failedReverse positioning on pipes is not supported.Unable to obtain current archive byte offsetReverse position on previous volume.Unable to seek archive backwardsTape drive unable to backspace requested amountUnable to backspace tape %d blocks.Unable to locate tape filemark.Unable to backspace over tape filemark.Unable to backspace over last tape block.Cannot determine archive tape blocksize.Unable to backspace tape over %d pad blocksUnable to set signal maskUnable to restore signal mask ATTENTION! %s archive volume change required. %s ready for archive tape volume: %d Load the NEXT TAPE on the tape drive%s ready for archive volume: %d Load the NEXT STORAGE MEDIA (if required) and make sure it is WRITE ENABLED. Type "y" to continue, "." to quit %s, or "s" to switch to new device. If you cannot change storage media, type "s" Is the device ready and online? > .Quitting %s! %s unknown command, try again Cannot re-open %s, try again Switching to a different archive Ready for archive volume: %d Input archive name or "." to quit %s. Archive name > Empty file name, try again ..Illegal file name: .. try again File name too long, try again Cannot save archive name.Cannot open %s, try again could not pipecould not forkar_start_gzip: impossible-c-dccould not execCannot chdir to %sCan't fchdir to starting directoryUnable to open %s to readCannot mix current archive format %s with %s%s: Reading archive to position at the end...done. Cannot access destination directory %sDestination is not a directory %sDestination pathname too long %sPremature end of file on archive readArchive I/O error, cannot continueArchive I/O error. Trying to recover.Unable to append, archive header flawInvalid header, starting valid header search.Cannot identify format. Searching...Sorry, unable to determine archive format.Write block size of %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size of %d is not a %d byte multipleWrite block size of %d larger than POSIX max %d, archive may not be portableWrite block size %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size %d is not a %d byte multipleCannot append to an archive that may have flaws.Unable to rewrite archive trailer, cannot append.Unable to append when there are archive read errors.Archive read error limit (%d) reachedRead fault on %sFile changed size during read %sFailed stat on %sFile %s was modified during copy to archiveUnable to obtain block size for file %sActual crc does not match expected crc %sFailed write during copy of %s to %sFile %s changed size during copy to %sFailed stat of %sFile %s was modified during copy to %sUser specified archive volume byte limit reached.Unable to allocate memory for user id cache tableUnable to allocate memory for group id cache tableUnable to allocate memory for user name cache tableUnable to allocate memory for group name cache table%luTRAILER!!!Cpio file name length %d is out of rangeCpio file name in header is corruptedCpio link name length is invalid: %quCpio link name read errorCpio link name is corrupt070707File is too large for cpio format %sUnable to write cpio header for %sUnable to write cpio link name for %sCpio header field is too small to store file %s070701070702File is too large for sv4cpio format %sCould not write sv4cpio header for %sCould not write sv4cpio link name for %sSv4cpio header field is too small for file %sFile is too large for bcpio format %sCould not write bcpio header for %sCould not write bcpio link name for %sBcpio header field is too small for file %sUnable to create %sUnable to close file descriptor on %sUnable to link to %s from %sA hard link to the directory %s is not allowedUnable to copy %s, file would overwrite itselfUnable to link file %s to itselfUnable to remove %sCould not link to %s from %s%s skipped. Sockets cannot be copied or extracted%s has an unknown file type, skippingCould not create: %scpioCould not access %s (stat)x H  H H H Unable to remove directory %sCould not unlink %sUnable to obtain file stats %sAccess/modification time set failed on: %spaxUnable to set file uid/gid of %sCould not set permissions on %sFile seek on %sFailed write to file %sFailed seek on file %sFile changed size %sFailed stat on %sFile %s was modified during readFile rewind failed on: %sUnable to allocate memory for file name bufferInvalid file name arguementUnable to allocate memory for filenameWARNING! These file names were not selected:%s Can't fchdir to starting directoryCan't chdir to %sFile system cycle found at %sUnable to read directory %sFile system traversal errorUnable to access %sUnable to read symlink %sP p P P Ԥ P P P P %s %b %e %Y%b %e %H:%M%s%2u %-*s %-*s %4lu,%4lu %9qu %s %s == %s => %s %s%s %s %s: unknown option %c %s: %c argument missing ustartarsv4crcsv4cpiocpiobcpiopaxab:cdf:iklno:p:rs:tuvwx:zB:DE:G:HLPT:U:XYZInvalid block size %sInvalid -p string: %cUnknown -x format: %spax: Known -x formats are: %s gzipInvalid write limit %sWrite limit is not a %d byte multiplenoneError count value must be positiveDestination directory was not supplied P h T l о   4 @ H ܷ  $ 8 L ` t 4 H \ h л  H \ p     b:cef:hmopruts:vwxzBC:HLOPXZ014578write_opt=nodircompress/dev/rst0/dev/rst1/dev/rst4/dev/rst5/dev/rst7/dev/rst8The -O/-o options are only valid when writing an archive-CTAPE ( H h , l 4 D \ p < t t  , @ /%sabcdfiklmoprstuvzABC:E:F:H:I:LO:SZ6rUnable to open file '%s' for readUnknown -H format: %scpio: Known -H formats are: t t t t t t t t t t P h t t  t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t  ( t < t t P t d x t t  t t t $ P P P P %s: Invalid combination of options: -%cThese format options are not supported %s = %s Invalid option nameUnable to allocate space for option listInvalid options formatusage: pax [-cdnv] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date][,to_date]] ... [pattern ...] pax -r [-cdiknuvDYZ] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-o options] ... [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [pattern ...] pax -w [-dituvHLPX] [-b blocksize] [ [-a] [-f archive] ] [-x format] [-B bytes] [-s replstr] ... [-o options] ... [-U user] ...[-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] ... [file ...] pax -r -w [-diklntuvDHLPXYZ] [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [file ...] directory usage: tar -{txru}[cevfbmopswzBHLPXZ014578] [tapefile] [blocksize] [replstr] [-C directory] file1 file2... usage: cpio -o [-aABcLvVzZ] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-O archive] [-F archive] < name-list [> archive] cpio -i [-bBcdfmnrsStuvVzZ6] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-H format] [-I archive] [-F archive] [pattern...] [< archive] cpio -p [-adlLmuvV] destination-directory < name-list Empty replacement stringInvalid replacement string %sUnable to allocate memory for replacement string%s while compiling regular expression %sInvalid replacement string option %sEmpty pattern stringUnable to allocate memory for pattern stringWARNING! These patterns were not matched:%s Pattern select out of memoryPattern list inconsistantRemoving leading / from absolute path names in the archive ATTENTION: %s interactive file rename operation. Input new name, or a "." to keep the old name, or a "return" to skip this file. Input > ..Try again, illegal file name: .. Try again, file name too long Skipping file. Processing continues, name unchanged. Processing continues, name changed to: %s File name %s/%s, too longReplacement name error %sReplacement name too long %s >> %s%s >> %s >> %s .Can't open current working directory.$  Cpu time limit reached, cleaning up.Signal caught, cleaning up.LC_TIMEUnable to set up signal maskUnable to set up signal handlerUnable to allocate memory for user selection tableUnable to find uid for user: %sUser selection table out of memoryUnable to allocate memory fo group selection tableCannot determine gid for group name: %sGroup selection table out of memoryEmpty time range stringImproperly specified time range: %sUnable to allocate memory for time rangeBad option %c with time range %sIllegal lower time range %sIllegal upper time range %sUpper %s and lower %s time overlapTime range format is: [yy[mm[dd[hh]]]]mm[.ss][/[c][m]]T!!!!!!!!\!Cannot allocate memory for hard link tableHard link table out of memoryCannot allocate memory for file time table/tmp/paxXXXXXXUnable to create temporary file: %sFailed ftime table seekFailed ftime table readFailed write to file time tableFailed seek on file time tableFile time table ran out of memoryCannot allocate memory for interactive rename tableNo interactive rename table, links may fail Cannot update rename tableInteractive rename table out of memoryCannot allocate memory for device mapping tableDevice map table out of memoryUnable to fix truncated inode/device field when storing %sArchive may create improper hard links when extractedCannot allocate space for directory access time tableDirectory access time reset table ran out of memoryUnable to create temporary file for directory times: %sUnable to store mode and times for directory: %sUnable to store mode and times for created directory: %sUnable to set mode and times for created directoriesustarwrite_optnodirUnknown tar format -o option/value pair %s=%s%s=%s is the only supported tar format option%s=%s is only supported when writing.Tar cannot archive a character device %sTar cannot archive a block device %sTar cannot archive a socket %sTar cannot archive a fifo %sLink name too long for tar %sFile name too long for tar %sFile is too large for tar %sTar header field is too small for %sicmpunknown protocol icmpsocketDI:LRS:c:dfh:i:l:np:qrs:T:t:vw:bad number of packets to transmit: %s%sbad interface address: %sbad timing interval: %sbad preload value: %sbad packet size: %spacket size too large: %sbad tos value: %sbad ttl value: %sttl value too large: %sbad maxwait value: %sunknown host: %s-f and -i options are incompatiblemallocbind-R option and -D or -T, or -t to unicast destinations are incompatiblerecord route not valid to multicast destinationsping: record routesetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_LOOPsetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTLsetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IFgetsockoptsetsockoptPING %s (%s): %d data bytes PING %s: %d data bytes ping: recvfromLW!$^!$^!$^!$^!LX!$^!$^!Y!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!L[!LX!h\!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!$^!V!tW!$^!W!$^!$^!Y!$^!$^!Y!$^!Z!$^!Z!$[!t[![!\!$^!]!]!ping: sendtoping: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d packet too short (%d bytes) from %s%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%d time=%d.%03d ms (DUP!) wrong data byte #%d should be 0x%x but was 0x%x %x %d bytes from %s: LSRR: %s (same route) RR: NOP unknown option %x--- %s ping statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, +%ld duplicates, -- somebody's printing up packets!%d%% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = %d.%03d/%d.%03d/%d.%03d ms Echo Reply Destination Net Unreachable Destination Host Unreachable Destination Protocol Unreachable Destination Port Unreachable frag needed and DF set (MTU %d) frag needed and DF set Source Route Failed Network Unknown Host Unknown Source Isolated Dest. Net Administratively Prohibited Dest. Host Administratively Prohibited Destination Net Unreachable for TOS Desination Host Unreachable for TOS Route administratively prohibited Host Precedence Violation Precedence Cutoff Dest Unreachable, Unknown Code: %d Source Quench Redirect NetworkRedirect HostRedirect Type of Service and NetworkRedirect Type of Service and HostRedirect, Unknown Code: %d(New addr: %s) Echo Request Router Discovery Advertisement (%d entries, lifetime %d seconds) Router Discovery Solicitation Time to live exceeded Frag reassembly time exceeded Time exceeded, Unknown Code: %d Parameter problem, required option absent: pointer = 0x%02x Parameter problem: pointer = 0x%02x Timestamp Timestamp Reply Information Request Information Reply Address Mask Request Address Mask Reply (Mask 0x%08x) Unknown ICMP type: %d !!!!8!d!!!!ȋ!4!\!!!!! !4!\! !L!x!!Ї! %s netmask 0x%x SIOCGIFBRDADDRbroadcast %sSIOCGIFADDR ns %s ipx %s SNAPframe %s SIOCGIFADDR_ISO iso %s SIOCGIFNETMASK_ISO netmask %s SIOCGIFDSTADDR_ISO%s: bad value%s=%o%s=%xAttempt to set XNS netmask will be ineffectual Attempt to set IPX netmask will be ineffectual Negative NSEL length is absurdSetting NSEL length valid only for isousage: ifconfig interface %s [ af [ address [ dest_addr ] ] [ up ] [ down ] [ netmask mask ] ] [ metric n ] [ arp | -arp ] [ -802.2 | -802.3 | -802.2tr | -snap | -EtherII ] [ link0 | -link0 ] [ link1 | -link1 ] [ link2 | -link2 ] ifconfig [-a | -A] [ af ] uappnd,uchgnodumpopaquesappndarchschg ,archiveddumpsappendschangesimmutableuappenduchangeuimmutable!t!t!p!t!t!t!t!t!t!t!t!t!t!!t!t!t!T!t!!COLUMNS1ACFLRSTWacdfgiklnoqrstu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!`!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!!!!,!!!! !!!!$!!8!L!x!!T!%s: directory causes a cycle%s: %s %s: %s: fts_read%u-%lu%qutotal %lu %*u %*qd %s %*u %-*s %-*s %-*s %3d, %3d %*s%*qd %s%s/%s ls: %s: %s -> %susage: ls [-1ACFLRSTWacdfikloqrstu] [file ...] more-E-m-GMORELESS--help-?--version-VVISUALEDITORviLESSEDIT%E ?lm+%lm. %fNo filenames allowed with -t optionCannot allocate memoryWARNING: terminal cannot %sLINESliCOLUMNScokrklkukdkPkNkh@7kDTERMunknowndumb:hc:hcamxndadbsgpcksketitececlear to end of linecdclear to end of screenclclear screen cmsoseusuemdmembvbbsbchohome cursor|^llmove cursor to lower left of screen alsrscroll backwardsNothing in top lineNothing in bottom lineNo bracket in top lineNo bracket in bottom lineNo matching bracketseek errorread errorWaiting for datach_ungetchar overrunFinishing logfileWarning: log file is incompleteCannot allocate %d buffersseek error to 08bcccbcc18b95.bb125.bbnext8bcccbcc18b95.b128.koi8-r8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.dos8bcccbcc18b95.33b.latin18bcccbcc18b95.basciiinvalid chardefchardef longer than 256invalid charset name*s<%X>LESSBINFMTLESSCHARSETLESSCHARDEF%cESC^%c""h""ć"Ȇ"x" """"P"""̊""̊"̊""?@*!/?!done|doneĚ"t"t"t"(""t"t"t"t"Ě"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"H"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"ܛ""$"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t""t"""""D""""""""""D"""""""t"""""""""""""""""""""""""|"[Press 'h' for instructions.] [Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]less version %sungetcc overflowPattern not found:%s helpExamine: -Cannot edit standard inputCannot edit file processed with LESSOPEN(N-th) No %snext fileNo %sprevious fileNo such file_+mark: goto mark: |mark: Brackets: خ""""Ȭ"("<"<"м""t"$""""""""\""""ر"@"""<""L"x""""""`"x"<"<"<""`""x""<"<"""<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"<"4"Warning: some commands disabledWarning: some edit commands disabled.lessCannot use lesskey file "%s"-%s"%s" may be a binary file. See it anyway? Missing filename ("less -\?" for help)Warning: "%s" exists; Overwrite, Append or Don't log? Overwrite, Append, or Don't log? (Type "O", "A", "D" or "q") Cannot write to "%s"""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""%s/%sHOMELESSHELP/usr/share/misc/more.help%s*SHELL%s -c "%s"recho %sLESSOPEN-LESSCLOSE...skipping... Cannot find help file-%s -m -H -+E -+s '-PmHELP -- ?eEND -- Press g to see it again:Press RETURN for more., or q when done ' %sEnd of helpCannot seek to end of fileCannot seek to beginning of fileCannot seek to line number %dDetermining length of fileDon't know length of fileCannot seek to that file position%6d~ Calculating line numbers! /dev/ttySHELL%s -c "%s"shCannot seek to start positionwCannot create pipeInvalid mark letterCannot seek to end of fileMark not setMark not in current fileInput is not a pipeLog file is already in useNo log fileLog file "%s"Line number is required after -lCannot use lesskey file "%s"Tags file "%s"/%sUse "h" for helpThere is no %s flag ("less -\?" for help)O#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#O#M#M#M#O#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#L#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#M#There is no %s flagCannot change the %s flagCannot query the %s flagCan't use "-+" or "--" for a string flagCan't use "--" for a numeric flag-%sString is required after %sNumber is required after %sScroll window size is %d linesScroll window size: Forward scroll limit is %d linesForward scroll limit: Don't use init/deinit stringsSend init/deinit strings to terminalTab stops every %d spacesTab stops: Display ~ for lines after end-of-fileDisplay nothing for lines after end-of-filePrint backspace as ^HBackspaces cause overstrikeDisplay underlined text in underline modetags file: tag: Chop long linesFold long linesSqueeze multiple blank linesDisplay all blank linesDisplay control characters as ^XDisplay control characters directlyNever ring the bellRing the bell for errors but not at eof/bofRing the bell for errors AND at eof/bofprompt: Log file: log file: Constantly display line numbersUse line numbersDon't use line numbersLong promptMedium promptShort promptPosition target at screen line %dTarget line: Ignore case in searches and in patternsIgnore case in searchesCase is significant in searchesDon't allow help commandAllow help commandBackwards scroll limit is %d linesBackwards scroll limit: Highlight all matches for previous search patternHighlight matches for previous search onlyDon't highlight search matchesOpen even non-regular filesOpen only regular filesQuit immediately at end-of-fileQuit at end-of-fileDon't quit at end-of-fileBe less helpful in promptsBe helpful in promptsRepaint by painting from top of screenRepaint by clearing each lineRepaint by scrolling from bottom of screenAutomatically allocate buffers when neededDon't automatically allocate buffers%d buffersBuffers: Search skips displayed screenSearch includes displayed screen%s: %s%ld%d-xv#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#u#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#v#t# u#v#v#Hu#\u#v#v#v#v#v#u#u#v#v#0v#v#v#xv#v#v#v#v#v#y#\z#\z#xw#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#x#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#\z#,w#\z#\z#\z#w#\z#\z#w#\z#\z#w#xx#\z#\z#x#\z#\z#y#`y#\z#\z#\z#y#{#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#{#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#{#$|#$|#{#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#$|#{#No previous regular expressionInvalid patternNothing to searchLine numbers turned offtagsrNo tags fileNo such tag in tags fileTag not found/dev/ttynfsv2porttcpsoftnqnfsresvportmntudprdirplusnfsv3intrdumbtimerconnbgupdateforceunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwrogroupquotauserquota23a:bcdD:g:I:iKL:lm:o:PpqR:r:sTt:w:x:U-2 and -3 are mutually exclusiveillegal -a value -- %sillegal -D value -- %sillegal -I value -- %sillegal -L value -- %sconflicting version optionsnqnfs only available with v3port=illegal -R value -- %sillegal -r value -- %sillegal -t value -- %sillegal -w value -- %sillegal -x value -- %snfs%s: Filesystem not supported by kernelnqnfs 1/mount_nfs:nfssvc err %m#Ħ#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#X#(#(#(#(##(#(##(#(#(##(# #(#@##(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(###D##(#(#(#(##(#(#0#(#(#D#(###,#`#(#(###no : or @ speccan't resolve hostname for address %scan't resolve address for host %sNFS PortmapCannot MNT PRCMNT RPC%sbad MNT RPCnqnfs 2can't access %s: %susage: mount_nfs %s %s %s %s [-23bcdiKklMPqsT] [-a maxreadahead] [-D deadthresh] [-g maxgroups] [-L leaseterm] [-m realm] [-o options] [-R retrycnt] [-r readsize] [-t timeout] [-w writesize] [-x retrans] rhost:path node,-o %s: option not supportedusage: %s [-ie] [-f mbrboot] [-c cyl -h head -s sect] disk -i: initialize disk with virgin MBR -e: edit MBRs on disk interactively -f: specify non-standard MBR template -chs: specify disk geometry `disk' may be of the forms: sd0 or /dev/rsd0c. /usr/mdec/mbrief:c:h:s:Cylinder argument out of range.Head argument out of range.Sector argument out of range.Please specify a full geometry with [-chs].Can't get disk geometry, please use [-chs] to specify.open mbr fileD#P#$#,#P###P#P#P#P#P#P#P#P#P##Abort program without saving current changesabortQuit edit of current MBR, without saving changesquitExit edit of current MBR, saving current changesexitWrite loaded MBR to diskwritePrint loaded MBR partition tableprintSelect extended partition table entry MBRselectUpdate machine code in loaded MBRupdateFlag given table entry as bootableflagEdit given table entryeditEdit current drive statsdiskRe-initialize loaded MBR (to defaults)reinitShow entire OpenBSD man page for fdiskmanualCommand help listhelp ----------------------------------------------------- ------ ATTENTION - UPDATING MASTER BOOT RECORD ------ ----------------------------------------------------- Do you wish to write new MBR?MBR is unchanged Enter 'help' for information fdisk:%c%d> ?Invalid command '%s'. Try 'help'. Writing current MBR to disk. Aborting changes to current MBR. Offset: %d eof %s [%X - %X]: [%X] %s [%d - %d]: [%d] (? for help) '%s' is not a valid number. '%d' is out of range. %s [n] %s%s is not a character device or a regular fileDIOCGDINFODisk: %s geometry: %d/%d/%d [%d sectors] geometry: Signatures: 0x%X,0x%X BBT (Bad Blocks Table)BBT DOS 3.3+ SecondaryDOS 3.3+ SecConcurrent CPM or C.DOS or CTOSCPM/C.DOS/C*BSDI BSD/386 swapBSDI swap BSDI BSD/386 filesystemBSDI filesy*NEXTSTEPNEXTSTEP OpenBSDOpenBSD 386BSD/FreeBSD/NetBSDFree/Net BSDAmoeba bad block tableAmoeba BBT Amoeba filesystemAmoeba file*Linux filesystemLinux files*Linux swapLinux swap Minix 1.4b ... 1.5.10Minix (new) Minix 1.1 ... 1.4aMinix (old) PCIXPCIX Novell Netware 3.xxNetware 3.xxNovell Netware 2.xxNetware 2.xxISC, System V/386, GNU HURD or MachISC, HURD, *SpeedSpeed GBGB OntrackOntrack CP/M or Microport SysV/ATCP/M or SysVDMDM VENIX 286VENIX 286 Compaq DiagnosticsCompaq Diag.OPUSOPUS Primary DOS w/ 16-bit FAT, CHS-mappedPrimary Win95 w/ 32-bit FATWin95 FAT-32OS/2 Boot Manager or OPUSOS/2 BootmgrAIX boot partition or CoherentAIX/CoherentAIX filesystemAIX fs OS/2 HPFS, QNX or Advanced UNIXHPFS/QNX/AUXPrimary 'big' DOS (> 32MB)DOS > 32MB Extended DOSPrimary DOS with 16 bit FATDOS FAT-16 XENIX /usr filesystemXENIX /usr XENIX / filesystemXENIX / Primary DOS with 12 bit FATDOS FAT-12 unusedunused Choose from the following Partition id values: %02X %s%s Starting Ending #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %c%1d: %.2X %4d %3d %3d - %4d %3d %3d [%10d - %10d] %s Start of partition after end!In memory copy is initialized to: Offset: %d Use 'write' to update disk. Change disk geometry?BIOS CylindersBIOS HeadsBIOS SectorsInvalid argument: %s Invalid partition number. Partition id ('0' to disable) Partition %d is disabled. Do you wish to edit in CHS mode?BIOS Starting cylinderBIOS Starting headBIOS Starting sectorBIOS Ending cylinderBIOS Ending headBIOS Ending sectorPartition offsetPartition sizePartition %d is not an extended partition. Loop to offset 0! Not selected. Selected extended partition %d New MBR at offset %d. Writing MBR at offset %d. %s %s Machine code updated. Partition %d marked active. /usr/bin/lessPAGERwMemory exhausted/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/grep/dfa.cn != 0:cntrl:]:graph:]:print:]:alnum:]:punct:]:space:]:xdigit:]:digit:]:lower:]:upper:]:alpha:]Unfinished \ escapeunfinished repeat countmalformed repeat countUnbalanced [l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L$\ $ $$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$\ $$x $ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$D $$$$$$$$$$$D$D$D$$$$$Unbalanced (No syntax specifiedUnbalanced )5$$5$45$D5$T5$d5$8$=$=$=$=$=$=$=$d:$8$8$=$:$8=$8=$out of memory%s: %s: %s %s: %s memory exhausted%s%c%d%c%lu%cwriting output--usage: %s [-[[AB] ]] [-[CEFGVchilnqsvwx]] [-[ef]] [] 0123456789A:B:CEFGVX:bce:f:hiLlnoqsvwxyegrepyou may specify only one of -E, -F, or -Gposix-egrepfgrepgrep%s matcher already specified-rdefault(standard input)%s:%d (standard input) ($($($($($($($($($($$$$$$$$$Ԋ$0$$X$$h$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$$0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P$$$$$$H$$d$x$$$$$$$$$А$$POSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c memory exhaustedUnmatched ) or \)Regular expression too bigPremature end of regular expressionInvalid preceding regular expressionMemory exhaustedInvalid range endInvalid content of \{\}Unmatched \{Unmatched ( or \(Unmatched [ or [^Invalid back referenceTrailing backslashInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid regular expressionNo matchalnumalphablankcntrldigitgraphlowerprintpunctspaceupperxdigit$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$$x$x$x$$$$$x$x$($x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$$$$$x$,$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$$$$$,$`$L$`$`$`$`$`$$$$$$$$$$`$`$$`$$L$`$`$$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$$`$$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$`$$`$`$`$$x$ %%t %%D % % %% % % % % % %T %T % % % % %\ % % % %0 % % % % %%%% % % %!%'%)%)%D*%<% 2% 2%,%*%41%/%@2%x4%6%7%<7%<%=%H:%;%7%8%|F%`F%`F%`F%`F%E%`F%4F%|F%|F%|F%|F%|E%`F%`F%`F%`F%`F%`F%`F%E%`F%hF%`F%`F%|F%|F%|F%|F%No previous regular expressionSuccessgfgrepfgrepgegrepposix-egrepegrepggrepgrepdefaultmemory exhausted^\(\(^\|[^0-9A-Za-z_]\)\(\)\([^0-9A-Za-z_]\|$\)\)$^((^|[^0-9A-Za-z_])()([^0-9A-Za-z_]|$))$aFfh:t:vonly one -t option may be specified.nfsd%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%d%e%e%e%e% e%e% e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%e%@e%e%e%/%s%s: not currently mounted%s: not a directory or special device%s: unmount from %s Cannot MNT PRCBad MNT RPCgetmntinfoempty type listusage: %s %s umount [-fv] [-t fstypelist] special | nodeumount -a[fv] [-h host] [-t fstypelist]updateunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotaGsl9u:g:m:o:"%s" is a relative path.getcwd/using "%s" instead.stat %smsdosmount table fullspecified device does not match mounted device%s on %s: %s w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%v%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%Pw%w%w%w%w%v%w%w%w%w%w%w%v%w% w%unknown group id: %sunknown user id: %sinvalid file mode: %susage: mount_msdos [-o options] [-u user] [-g group] [-m mask] bdev dir ,-o %s: option not supportedrsh8KLdel:nwrlogin/usr/bin/rloginrsh: can't exec %s. rsh: must be setuid root. rsh: unknown user id. shelltcprsh: shell/tcp: unknown service. RSHrsh: can't establish stderr. rsh: setsockopt: %s. rsh: fork: %s. <%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<%<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<%rsh: select: %s. rsh: %s. usage: rsh [-nd%s]%s[-l login] host [command] Can't get resource limit to max data sizeCan't get resource limit for data sizedvpfnyl:t:T:only one -t option may be specified./dev/%s: unknown special file or file system.rorwrq%s has unknown file system type.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Ȕ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<%%%%%%%%<%%%%%% %%%%%<%/usr/sbin/sbinufsffsfsck_%sstart %s %swait %sno %s fork%s/fsck_%sexec %s for %sexec %swaitpid%s: %sInvalid option stringempty type list,%s,%s-o[-dpvlyn] [-T fstype:fsoptions] [-t fstype]Usage: %s %s [special|node]... %s: %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN %s MANUALLY. %s (%s)/r/Can't stat root Can't stat %s %s is not a character device malloc failedrealloc failedstrdup failedCan't open checklist file: %s /etc/fstabpass %d, name %s BAD DISK NAME %s Unknown pid %d done %s: %s (%s) = %x %s: %s (%s): EXITED WITH SIGNAL %d THE FOLLOWING FILE SYSTEM%s HAD AN %s SUNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY:%s: %s (%s)%s, disk %s: %s %s in fstab more than once! Usage: scsi -f device -d debug_level # To set debug level scsi -f device -m page [-P pc] # To read mode pages scsi -f device -p [-b bus] [-l lun] # To probe all devices scsi -f device -r [-b bus] [-t targ] [-l lun] # To reprobe a device scsi -f device [-v] [-s seconds] -c cmd_fmt [arg0 ... argn] # A command... -o count out_fmt [arg0 ... argn] # EITHER (data out) -i count in_fmt # OR (data in) "out_fmt" can be "-" to read output data from stdin; "in_fmt" can be "-" to write input data to stdout; If debugging is not compiled in the kernel, "-d" will have no effect ceprvf:d:b:t:l:z:m:P:s:%s: unable to open device %s: %s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%L%%%$%8%%%%%%%%%%%%%\%%% %Expecting an integer argument. %s: %d Expecting a character pointer argument. cget: %s: %s%s: %ld %s Unknown format letter: '%c' get "%s". -o-iNeed either "-i" or "-o" for data phase; not "%s". -readWarning: only read %lu bytes out of %lu. writeWarning: wrote only %d bytes out of %d. 1A 0 v:2 {Page Control} v:6 {Page Code} 0 v:i1 {Allocation Length} 015 0:7 v:1 {SP} 0 0 v:i1 {Allocation Length} 0/usr/share/misc/scsi_modesSCSI_MODESr%iExpected %c. Stupid program: Buffer overflow. tmpnam failedwCan't edit format %c. edit table overflow Can't report format %c. %s: %ld fgetsExpected "%s" and read "%s" EDITORvi%s %sNo mode data base entry in "%s" for page %d; binary %s only. editdisplaySorry: can't edit without a format. It only makes sense to edit page 0 (current) or page 3 (saved values) %02x%cioctlioctl [SCIODEBUG]Need the command format string. memory error! aOpening "%s"... chat%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%r%s -- open failed: %munterminated quote (line %d)Usage: %s [-e] [-v] [-t timeout] [-r report-file] {-f chat-file | chat-script} %s%s: %mCan't get file mode flags on stdinCan't set file mode flags on stdinalarmSIGINTSIGTERMSIGHUPCan't get terminal parametersCan't set terminal parameterschat: %s Closing "%s". Can't restore terminal parameters: %m&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&P&\&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|&&&&HANGUPABORTCLR_ABORTREPORTCLR_REPORTTIMEOUTECHOSAY-Failed (%s)FailedM-%s^%c%s^?%s%cOFFONToo many ABORT stringsIllegal or too-long ABORT string ('%s')abort on () Illegal or too-long CLR_ABORT string ('%s')clear abort on (Too many REPORT stringsIllegal or too-long REPORT string ('%s')report (clear report (timeout set to %d secondsEOT^D\cBREAK\K\cwarning: read() on stdin returned %dwarning: write() on stdout returned %d -- write timed out -- write failed: %msend (?????? expect (expect string is too longgot it%b %d %H:%M:%S -- got it -- failed warning: alarm synchronization problem -- read timed out -- read failed: %mnode must be type 'b' or 'c'.non-numeric major number.non-numeric minor number.major or minor number too large%susage: mknod name [b | c] major minor hms:t:/dev/%s%stcsetattrTIOCSDTRTIOCSETD%sslip.%s.pid/var/run/w%d Failed to create pid file %s: %m/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&T/&/&T/&unable to delete pid file: %mslipstripusage: slattach [-t ldisc] [-hm] [-s baudrate] ttyname route: botched keyword: %s usage: route [ -nqv ] cmd [[ - ] args ] keywords: get, add, change, delete, show, flush, monitor. route: %s: %s nqdtv/dev/nullsocket:&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&9&:&:&9&:&:&9&:&9&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&;&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&d<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&<&0<&must be root to alter routing tableroute-sysctl-estimatemallocactual retrieval of routing tableExamining routing table from sysctl (address family %s) route: write to routing socket: %s got only %d for rlen %-20.20s done >&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&>&L>&|>&d>&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&|>&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&H?&>&4>&defaultiso %s(%d) %sE&G&G&G&F&TG&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&4G&G&G&G&G&G&af %d: %sH&J&J&J&I&4J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&J&I&K&K&K&K&K&K&tK&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&`K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&K&0%s,%sold usage of trailing 0assuming route to if old usage of trailing digit, assuming route via gateway %s %s %shostnet: gateway %s (%s) not in tableentry in userouting table overflow: %s O&R&O&R&P&R&Q&R&|P&@P&R&hO&Q&O&O&O&P&tN&N&HN&N&8O&@O&TO&R&R&Q&|Q& Q&,O&HN&O&O&Q&O&Q&Q&N&Q&R&Q&O&|N&N&O&Internal Error%s: bad value HZ&hZ&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&Z&_&_&_&_&\&$^&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&`_&^&_&_&_&_&]&*.**.0x%xany*0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x.0x%x0x%x.%s%s*.0x%XH%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XH.%XH%XH.%s%sactual retrieval of interface tablegot message of size %d uwriting to routing socketroute: read from routing socket: %s u&t&u&t&t&t&u&t&t&t&u&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&t&u&RTM_IFINFO: iface status changeRTM_DELADDR: address being removed from ifaceRTM_NEWADDR: address being added to ifaceRTM_RESOLVE: Route created by cloningRTM_OLDDEL: caused by SIOCDELRTRTM_OLDADD: caused by SIOCADDRTRTM_LOCK: fix specified metricsRTM_MISS: Lookup failed on this addressRTM_REDIRECT: Told to use different routeRTM_LOSING: Kernel Suspects PartitioningRTM_GET: Report MetricsRTM_CHANGE: Change Metrics or flagsRTM_DELETE: Delete RouteRTM_ADD: Add Routerouting message version %d not understood %s: len %d, if# %d, flags:metric %d, flags:pid: %d, seq %d, errno %d, flags: route to: %s message length mismatch, in packet %d, returned %d RTM_GET: %s (errno %d) destination: %s mask: %s gateway: %s interface: %.*s flags: %s recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,msec rttvar hopcount mtu expire%8d%c %8d%c sockaddrs: locks: inits: sockaddrs: %s%s: link %s; %s: iso %s; %s: inet %s; %s: xns %s; %s: ipx %s; &d&d&d&&X&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&$&d&d&d&d&,&ĉ&Љ&&& &&&$OpenBSD: show.c,v 1.4 1997/10/02 02:10:57 angelos Exp $UGHRD M@dmCXLS1@2route-sysctl-estimateout of space sysctl of routing tableRouting tables %-*.*s %-*.*s %-6.6s DestinationGatewayFlags%-6.6s %-31s %-5s %-31s %-5s %-5s %-26s Source address/netmaskPortDestination address/netmaskProtoSA(Address/SPI/Proto)InternetXNSIPXISOX.25IPsec %s: Protocol Family %d: &`&`&`&&$&`&`&8&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&`&&`&`&`&`&L&link#%d%s%x:default(%d) %02x%02x%s %-*s %-*.*s /%-31s %-5u %-31s %-5u %-5u %s/%08x/%-lu xresolvexnsx25staticssthreshshowsendpipesarttvarrttrejectrecvpipeproto2proto1osinostaticnetmasknetmtumonitormasklockrestlockllinfolinkisoipxinetifpifainterfaceifacehopcounthostgetgenmaskgatewayflushexpireencapdstdeletecloningchangeblackholeadd/LtenexEebcdicimageIbinaryAasciiusage: %s [ %s%s | ] Using %s mode to transfer files. %s: unknown mode. TYPE %s %sTYPE %sinternal error: unknown type %d.typeWe only support %s mode, sorry. We only support %s format, sorry. We only support %s structure, sorry. local-fileremote-fileusage: %s local-file [ remote-file ] STOUSTORAPPElocal-filesusage: %s local-files Continue withmput%s: not foundr+wwusage: %s remote-file [ local-file ] local: %sRETRremote-filesusage: %s remote-files mgetonoffConnected %sto %s. and logged inNot connected. Connected for proxy commands to %s. No proxy connection. Gate ftp: %s, server %s, port %d. (none)Passive mode: %s. Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s. Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s. Store unique: %s; Receive unique: %s. Preserve modification times: %s. Case: %s; CR stripping: %s. Ntrans: (in) %s (out) %s Ntrans: off. Nmap: (in) %s (out) %s Nmap: off. Hash mark printing: %s; Mark count: %d; Progress bar: %s. Use of PORT cmds: %s. Macros: %s usage: %s [ on | off ] %s %s. Bell modePacket tracingusage: %s [ on | off | bytecount ] %s: bad bytecount value. Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark). Verbose modeUse of PORT cmdsProgress barInteractive modeusage: %s [ on | off | gateserver [ port ] ] %s: bad gateport value. Disabling gate-ftp mode - no gate-ftp server defined. GlobbingPreserve modification timesusage: %s [ on | off | debuglevel ] %s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). remote-directoryusage: %s remote-directory CWD %sCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD. XCWD %susage: %s local-directory Local directory now %s getcwd: %susage: %s remote-file DELE %smdeletefrom-nameto-nameusage: %s from-name to-name RNFR %sRNTO %s-usage: %s remote-directory local-file dirLISTNLSToutput to local-file:usage: %s remote-files local-file mlsSHELL/bin/shsh-c%sTry again laterusernameusage: %s username [password] [account] USER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. PWDPWD command not recognized, trying XPWD. XPWDLocal directory %s getcwddirectory-nameusage: %s directory-name MKD %sMKD command not recognized, trying XMKD. XMKD %sRMD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD. XRMD %scommand line to sendusage: %s line-to-send arguments to SITE commandSITE modefile-nameusage: %s mode file-name SITE CHMOD %s %sSITE UMASKSITE UMASK %sSITE IDLESITE IDLE %sHELPHELP %sQUITusage: %s [password] Account:commandusage: %s command ?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. ?Invalid proxy command. Case mappingCarriage Return strippingNtrans off. Nmap off. mapoutusage: %s [mapin mapout] nmap: unbalanced brackets. Passive modeStore uniqueReceive uniqueCDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP. XCUPrestart: offset not specified. Restarting at %qd. Execute get, put or append to initiate transfer SYSTLimit of 16 macros have already been defined. macro nameusage: %s macro_name Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line. macdef: end of file encountered. Macro not defined - 4K buffer exceeded. filenameusage: %s filename %s %qd %s %sSTAT %sSTATLocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s". PAGERmoreCan't allocate memory for $PAGER|%s?verboseuserumasktypetracetenexsystemsuniquestructstatussizesitesendportsendruniquerstatusrmdirrhelprestartresetrenameregetrecvquotequitpwdputproxypromptprogresspreservepassivepageopenntransnmapnlistnewermsendmputmoremodtimemodemlsmkdirmgetmdirmdeletemacdeflslpwdlesslcdimageidlehelphashglobgategetftpformexitdisconnectdirdeletedebugcrclosechmodcdupcdcasebyebinarybellasciiappendaccount$!macro nameusage: %s macro_name '%s' macro not found. ?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. Not connected. Can't allocate memory to parse URLhttp://ftp://url_get: Invalid URL '%s'Invalid URL (no `/' after host): %sInvalid URL (no file after host): %sInvalid URL (no file after directory): %sCan't allocate memory for proxy URL.Malformed proxy URL: %shost %s, port %s, path %s, save as %s. Invalid IP address: %s%s: %s%s: not an Internet address?Invalid port: %sCan't create socketCan't connect to %sRequesting %s Requesting %s (via %s) GET %s%s HTTP/1.0 /Writing HTTP request200Error retrieving file: %sContent-Length: Can't open %sWriting %sReading from socketSuccessfully retrieved file. Auto-login using ftp URLs isn't supported when using $ftp_proxyImproper response from %s http fetch aborted. ftp_proxyhttp_proxyCan't allocate memory for auto-fetch.:@/Invalid URL: %suser %s:%s host %s port %s dir %s file %s Can't connect or login to host `%s'cd*?[]{}Retrieving %s/%s %s/%sgetmget-%s: %ssocketconnect to address %sTrying %s... connectgetsocknamesetsockopt TOS (ignored)rwfdopen failed.Connected to %s. setsockopt---> PASS PASS XXXXACCT ACCT XXXXNo control connection for command. QUIT%c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection. %s: send aborted waiting for remote to finish abort. sentlocal: %s remote: %s -%slocal: %s%s: not a plain file. STORAPPEREST %ldr+w%s %snetout receive aborted waiting for remote to finish abort. receivedRETR./mallocnetin%s: short writeWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Can't change modification time on %s to %ssetsockopt (ignored)PASVPassive mode refused. %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! setsockopt (reuse address)bindlistenPORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dacceptSTOUproxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection. PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s abortresetrunique: can't find unique file name. Lost control connection for abort.%cABOR ftptcphttpFTPSERVERPORTbad FTPSERVERPORT port number: %s (ignored)ftpgatepftpgate-ftpFTPSERVERNeither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpTERMdumbemacssuadeginpPr:tvVbad port number: %s (ignored)-r requires numeric argumentRetrying... L''''''''''''''''''''Ȯ'\'' ''''''',''<'''''''ftp> sorry, input line too long. ?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. Not connected. !$%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: Proxy cC?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s %-*s %s usage: %s [-adeginptvV] [-r ] [host [port]] %s host:path[/] %s ftp://host[:port]/path[/] %s http://host[:port]/file macdefmachineaccountpasswdpasswordlogindefaultHOME.%s/.netrc%s/.netrc: %sr%sanonymousError: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove password or make file unreadable by others.Remove account or make file unreadable by others.Missing macdef name argument. Limit of 16 macros have already been defined. Macro definition missing null line terminator. 4K macro buffer exceeded. Unknown .netrc keyword %sstringlist: %mAlready connected to %s, use close first. tousage: %s host-name [port] %s: bad port number '%s'. gateserver not defined (shouldn't happen)PASSERVE %sConnected via pass-through server %s asciinon-printstreamfile8SYSTRemote system type is %s. 215 UNIX Type: L8binaryUsing %s mode to transfer files. 215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. anonymous%s@ftpName (%s:%s): Name (%s): USER %sPassword:PASS %sAccount:ACCT %sLogin failed.init$initsorry, arguments too long. (%s) TMPDIR/tmp/unable to create temporary file: %sftpXXXXXXXXXXunable to create temporary file %swNLSTarcan't find list of remote files, oops. can't find list of remote files, oops.%s %s? Interactive mode: off. Prompting off for duration of %s. n, y, p, a, are the only acceptable commands! %s: not foundSIZE %sMDTM %s%*s %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dCan't convert %s to a time. KMGTP %3d%% |%.*s%*s|********************************************************************************************************************************************************** %5qd %c%c --:-- ETA - stalled -%2d: %02d:%02d ETA.A%qd byte%s %s in %.2f seconds (%.2f %sB/s) sMK ETA: %02d:%02d:%02d .A@0Areloadupdatesyncasyncunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotao:ffsmount table fullspecified device does not match mounted devicefilesystem not supported by kernel%s on %s: %susage: mount_ffs [-o options] special node ,-o %s: option not supportedhaltdlnpq%sreboot???halted (with powerdown) by %shalted by %srebooted by %s~shutdownSIGTSTP init/etc/rc.shutdown/bin/shshSIGTERM processesWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die(can't restart init): T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T(T((T(T(T(T(T(T(T($(T(,(T(8(L(usage: %s [-dlnpq] cannot seek temp fileout of memorycannot read temp fileline too longcannot write temp fileinvalid address/tmp/ed.XXXXXXw+cannot open temp filecannot close temp fileEnter key: 0(0(0(1($1(81(L1(`1(t1(1(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(1(1(1(1(1(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(1(1(1(1(1(2(bad hex digit in keybad binary digit in keydes_setkeydes_cipherdecryption failed (block corrupted)decryption failed (incomplete block)cannot read fileinvalid pattern delimiter p unexpected end-of-file& no previous commandout of memoryrcannot open input filecannot close input file%lu newline inserted newline appended out of memorycannot read input filewcannot open output filecannot close output filecannot write fileunexpected end-of-filestdincannot read stdin%ld \  \abfnrtv\@(#) Copyright (c) 1993 Andrew Moore, Talke Studio. All rights reserved. *usage: %s [-] [-sx] [-p string] [name] p:sx ? interrupt? invalid filename%s warning: file modifiedscript, line %d: %s unexpected end-of-filenumber out of rangeinvalid address((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0((((((((((((((((0((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((invalid command suffixunexpected addressunexpected command suffixno current filenameinvalid redirectioncannot nest global commandsdestination expectedinvalid destinationno previous substitutioninvalid pattern delimiteraw%ld ! unknown commandl(((((((((((((((((((((((̹((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ܑ(((((((((( (((((ܑ(ذ((((((((((`((((̌((ܑ( (D(((4(L(ĝ((ܞ( (,(((((ܑ(ذ((((no matchfilename too longout of memoryshell access restrictedno previous command invalid mark charactered.hupHOME..invalid pattern delimiterno previous patternout of memoryunbalanced brackets ([])trailing backslash (\)number out of rangeno previous substitutionout of memoryno matchinfinite substitution loop out of memorynothing to undoHLPRfiprthe -R and -r options may not be specified together.the -H, -L, and -P options may not be specified with the -r option.%s: name too long%s5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5) 5)5)05)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)D5)5)5)X5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)%s: %s%s: directory causes a cycle..%s%s: name too long (not copied)%s and %s are identical (not copied).cannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %s%s is a directory (not copied).fts_read%soverwrite %s? readlink: %sunlink: %ssymlink: %smkfifo: %smknod: %sutimes: %schown: %schflags: %slchown: %s%s %s usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fip] src target cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fip] src1 ... srcN directory Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License GNU General Public License for more details. MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, any later version. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jean-loup Gaillybitslzwbestfastversionverboseno-timetestsuffixrecursivesilentquietnameno-namelicenselisthelpforceuncompressdecompressstdoutto-stdoutasciiusage: %s [-%scdfhlLnN%stvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...] r file... files to (de)compress. If none given, use standard input. -9 --best compress better -1 --fast compress faster -V --version display version number -v --verbose verbose mode -t --test test compressed file integrity -S .suf --suffix .suf use suffix .suf on compressed files -r --recursive operate recursively on directories -q --quiet suppress all warnings -N --name save or restore the original name and time stamp -n --no-name do not save or restore the original name and time stamp -L --license display software license -l --list list compressed file contents -h --help give this help -f --force force overwrite of output file and compress links -d --decompress decompress -c --stdout write on standard output, keep original files unchanged%s %s (%s) 1.2.418 Aug 93%s Compilation options: %s %s DIRENTUTIMESTDC_HEADERS HAVE_UNISTD_H DYN_ALLOC .exeGZIPunguncatgzcat.gzab:cdfhH?lLmMnNqrS:tvVZ123456789%s: -Z not supported in this version %s: option --ascii ignored on this system %s: incorrect suffix '%s' insufficient memoryT\)T\)T\)T\)T\)T\)T\)T\)T\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)Y)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)Y)p\)p\)p\)Z)TZ)Z)p\)p\)p\)p\)Z)p\)p\)[)p\)p\)p\)\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)p\)Y) Y)\Y)tY)p\)Y)p\)Y)p\)p\)p\)Y) 32 bitstoo many leaves in Huffman treeinvalid compressed data--length errorPOSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c usage: %s Can't open %s for read: %s End of file reachedex: %s: %s. phshshstrtabProgram header %d type %d can't be converted. Sections ordering prevents a.out conversion. .text.data.bssUnable to create %s: %s efh: writeSection %d: %s phys %x size %x file offset %x wrote %d byte file header. eah: writewrote %d byte a.out header. esecs: writewrote %d bytes of section headers. ipad: writewrote %d byte pad. Intersegment gap (%d bytes) too large. Warning: %d byte intersegment gap. Error writing gap: %s writing %d bytes... Error writing PROM padding: %s copy: lseekpremature end of filecopy: read: %s copy: writeNon-contiguous data can't be converted. %s: fseek: %s %s: Can't allocate %d bytes. %s: read: %s. b:c:d:f:snr%sstdinȄ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ***8*Ȅ*l*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ**Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ*Ȅ**, [-cf] list: illegal list value[-cf] list: values may not include zero[-cf] list: %d too large (max %d)%s: line too long.usage: cut -c list [file1 ...] cut -f list [-s] [-d delim] [file ...] HLPRXfgorstuwxthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.invalid file mode: %s%s: %sfts_read,*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*8*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*D*Ȕ*P*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*h*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*X*h*`*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*Ȕ*h*Ȕ*Ȕ*h*h*h*h*Ȕ*h*h*L***x***ȗ***ȗ****usage: chmod [-R [-H | -L | -P]] mode file ... exponent out of boundsrlast character not record delimiterfcloseline too long: ignoring %s...line too long: ignoring %.100s...%dfield numbers must be positivecannot indent end of lineillegal offsettoo many sort keys. (Limit is %d)illegal field descriptorfields out of order0*h*@*h*H*h*h*P*h*h*h*h*X*h*h*h*`*-k.%d,rfound disorder: %sfound non-uniqueness: %s/var/tmp/TMPDIRbcdfik:mHno:rR:t:T:uy:multiple field delimitersrecord/field delimiter clashmultiple record delimiterstoo many input files for -c option-otoo many input files for -m option-ignoring extra "%s" in file list1%sstdout/dev/ %sXXXXXXXXXXwcannot link %s: output left in %s*********************************** **4**4***4*****4****4********sort: %s usage: [-T dir] [-o output] [-cmubdfinr] [-t char] [-R char] [-k keydef] ... [files] /%s%s%ssort.XXXXXXXXXXw+init: %s init: already running initinitial setsid() failed: %mrootsetlogin() failed: %msfunrecognized flag '-%c'ignoring excess argumentsfatal signal: %scannot get kernel security level: %scannot change kernel security level from %d to %d: %skernel security level changed from %d to %dcan't open %s: %mcan't get %s for controlling terminal: %mEnter root password, or ^D to go multi-user /bin/sh-sh/dev/consoleconsolePassword:single-user login failed Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: PATH/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbincan't exec %s for single user: %mcan't fork single-user shell, trying againwait for single-user shell failed: %m; restartinginit: shell stopped, restarting single user shell terminated.single user shell terminated, restartingsh/etc/rcautobootcan't exec %s for %s: %mcan't fork for %s on %s: %mwait for %s on %s failed: %m; going to single user modeinit: %s on %s stopped, restarting %s on %s terminated abnormally, going to single user mode~rebootsession database close: %ssession database open: %sinsert %d: %sdelete %d: %s %s%s/dev/%s %scan't parse getty for port %scan't parse window for port %scan't fork for window system on port %s: %msetsid failed (window) %mcan't exec window system '%s' for port %s: %mcan't fork for getty on port %s: %m01getty repeating too quickly on port %s, sleepingcan't exec getty '%s' for port %s: %mport %s changed utmp index from %d to %d shutdownsome processes would not die; ps axl advised,-o %s: option not supportedupdateasyncunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotamfsinsane maxpartitions value %dNT:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:m:o:s:NOS:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:k:l:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:u:x:z:%s: bad sector size%s: bad maximum contiguous blocks %s: bad block size%s: bad cylinders/group%s: bad rotational delay %s: bad blocks per file in a cylinder group %s: bad fragment size%s: bad bytes per inode %s: bad track skew%s: bad interleave%s: bad free space %% %s: bad rotational layout count spacetime%s: unknown optimization preference: use `space' or `time'.%s: bad spare sectors per track%s: bad revolutions/minute %s: bad file system size%s: bad total tracksffs%s: bad sectors/track%s: bad spare sectors per cylindernewfs_%s%s/newfs_%s/sbin/usr/sbin%s not foundswap%sr%s/dev/%s%s%s: %s%s: getmntinfo: %s%s is mounted on %s%s: unknown disk type%s: %s: not a character-special device %s: can't figure out file system partition%s: `%c' partition is unavailable%s: `%c' partition overlaps boot program%s: maximum file system size on the `%c' partition is %d%s: no default #tracks%s: no default #sectors/track%s: no default sector sizeWarning: changing optimization to space because minfree is less than %d%% %s (%d) %s (%lu) Warning: calculated sectors per cylinderdisagrees with disk labelmfs:%dF+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+4?+D?+F+F+F+T?+?+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+?+@+X@+@+4A+|A+F+F+A+F+B+\B+B+B+HC+|D+F+D+E+E+F+F+F+LF+F+XE+ioctl (GDINFO)ioctl (WDINFO)%s: can't rewrite disk labelusage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device mount-point usage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device where fsoptions are: -N do not create file system, just print out parameters -O create a 4.3BSD format filesystem -S sector size -T disktype -a maximum contiguous blocks -b block size -c cylinders/group -d rotational delay between contiguous blocks -e maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group -f frag size -i number of bytes per inode -k sector 0 skew, per track -l hardware sector interleave -m minimum free space %% -n number of distinguished rotational positions -o optimization preference (`space' or `time') -p spare sectors per track -r revolutions/minute -s file system size (sectors) -t file system type -u sectors/track -x spare sectors per cylinder -z tracks/cylinder buffer malloc failed mfspreposterous size %d preposterous ntrak %d preposterous nsect %d block size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size (%d) cannot be smaller than fragment size (%d) fragment size %d is too small, minimum with block size %d is %d There is no block size that can support this disk With a block size of %d %s %d minimum bytes per inode isMinimum bytes per inode is %d With %d bytes per inode, minimum cylinders per group is %d With %d sectors per cylinder, %s to be changed from %d to %d This requires the block size %s to be changed from %d to %d and the fragment size%s groups must have a multiple of %d cylinders CylinderWarning: cylinderpanic (fs_cpg * fs_spc) % NSPF != 0cylinder groups must have at least %d cylinders Warning: Block size and bytes per inode restrictBlock size restrictsBytes per inode restrict cylinders per group to %d. file systems must have at least one cylinder %s %s %d %s %d.%sWarning: insufficient space in super block for rotational layout tables with nsectand ntrak File system performance may be impaired. inode blocks/cyl group (%d) >= data blocks (%d) number of cylinders per cylinder group (%d) %s. must be increasedFilesystem must have at least %d sectors Warning: inode blocks/cyl group (%d) >= data blocks (%d) in last cylinder group. This implies %d sector(s) cannot be allocated. Warning: %d sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated cg summary malloc failed %s: %d sectors in %d %s of %d tracks, %d sectors cylinders %.1fMB in %d cyl groups (%d c/g, %.2fMB/g, %d i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at: %d, %s/>Panic: cylinder group too big cg 0: bad magic number first cylinder group ran out of space internal error: can't find block in cyl 0 fsinit: inode value out of range (%d). getrlimitsetrlimitseek error: %ld rdfsread error: %ld wtfswrite error: %ld isblock bad fs_frag %d clrblock bad fs_frag %d setblock bad fs_frag %d COLUMNSunionrdonlysuidexecdevatimeaccesstimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotao:kernfsusage: mount_kernfs [-o options] /kern mount_point ,-o %s: option not supportedcall completed call aborted call abortedinterruptunknown ACU typecall failedr%s: can't open phone number file unrecognizable host name missing phone numbercall terminated disconnecting...v831vadict3000courierhayesventelhourminutesecondLocal file name? %s: cannot creat List command for remote system? [take] usage: from [to] %s: cannot create cat %s;echo  %d write error lines transferred in Local command? can't establish pipe can't fork! can't execl! r%s: cannot open timed out at eol chars transferred in [put] usage: from [to] cat>%s stty -echo;cat>%s;stty echo  timeout error (%s) can't find `%s' away for [sh] ! can't execl! can't create %s [cd] %s: bad directory ! %s [EOT] -c%s%d %s%c [set] onoff~{[*?$`'"\pipeecho %s/bin/shfork"Echo" failed read"%s": No match Buffer overflow expanding "%s" send breakget this summaryset variablesuspend tip (local only)suspend tip (local+remote)exit from tipchange directoryconnect program to remote hostpipe local command to remote hostpipe remote fileput file to remote UNIXtake file from remote UNIXsend file to remote hostreceive file from remote hostshellusage: cu telno [-t] [-s speed] [-a acu] [-l line] [-#] cu: unsupported speed %s Bad flag %scu%ldall ports busy link down noneConnect failed tip: flock???%s (%s) <%s, %s, %s> %s acan't open log file %s.  !"$'(+-.03569: %.2xlength: %dno callback alloweduser callback allowedaddress: %suser admin defined allowedcbcp_resp cb_type=%dcbcp_resp CONF_USERcbcp_resp CONF_ADMINcbcp_resp CONF_NOpeer will call: %sCall me back, pleaseCCPCompression disabled by peer.No compression negotiated(none)Deflate (%d/%d)Deflate (%d)BSD-Compress (%d/%d)BSD-Compress (%d)Predictor 1Predictor 2Method %d%s compression enabled%s / %s compression enabled%s receive compression enabled%s transmit compression enabledResetAckResetReqCodeRejTermAckTermReqConfRejConfNakConfAckConfReq %s code=0x%x id=0x%x <deflate %d method %d check %dbsd v%d %dpredictor 1predictor 2 %.2x>Lost compression sync: disabling compressionLost compression syncCHAPPeer failed to respond to CHAP challengeUnknown CHAP code (%d) received.No CHAP secret found for authenticating us to %sNo CHAP secret found for authenticating %sCHAP peer authentication failedRemote message: %sCHAP authentication failedWelcome to %s.I don't like you. Go 'way.@@Ao@FailureSuccessResponseChallenge %s code=0x%x id=0x%x <%.2x>, name = %.2xdemand frame--Ȓ-В-В-В-В---p-ؓ-(- -p-p-p-p-(------ - - - -%s: timeout sending Config-Requestsؘ--8-8-h----|------,-Received bad configure-ack: $-$-X-X-X-p---Received bad configure-nak/rej: ----Р-,-Р-\-%0.*v%s terminated by peer (%s)%s terminated by peer%s: Rcvd Code-Reject for code %d, id %d̥---ԥ-ԥ-ԥ-ԥ-0-IPCP%d.%d.%d.%dremote IP address required for demand-dialling local IP address %sremote IP address %sCould not determine remote IP addressCould not determine local IP addressPeer is not authorized to use remote address %sUnauthorized remote IP addressLocal IP address changed to %sRemote IP address changed to %sInterface configuration failed/etc/ppp/ip-up/etc/ppp/ip-down%dCodeRejTermAckTermReqConfRejConfNakConfAckConfReq %s code=0x%x id=0x%x <addrs %scompress VJold-VJ0x%xaddr %sdns-addr %swins-addr %s %.2x> LCPProtocol-Reject for unsupported protocol 0x%xBug in lcp_addci: wrong lengthSerial line is looped back.Loopback detected-<-x-0--T---x..... . . .DiscReqEchoRepEchoReqProtRejCodeRejTermAckTermReqConfRejConfNakConfAckConfReq %s code=0x%x id=0x%x <mru %dasyncmap 0x%xauth papchap0x%xquality lqrcallback CBCPmagic 0x%xpcompaccomp %.2x> magic=0x%x.... . ...x.x.x...H....L.p.....X.No response to %d echo-requestsSerial link appears to be disconnected.Peer not responding/usr/src/distrib/special/pppd/../../../usr.sbin/pppd/lcp.clcp_echo_timer_running==0lcp: received short Echo-Reply, length %dappear to have received our own echo-reply!Sorry - this system lacks PPP kernel support pppdCouldn't get hostname: %m/etc/ppp/optionsmust be root to run %s, since it is not setuid-rootconnect script required for demand-dialling Couldn't detach from controlling terminal(unknown)pppd %s.%d%s started by %s, uid %d2.3Couldn't establish signal handler (%d): %mUsing interface ppp%dppp%d%s%s.pid/var/run/w%d Failed to create pid file %s: %mStarting linkFailed to open %s: %mCouldn't reset non-blocking mode on device: %mCouldn't restrict write permissions to %s: %mConnect script failedSerial connection established.Failed to reopen %s: %mWelcome script failedConnect: %s <--> %sUser requestdisconnect script failedSerial link disconnected.unable to delete pid file: %mModem hanguprcvd Unsupported protocol (0x%x) receivedExit.Out of memory in timeout()!Failed to get time of day: %mHangup (SIGHUP)Terminating on signal %d.Fatal signal %dFailed to create child process: %m/etc/ppp/connect-errors/bin/shsh-ccould not exec /bin/sh: %merror waiting for (dis)connection process: %mFailed to create child process for %s: %m//dev/nullcan't reset priority to 0: %mCan't execute %s: %mError waiting for child process: %mChild process %d terminated with signal %d%s[%s][proto=0x%x] %.2x"\%c\n\r\t\%.3oVirtual memory exhausted allocating %s Db.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.a.xa.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.`e.b.`e.a.a.b.lb.a.b.`e.b.`e.a.-h--help--version-ipxnoipxms-winsms-dnsholdoffidlepapcryptipparam-predictor1nopredictor1predictor1-deflatenodeflatedeflate-bsdcompnobsdcompbsdcomp-ccpnoccpipcp-accept-remoteipcp-accept-localchap-intervalchap-max-challengechap-restartpap-timeoutpap-max-authreqpap-restartipcp-max-failureipcp-max-configureipcp-max-terminateipcp-restartlcp-max-failurelcp-max-configurelcp-max-terminatelcp-restartlcp-echo-intervallcp-echo-failurenoipdefaultlogindemandnopersistpersist-proxyarpnoproxyarpproxyarp-defaultroutenodefaultroutedefaultroutecallfilenoauthauthremotenameusehostnameusernamelocklocalmodem_chatmodemsilentpassivenetmaskmtumrudomainkdebugdebugxonxoff-crtsctsnocrtsctscrtsctsmaxconnectwelcomedisconnectconnectescapeasyncmapvj-max-slots-vjccompnovjccomp-vjnovj-chaprefuse-chap+chaprequire-chap-paprefuse-pap+paprequire-pap-pcnopcomp-p-mrudefault-mru-mnnomagic-ipnoip-detachnodetach-d-as-amdefault-asyncmap-acnoaccomp-allpppd version %s patch level %d%s Usage: %s [ options ], where options are: Communicate over the named device Set the baud rate to : Set the local and/or remote interface IP addresses. Either one may be omitted. asyncmap Set the desired async map to hex auth Require authentication from peer connect

Invoke shell command

to set up the serial line crtscts Use hardware RTS/CTS flow control defaultroute Add default route through interface file Take options from file modem Use modem control lines modem_chat Use modem control lines during chat mru Set MRU value to for negotiation netmask Set interface netmask to See pppd(8) for more options. command linetoo few parameters for option %sunrecognized option '%s'2.3pppd version %s patch level %d%s rCan't open options file %s: %mCan't open options file %s: access deniedIn file %s: too few parameters for option '%s'In file %s: unrecognized option '%s'.ppprcinit file name//dev/ttytty init file name/etc/ppp/options.%s: %s %sError reading %s: %mwarning: word in file %s too long (%.20s...)x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.invalid numeric parameter '%s' for %s optioncall option value may not contain .. or start with /call file name/etc/ppp/peers/mtu option value of %u is too %ssmalllargevj-max-slots value must be between 2 and 16connect scriptdisconnect scriptwelcome scriptmaxconnect time must be positivemaxconnect time cannot be increasedusing the domain option requires root privilege.escape parameter contains invalid hex number '%s'can't escape character 0x%xCouldn't stat %s: %munknown host: %sbad local IP address %sbad remote IP address %sinvalid netmask value '%s'using the name option requires root privilegecannot override auth option set by %sdefaultroute option is disabledproxyarp option is disabledinvalid parameter '%s' for bsdcomp optionbsdcomp option values must be 0 or %d .. %dinvalid parameter '%s' for deflate optiondeflate option values must be 0 or %d .. %dipparam stringinvalid address parameter '%s' for ms-dns optioninvalid address parameter '%s' for ms-wins optionCouldn't create IP socket: %mppp0This system lacks kernel support for PPP. To include PPP support in the kernel, please add a line pseudo-device ppp 1 to your kernel config file and build a new kernel. ioctl(transfer ppp unit): %mioctl(TIOCGETD): %mioctl(TIOCSETD): %mioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): %mtransfer_ppp failed: wanted unit %d, got %dioctl (PPPIOCGFLAGS): %mioctl(PPPIOCSFLAGS): %mCouldn't set device to non-blocking mode: %mCouldn't restore device fd flags: %mbit 7 set to 1bit 7 set to 0odd parityeven paritySerial link is not 8-bit clean:All received characters had %stcgetattr: %mBaud rate for %s is 0; need explicit baud ratetcsetattr: %mNo free pty for loopbackcouldn't set attributes on loopback: %mcouldn't set loopback to nonblock: %msent write: %mselect: %mread: %meof on loopbackread from loopback: %mioctl(SIOCSIFMTU): %mioctl(PPPIOCSASYNCMAP): %mioctl(set extended ACCM): %mioctl(PPPIOCSMRU): %mioctl(PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP): %mioctl(PPPIOCGFLAGS): %mioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): %mioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS): %mioctl(set NP %d mode to %d): %mCouldn't remove interface address: %mCouldn't set interface address: %mCouldn't set interface address: Address %s already existsCouldn't delete interface address: %mCouldn't %s default route: socket: %madddeleteCouldn't %s default route: %mCannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARPCouldn't add proxy arp entry: socket: %mCouldn't add proxy arp entry: %mCouldn't delete proxy arp entry: socket: %mCouldn't delete proxy arp entry: %mioctl(SIOCGIFCONF): %mfound interface %s for proxy arplock file name/var/spool/lock/LCK..Can't read pid from lock file %sRemoved stale lock on %s (pid %d)Couldn't remove stale lock on %sDevice %s is locked by pid %dCan't create lock file %s: %m%10d PAPNo response to PAP authenticate-requestsPAP authentication failed due to protocol-rejectPAP authentication of peer failed (protocol-reject)Remote message: %sPAP authentication failedAuthNakAuthAckAuthReq %s code=0x%x id=0x%x user= password= %.2x$OpenBSD: compile.c,v 1.3 1997/04/28 20:23:19 millert Exp $unexpected EOF (pending }'s)0123456789/\$command expectedinvalid command code %ccommand %c expects up to %d address(es), found %dunexpected }extra characters at the end of %c commandcommand %c expects \ followed by textextra characters after \ at the end of %c commandfilename expectedw command%s: %s read commandbranchlabelempty labelsubstitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslashunterminated substitute patternextra text at the end of a transform command\.,/.t... //H////\ can not be used as a string delimiternewline can not be used as a string delimiterunbalanced brackets ([])RE error: %s123456789\%c not defined in the REunescaped newline inside substitute patternunterminated substitute in regular expressionmore than one number or 'g' in substitute flagsno wfile specifiedbad flag in substitute command: '%c'transform pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslashunterminated transform source stringunterminated transform target stringtransform strings are not the same lengthunterminated regular expressionexpected context addresswhitespace after %sundefined label '%s'0/T////////////////0//T////////duplicate label '%s'unused label '%s'$OpenBSD: main.c,v 1.4 1997/01/15 23:43:12 millert Exp $ae:f:nusage: sed script [-an] [file ...] sed [-an] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...] stdout: %s!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/ !/!/!/!/4!/H!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/r%s: %s"%s" ..."stdin$OpenBSD: misc.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 21:05:41 mickey Exp $%ssed: %lu: %s: $OpenBSD: process.c,v 1.3 1997/09/11 11:21:07 deraadt Exp $%s%s: %s %lu P>/P>/P>/$>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/6/P>/P>/6/7/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/`8/P>/P9/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/P>/5/;/5/6/P>/P>/6/6/L7/P>/P>/d7/P>/7/P>/9/9/h:/`;/;/P>/P>/;/=/=/P>/;/P>/P>/\%d not defined in the RErstdout: %sCOLUMNS\ \ \abfnrtv%03ofirst RE may not be emptyRE error: %s%s: %susage: sleep seconds if%s: destination pathname too longoverwrite %s? override %s%s%s/%s for %s? cannot resolve %s: %scannot rename a mount pointrename %s to %scan't remove %s%s%s: remove%s: set owner/group; not setting setuid/setgid%s: set owner/group%s: set mode%s: set times/bin/cpmv-PRp%s: waitpid%s: did not terminate normally%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status/bin/rm-rfusage: mv [-fi] source target mv [-fi] source ... directory %d|&=<>+-*/%:()syntax error%snon-numeric argumentdivision by zero//X/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0///l///H/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0///p/%d %s )(-o-a!-ef-ot-nt-lt-le-gt-ge-ne-eq><!==-S-L-G-O-h-n-z-t-s-k-g-u-p-b-c-d-f-e-x-w-r[]missing ]unknown operand,/4/L//,/%s: %s%sargument expectedclosing paren expected/$/L/l/l/l/l//ԑ//$/L//ܒ/$/l//D/P/\/h///////X/ؕ/X//ȕ/Е/X/X/X/ /0/%s: out of range%s: bad numberallocate bad sizecannot allocateallocated object too smallfreeing with invalid areafreeing free objectLPrestricted shell - can't cdPWDOLDPWDHOMEno home directory (HOME not set)-no OLDPWDdon't know current directorybad substitutiontoo many argumentsCDPATH%s: bad directory%s - %s%s can't get current directory - %sRnprsu,ne-p: %s-u: %s: %s//////////////////////////////////////,/////////4//@//////pvpvV%s is a reserved word is an %salias for exported alias %s= is an exported traced undefined (autoload from %s) function is a%s shell builtin special is a tracked %salias for not found%s is *GOK*̶/// /// /L#R#UZ#fi#lrtuxponly -t, -u and -x options may be used with -ffunction %s %T %s: not identifiertypeset -i -x -r -t -L%d -R%d -Z -l -u -U %s[%d] %s exportreadonly%s[%d]=d/////////////0//////H///`/////l//////////////////////////Ⱥ/к///ܺ/drtUx-taunaliasalias: -r flag can only be used with -t and without arguments %s=%s alias not found l/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p//p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p//p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p//p//p/p/p//adtno argumentslpnzbgjob control not enabled%%%*d %*s %s%*d %*d %sbad signal `%s'--ls:Usage: kill [ -s signame | -signum | -signame ] {pid|job}... kill -l [exit_status] %d %s%s%s: arguments must be jobs or process ids%s: %smissing options argumentmissing name argument%s: is not an identifierc_getopts: no argvarguments changed since last callOPTINDOPTARG%s is readonlylmbind+fg+bgwhence+unalias=typeset*=readonlypwdprintlet+kill+jobs+getopts+fc*=exportecho+command+cd+alias%s: bad numbernothing to shiftSugorwx%s %#3.3o bad numberaugo=+-rwxugoXsbad mask-eq-ne-gt-ge-lt -le!-ef"-nt#-ot$[]missing ]internal error: unknown op000 0 0 0 0X 0 0 0T 0t0 0p 0 0 0 0@ 0T 0 0 0L 0X 0 0 00000000000P0h000000unexpected operator/operandmissing closing parenmissing argumentexpression expectedmissing second argumentmissing expression operator)(!-a-o1%s: %s%sprocessesnofiles(descriptors)memory(kbytes)lockedmem(kbytes)stack(kbytes)data(kbytes)coredump(blocks)file(blocks)time(cpu-seconds)ulimit: %ctoo many argumentsunlimited%-20s unlimited %ld bad limit: %sCOLUMNSLINESfileglob: substitute errorFPATH;|&()*+?@!commentset-argupcase-worddowncase-wordcapitalize-wordexpand-filecomplete-listyankexchange-point-and-markversiontranspose-charsstuff-resetstuffset-mark-commandsearch-historysearch-character-backwardsearch-character-forwardprev-hist-wordup-historyno-opnewline-and-nextdown-historynewlineforward-wordforward-charend-of-linebackward-wordbeginning-of-linebackward-charyank-popprefix-2prefix-1quotelist-filelist-commandkill-regionkill-to-eolauto-insertmacro-stringgoto-historyerroreot-or-deletelisteotend-of-historyredrawkill-linedelete-word-forwarddelete-char-forwarddelete-word-backwarddelete-char-backwardcompletecomplete-filecomplete-commandbeginning-of-historyaborthb fd'(! ! %"#)< >g  0y7#-1= ?2*?* /.&.&_606162636465666768695U5u4L4l3C3c[%A"BCD I-search: nothing to yank yank something first%s%s = %s '%s' cannot bind, not a tty%s: no such functionsubstituteexpand(NULL)%S%s: bad substitution%s: is read onlyparameter null or not set%s: %s8000̻00`0t00|0000<0L00$0@0P00000000000000000000000000(00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0%s: parameter not set%Rfunny $() command: %s%s: cannot open $() input.*+?@!HOMEPWDOLDPWDPS4%s%s%scoprocess already exists%s is read only%s: %s00(00|0|000d00000000000 0D0P000(0_builtin: %s: not a builtin:pcommand -p: restricted%s: restricted%s: can't find function definition file - %s%s: can't find function definition file%s: can't open function definition file %s - %s%s: function not defined by %sCFUNC %d%s: cannot execute - %s%s: not found1111181811EXECSHELL/bin/sh%s: %s: %sshcomexec: %sFPATH%R%s%s cannot %s %s: %sopencreatedupcould not finish (dup) redirection %s: %s41D111<11here document missingherein: yylexerror writing %s: %sREPLY-rreadPS3%*d) %sdbteste_error: %s (offset %d)++--==!== *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= <<>><=>=<>&& || */%+-&^|? , ~!():end of expression%s: unexpected `%s'%s: bad number `%s'%s: expression recurses on parameter `%s'%s: %s requires lvalue%s: %s applied to read only variable%s: %s/1,11T11|111111missing )zero divisormissing :@81X81H;161 71T7171717171p818181717181(8171818189161 71T717171p81818191H;1missing ]e:glnrs0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,- $_-%c%stoo many argumentscan't use -e, -l, -n, -r with -s (-e -)can't use -l, -n with -e-16 %d %.*s %s cannot create temp file %s - %serror writing temporary file - %s_${FCEDIT:-/bin/ed} $_cannot open temp file %serror reading temp file %s - %sLG1LG1LG1LG1LG1LG1LG1LG1LG1LG1F1F1F1F1F1Q1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1`F1F1 G1F1F1F1F14G1F1 } ${PS3=#? } ${PS4=+ }KSH_VERSIONwhovishsedrmprmvmakemaillsgrepemacseddatecpchmodcccat-tUnewgrp=exec newgrplogin=exec loginr=fc -e -local=typesetnohup=nohup integer=typeset -ihistory=fc -lfunctions=typeset -fautoload=typeset -fususpend=kill -STOP $$stop=kill -STOPtype=whence -vhash=alias -taliasTMOUT=0SECONDS=0RANDOMMAILCHECK=600OPTIND=1-iPPID-ri-rHOMEPATHSHELL-xtypesetpdksh/usr/bin:/bin/sh-shPWD.$ # PS1-c requires an argument%s: %sCannot determine current working directory/etc/profile$HOME/.profile/etc/suid_profileENVinclude: %dh22h22|2222shell: %dUse `exit' to leave ksh 222222222p2p2p2 2p2p2alloc: %s0123456789 |&;<>()*@#!$-? =-+?#% "#$&'()*;<>?[\`|0123456789ABCDEFxtracevi-esccompletevi-tabcompletevi-show8virawviverbosetrackallstdinshrestrictedprivilegedposixphysicalnounsetnotifynolognohupnoglobnoexecnoclobbermonitormarkdirsloginkeywordinteractiveignoreeofgmacserrexitemacsbgnicebraceexpandallexport%-*s %sonoffCurrent option settings set -o %so:Ao;s%s: bad optionparse_args: `%c'-A: missing array name%s: is not an identifier%s: bad number*+?@!%s%s-%c: unknown option: %s%s-`%c' requires argument%s'\''%-*s%*sshf_fdopen: missing read/writeshf_reopen: missing read/writeshf_reopen: bad shf/buf/bsizeshf_sopen: flags 0x%xshf_flush: no fdshf_emptybuf: no fdshf_fillbuf: no fdshf_read: flags %xshf_read: bsize %dshf_getse: flags %xshf_getchar: flags %xshf_ungetc: flags %xshf_putchar: flags %xshf_putchar: no fdshf_write: flags %xshf_write: nbytes %dshf_snprintf: buf %lx, bsize %d0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef(null %s)2x2x22x2x2x2x2x2x2<2 2x2`202x22x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2p2x2x2x2h2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222T222222܆2$2$2$2$2܆2$2$2$2$2$2p22$2$2$2$22$2$22too many <<'s too many redirections let%s: bad identifier forselect%S%s: invalid function name newline|&((;;||&&[[!}{timefunctionindonedountilwhileesaccasefielifelsethenifunexpectedunmatchedsyntax error: unexpected EOF %R?%dsyntax error: `%s' %s aliasexportreadonlytypeset||&&!()]]<>Error handlerERRUser defined signal 2USR2User defined signal 1USR1Information requestINFOWindow size changeWINCHProfiling timer expiredPROFVirtual timer expiredVTALRMFile size limit exceededXFSZCPU time limit exceededXCPUI/O possibleIOStopped (tty output)TTOUStopped (tty input)TTINChild exitedCHLDContinuedCONTStoppedTSTPStopped (signal)STOPUrgent I/O conditionURGTerminatedTERMAlarm clockALRMBroken pipePIPEBad system callSYSMemory faultSEGVBus errorBUSKilledKILLFloating point exceptionFPEEMT trapEMTAbortABRTTrace trapTRAPIllegal instructionILLQuitQUITInterruptINTHangupHUPSignal 0EXITtimed out waiting for inputsetexecsig: unset signal %d(%s)%S #no-vars# #no-args# ( %T) %T| %T%;%T%s %T||&&! 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swab.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:30 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strspn.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:26 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strcspn.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:15 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strsignal.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:25 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strmode.c,v 1.3 1997/06/13 13:57:20 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: strcoll.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:13 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: system.c,v 1.3 1996/09/15 09:31:52 tholo Exp $sh-c/bin/sh$OpenBSD: strtoul.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:33:52 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: realpath.c,v 1.3 1997/06/20 20:37:45 deraadt Exp $./$OpenBSD: rand.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:44 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: radixsort.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:33:44 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: heapsort.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:32 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: getopt.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:32 tholo Exp $%s: illegal option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c $OpenBSD: bsearch.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:26 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: atol.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:26 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: atexit.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:22 tholo Exp $%stmp.%lu.XXXXXXXXX/var/tmp/ $OpenBSD: auth_unix.c,v 1.8 1997/07/17 06:36:46 deraadt Exp $authunix_create: out of memory auth_none.c - Fatal marshalling problem*** unknown regexp error code ***invalid argument to regex routineREG_INVARG"can't happen" -- you found a bugREG_ASSERTempty (sub)expressionREG_EMPTYrepetition-operator operand invalidREG_BADRPTout of memoryREG_ESPACEinvalid character rangeREG_ERANGEinvalid repetition count(s)REG_BADBRbraces not balancedREG_EBRACEparentheses not balancedREG_EPARENbrackets ([ ]) not balancedREG_EBRACKinvalid backreference numberREG_ESUBREGtrailing backslash (\)REG_EESCAPEinvalid character classREG_ECTYPEinvalid collating elementREG_ECOLLATEinvalid regular expressionREG_BADPATregexec() failed to matchREG_NOMATCHREG_0x%x0%d0123456789ABCDEFabcdefxdigitABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZupper space!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~punctABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ printabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzlowerABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~graph0123456789digit cntrl blankABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzalphaABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789alnumDELtilderight-curly-bracketright-bracevertical-lineleft-curly-bracketleft-bracegrave-accentlow-lineunderscorecircumflex-accentcircumflexright-square-bracketreverse-solidusbackslashleft-square-bracketcommercial-atquestion-markgreater-than-signequals-signless-than-signsemicoloncolonnineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwoonezerosolidusslashfull-stopperiodhyphen-minushyphencommaplus-signasteriskright-parenthesisleft-parenthesisapostropheampersandpercent-signdollar-signnumber-signquotation-markexclamation-markUSIS1RSIS2GSIS3FSIS4ESCSUBEMCANETBSYNNAKDC4DC3DC2DC1DLESISOcarriage-returnCRform-feedFFvertical-tabVTnewlineLFtabHTbackspaceBSalertBELACKENQEOTETXSTXSOHNUL}6666H{66}6}666}66666666666666666}6666666666666666666666666666(~6L~66|66666666666666666666666666666~6t}6[:<:]][:>:]]6666 6 6 6 6 6,6ئ66 6 6 6 6 6 6d66$OpenBSD: rcmd.c,v 1.26 1997/07/09 01:08:47 millert Exp $RSHshelltcprcmd: socket: All ports in use rcmd: socket: %s connect to address %s: Trying %s... %s: %s %drcmd: write (setting up stderr): %s rcmd: select (setting up stderr): %s select: protocol failure in circuit setup rcmd: accept: %s socket: protocol failure in circuit setup. rcmd: %s: %s /etc/hosts.equivr/.rhosts.rhosts lstat failed.rhosts not regular file.rhosts fstat failedbad .rhosts owner.rhosts writeable by other than ownerrcmd: address %s not listed for host %s%x.0.%x%02x6666666666666666 6 6 6 6 6 666666666666666666666666666666666%d-%d-%d-%d-%d%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%x,%x,%x%3x%3o%3d66666666666x6x66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666(6T6<6<6%8xH.%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x.%u%d-%d-%d-%d-%d%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%x,%x,%x%3x%3o%3d6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666bf0.0.0.%u.in-addr.arpa0.0.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa0.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpaLC_MESSAGESLC_TIMELC_NUMERICLC_MONETARYLC_CTYPELC_COLLATELC_ALLPATH_LOCALE/usr/share/localeLANGC%s/%s/%s/%s/%sPOSIX%s/%s/%s%s: User defined signal 2User defined signal 1Information requestWindow size changesProfiling timer expiredVirtual timer expiredFilesize limit exceededCputime limit exceededI/O possibleStopped (tty output)Stopped (tty input)Child exitedContinuedSuspendedSuspended (signal)Urgent I/O conditionTerminatedAlarm clockBroken pipeBad system callSegmentation faultBus errorKilledFloating point exceptionEMT trapAbort trapTrace/BPT trapIllegal instructionQuitInterruptHangupSignal 0/var/run/dev.db/dev/M7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7M7O7O7O7O7O7O7O7M7O7O7M7M7M7M7O7M7M7longjmp botch. %u/bin/shsh-cHOME.offonsecurelocalrtsctssoftcarmdmbufwindow/etc/ttysr/dev/ttyr+ /etc/grouprgroup.byname%dgroup.bygid: BLOCKSIZEGKM%s: unknown blocksizemaximum blocksize is %dG%s: minimum blocksize is 512%ld%s-blocks... : xxswufsswap ,rwrqro/etc/fstabrfstab: : vndccdfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownext2fsADFSHFSADOSbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth-Edition4.1BSDSystemVVersion7Version6swapunusedadoscd9660lfsmsdosffs/etc/disktabb0b1tyremovablesimulatedsfsentnsncdtscsurmilskcshstsbssbpxbxfxoxtxdx//dev/null$OpenBSD: assert.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:21:46 tholo Exp $assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d $OpenBSD: sigcompat.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:19:39 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: killpg.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:29:58 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: getwd.c,v 1.4 1996/12/21 22:23:37 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: gethostid.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:29:58 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: creat.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:29:57 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: __strsignal.c,v 1.5 1996/09/25 13:19:01 deraadt Exp $libcUnknown signal: $OpenBSD: strtok.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:28 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: setenv.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:48 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: rpc_commondata.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:31:47 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: rcmdsh.c,v 1.4 1997/07/23 16:59:37 millert Exp $/usr/bin/rshrcmdsh: unknown user: %s localhostrcmdsh: socketpairrcmdsh: fork failedrcmdsh: dup2 failedrcmdsh: fork to lose parent failedrcmdsh: setuid(%u): %s /bin/sh-c-lrcmdsh: execlp %s failed: %s No address associated with nameUnknown server errorHost name lookup failureUnknown hostResolver Error 0 (no error): Resolver internal errorUnknown resolver error/etc/servicesr# ,//etc/protocolsr# /etc/networksr# gethostby*.getanswer: asked for "%s", got "%s"-_/gethostby*.getanswer: asked for "%s %s %s", got type "%s"bf%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa%x.%x.ip6.int/etc/hostsr# %u.%u.%u.%uhosts.byaddrhosts.byname./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567896789:;<=>?  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345%2.2u$OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt 1Ѭߘr/Ḗ~&jE|,G$l iciNWqX~=t 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Gy$1$$%s: %s: : %s User defined signal 2User defined signal 1Information requestWindow size changesProfiling timer expiredVirtual timer expiredFilesize limit exceededCputime limit exceededI/O possibleStopped (tty output)Stopped (tty input)Child exitedContinuedSuspendedSuspended (signal)Urgent I/O conditionTerminatedAlarm clockBroken pipeBad system callSegmentation faultBus errorKilledFloating point exceptionEMT trapAbort trapTrace/BPT trapIllegal instructionQuitInterruptHangupSignal 0: master.passwd.bynamepasswd.byname__YP!+%umaster.passwd.byuidpasswd.byuid/etc/pwd.db/etc/spwd.db%s: %m$OpenBSD: getnetgrent.c,v 1.7 1997/10/10 23:07:30 deraadt Exp $*netgroup: %mnetgroup: db getnetgroupnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostnetgroup: Syntax error `%s'netgroup: Cycle in group `%s'%s.%s(%s,%s,%s) ,/etc/netgroup.db+/%s.dbtcr888888888888ػ888888̻88888888888888888888888888ػ888888̻8PATH/usr/bin:/bin:.execvp: : path too long sh/bin/sh$OpenBSD: rindex.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:08 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: _yp_check.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:34:57 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: yp_first.c,v 1.5 1996/12/03 08:20:03 deraadt Exp $yp_first: clnt_call$OpenBSD: yp_get_default_domain.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:09 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: ypmatch_cache.c,v 1.6 1996/12/03 08:20:06 deraadt Exp $yp_match: clnt_callyp_next: clnt_call$OpenBSD: strstr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:27 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strsep.c,v 1.3 1997/08/20 04:28:14 millert Exp $888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@8888888888888888888888888888888888H88888888888888888888888(88888P8888X88P8848t8888888888P88X88@88@8@8$8H8H8H8H8H8H8H8p8p8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8888888@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@88@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8888888@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@888p888p88888888888p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p88p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p88$OpenBSD: fgetln.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:32:29 tholo Exp $888888%.*s.%.*sHOSTALIASESrrjeechodiscardsystatdaytimenetstatqotdchargenftp-dataftptelnetsmtptimerlpnamewhoisdomainaptsapfsbootpsbootpctftpfingerlinksupdupnewaccthostnamesiso-tsapx400x400-sndcsnet-nspop-2sunrpcauthsftpuucp-pathnntperpcntpstatsrvprofileNeWSsnmpsnmp-trapprint-srv%dH 9(9 9(9 9(9 9(9 9(9 9(9 9(9 90 9D 9(9X 9(9l 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9 9(9 9(9(9 9 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9 9(9(9(9 9(9 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9 9 94 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9H 9(9\ 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9p 9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9 9(9(9(9(9 9 9 9 9 9 9(9(9(99(9$9(989(9L9(9`9(9t9(99(99(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(99(9(99(9(9(9(9(9(9(99(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(9(999(9(9(9(9(9(9(99icmpigmpggpsttcpuclegpigpnvp-IIpupchaosudp999999,9@9T99h9|999999;; res options: %s;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d; flags: qr aa tc rd ra UNUSED-BIT-ON ad cd; Ques: %d, Ans: %d, Auth: %d, Addit: %d;; QUESTIONS: ;; , type = %s, class = %s ;; ANSWERS: ;; AUTHORITY RECORDS: ;; ADDITIONAL RECORDS: ;; ...truncated ;; ...malformed . %lu %s %s ; proto %d, port %d " "\"?" ;; *** Warning *** OS-type missing ( %lu ; serial %lu ; refresh (%s) %lu ; retry (%s) %lu ; expire (%s) %lu ) ; minimum (%s) %d %u %u "%.*s" %u %u %u %u %s %s ( 0x%04x %u %u ( ) ; BAD BASE64 %d ; LABELS WRONG (%d should be %d) ( %s %u ?%d?;; packet size error (found %ld, dlen was %d) L$9H%9=9=9H%9)9H%9H%9H%9=959H%9%939@,9.939@,9,-9%9@,919=99989,9=91929=9=9=9X39=9@29=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9=9595959ANYHESIODHSCHAOSIN"any"URN Naming AuthorityNAPTRgroup ID (nonstandard)GIDuser ID (nonstandard)UIDuser information (nonstandard)UINFOmail agent (deprecated)MAILAmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILBzone transferAXFRincremental zone transferIXFRATM address (unimplemented)ATMAserver selectionSRVNIMROD locator (unimplemented)NIMLOCendpoint identifier (unimplemented)EIDnext valid name (unimplemented)NXTlocationLOCIPv6 addressAAAAgeographical position (withdrawn)GPOSmapping informationPXkeyKEYsignatureSIGNSAP_PTRnsap addressNSAProuterRTISDN addressISDNX25 addressX25DCE or AFS serverAFSDBresponsible personRPtextTXTmail exchangerMXmailbox informationMINFOhost informationHINFOdomain name pointerPTRwell-known service (deprecated)WKSnullNULLmail renameMRmail group memberMGmailboxMBstart of authoritySOAcanonical nameCNAMEmail forwarder (deprecated)MFmail destination (deprecated)MDname serverNSaddressAinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?0 secs%d day%ss%d hour%s%d min%s%d sec%s%ld.%.2ldtM9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9tM9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9tM9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9tM9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9M9PN9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9DN9\N9\N9\N9\N9DN9\N9\N9\N9PN9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9PN9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9\N9DN9\N9\N9\N9\N9DN9\N9\N9\N9PN9?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZONEREFZONEINITUPDATEMAUPDATEMUPDATEDAUPDATEDUPDATEA8765NOTIFYCQUERYUCQUERYMIQUERYQUERYNOCHANGE14131211109REFUSEDNOTIMPNXDOMAINSERVFAILFORMERRNOERROR01234567890123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF%u.%u.%u.%u%x%d.%d.%d.%dABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=%s: : %s   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~syslog: unknown facility/priority: %x<%d>%h %e %T %s[%d] /dev/console /dev/log$OpenBSD: xdr_ypresp_val.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:06 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_ypresp_key_val.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:04 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_ypreq_nokey.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:03 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_ypreq_key.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:03 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_valdat.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:35:00 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_mapname.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:34:59 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_keydat.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:34:58 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: ypprot_err.c,v 1.4 1996/12/14 06:49:47 tholo Exp $99999x9p9h9X9P9`9$OpenBSD: yp_bind.c,v 1.9 1997/04/29 21:25:20 deraadt Exp $/var/run/ypbind.lock%s/%s.%d/var/yp/bindingclnttcp_createYP server for domain %s not responding, still trying clntudp_createfcntl: F_SETFD$OpenBSD: strftime.c,v 1.8 1997/07/25 20:30:14 mickey Exp $%m/%d/%y %H:%M%H:%M:%S h99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999p99`99999p999999999999@99999H9|99999999$999D999$999H9t99L99`9999p9ܧ99D9p99$OpenBSD: strdup.c,v 1.3 1997/08/20 04:18:52 millert Exp $: $OpenBSD: clnt_tcp.c,v 1.15 1997/09/22 05:11:06 millert Exp $clnttcp_create: out of memory $OpenBSD: clnt_perror.c,v 1.8 1997/02/10 00:51:39 millert Exp $%s: %s; errno = %s ; low version = %u, high version = %u ; why = %s (unknown authentication error - %d) ; s1 = %u, s2 = %u ,9,9,9D9D9,999,99,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9RPC: Unknown protocolRPC: Failed (unspecified error)RPC: Program not registeredRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Authentication errorRPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Timed outRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: SuccessRPC: (unknown error code)%s: %s - %s %s: %s %sFailed (unspecified error)Invalid server verifierClient credential too weakServer rejected verifierInvalid client verifierServer rejected credentialInvalid client credentialAuthentication OK$OpenBSD: authunix_prot.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:31:22 tholo Exp $99$9(9999999 /&fLOCALDOMAIN/etc/resolv.confrbfdomain lookupsearchnameserversortlistoptionsconfRES_OPTIONSenvndots:debuginet6::H:l::%I:%M:%S %p%H:%M:%S%m/%d/%y%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %YPMAMDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundaySatFriThuWedTueMonSun%s: %s: : %s   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$OpenBSD: xdr_ypstat.c,v 1.4 1996/12/14 06:49:45 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_ypbind_resp.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:01 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_ypbind_binding.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:00 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_domainname.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:34:58 tholo Exp $GMT/etc/localtime/usr/share/zoneinfo/mnposixrulesTZSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec???%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %d $OpenBSD: strpbrk.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:23 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strcpy.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:34:14 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strcat.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:34:10 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strerror.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:17 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strcasecmp.c,v 1.3 1997/08/20 04:13:57 millert Exp $  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$OpenBSD: atoi.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:24 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_rec.c,v 1.5 1997/05/28 21:28:56 deraadt Exp $xdrrec_create: out of memory $OpenBSD: xdr_array.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:32:02 tholo Exp $xdr_array: out of memory $OpenBSD: xdr_ypbind_resptype.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:35:01 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: __strerror.c,v 1.6 1996/09/25 08:17:30 deraadt Exp $libcUnknown error: $OpenBSD: strtol.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:33:51 tholo Exp $NLSPATH/usr/share/nls/%L/%N.cat:/usr/share/nls/%N/%LLANGCg:g:Pg:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:$OpenBSD: errlist.c,v 1.3 1996/09/15 09:30:59 tholo Exp $Inappropriate file type or formatFunction not implementedNo locks availableBad procedure for programProgram version wrongRPC prog. not availRPC version wrongRPC struct is badToo many levels of remote in pathStale NFS file handleDisc quota exceededToo many usersToo many processesDirectory not emptyNo route to hostHost is downFile name too longToo many levels of symbolic linksConnection refusedOperation timed outToo many references: can't spliceCan't send after socket shutdownSocket is not connectedSocket is already connectedNo buffer space availableConnection reset by peerSoftware caused connection abortNetwork dropped connection on resetNetwork is unreachableNetwork is downCan't assign requested addressAddress already in useAddress family not supported by protocol familyProtocol family not supportedOperation not supportedSocket type not supportedProtocol not supportedProtocol not availableProtocol wrong type for socketMessage too longDestination address requiredSocket operation on non-socketOperation already in progressOperation now in progressResource temporarily unavailableResult too largeNumerical argument out of domainBroken pipeToo many linksRead-only file systemIllegal seekNo space left on deviceFile too largeText file busyInappropriate ioctl for deviceToo many open filesToo many open files in systemInvalid argumentIs a directoryNot a directoryOperation not supported by deviceCross-device linkFile existsDevice busyBlock device requiredBad addressPermission deniedCannot allocate memoryResource deadlock avoidedNo child processesBad file descriptorExec format errorArgument list too longDevice not configuredInput/output errorInterrupted system callNo such processNo such file or directoryOperation not permittedUndefined error: 0$OpenBSD: index.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:02 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strncpy.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:22 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: strncat.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:21 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: pmap_getport.c,v 1.6 1997/09/22 05:11:08 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: pmap_prot.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:31:39 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: clnt_udp.c,v 1.13 1997/09/22 05:11:06 millert Exp $clntudp_create: out of memory ~:8~:~:P~:h~:$OpenBSD: bindresvport.c,v 1.9 1996/09/15 09:31:30 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: auth_none.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:31:20 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: xdr_mem.c,v 1.6 1996/11/14 06:33:13 etheisen Exp $$OpenBSD: rpc_prot.c,v 1.4 1997/07/16 22:33:45 deraadt Exp $:ȏ:ԏ::::$OpenBSD: xdr.c,v 1.4 1996/12/14 06:49:42 tholo Exp $xdr_bytes: 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All rights reserved. $NetBSD: main.c,v 1.11 1996/03/15 22:39:39 scottr Exp $$OpenBSD: interactive.c,v 1.5 1997/08/06 01:45:26 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: restore.c,v 1.5 1997/07/05 23:10:21 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: dirs.c,v 1.14 1997/07/05 20:51:21 millert Exp $##.$OpenBSD: symtab.c,v 1.5 1997/07/05 20:51:25 millert Exp $$NetBSD: tape.c,v 1.22 1996/11/30 18:31:29 cgd Exp $$OpenBSD: utilities.c,v 1.5 1997/08/24 08:07:25 downsj Exp $$NetBSD: dumprmt.c,v 1.10 1996/03/15 22:39:26 scottr Exp $$OpenBSD: cchar.c,v 1.7 1997/09/01 18:30:31 deraadt Exp $ @@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@$@@@$OpenBSD: gfmt.c,v 1.4 1997/09/01 18:30:33 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: key.c,v 1.8 1997/08/24 06:49:30 deraadt Exp $@`J@J@LJ@LJ@J@J@J@LJ@J@DJ@J@J@J@8J@4J@J@J@@J@J|@Jt@HJp@J$OpenBSD: modes.c,v 1.4 1996/12/16 20:04:41 tholo Exp $\@X@T@P@H@@@8@0@(@ @@ @ @#@3@#@3@2@3@3@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@p@h@`@X@P@H@@@8@0@(@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@t@l@ `@ 4@,@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@t@@l@@`@@X@ L@ @@ 4@ ,@$@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @ @C$@C@C$@C@@@@@x@@@@@@@@ @ @|@t@l@d@@\@@T@L@D@<@$OpenBSD: print.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 18:30:34 deraadt Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: stty.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 18:30:35 deraadt Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: ln.c,v 1.4 1996/12/14 12:18:01 mickey Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: disklabel.c,v 1.46 1997/10/24 00:18:55 millert Exp $@@@@x@p@h@`@X@P@H@D@@@(@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@L@D@@@P@P@8@P@0@P@P@@/tmp/EdDk.aXXXXXXXXXX-t@x@$OpenBSD: dkcksum.c,v 1.2 1996/06/23 14:30:05 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: editor.c,v 1.24 1997/10/24 02:49:55 millert Exp $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@x@p@h@X@P@H@@@@8@0@(@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @DISKLABEL(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual DISKLABEL(8) NNAAMMEE ddiisskkllaabbeell - read and write disk pack label SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ddiisskkllaabbeell [--rr] [--nn] _d_i_s_k ddiisskkllaabbeell --ww [--rr] [--nn] _d_i_s_k _d_i_s_k_t_y_p_e [_p_a_c_k_i_d] ddiisskkllaabbeell --ee [--rr] [--nn] _d_i_s_k ddiisskkllaabbeell --EE [--rr] [--nn] _d_i_s_k ddiisskkllaabbeell --RR [--rr] [--nn] _d_i_s_k _p_r_o_t_o_f_i_l_e ddiisskkllaabbeell [--NNWW] [--nn] _d_i_s_k ddiisskkllaabbeell --BB [--nn] [--bb _b_o_o_t_1 [--ss _b_o_o_t_2]] _d_i_s_k [_d_i_s_k_t_y_p_e] ddiisskkllaabbeell --ww --BB [--nn] [--bb _b_o_o_t_1 [--ss _b_o_o_t_2]] _d_i_s_k _d_i_s_k_t_y_p_e [_p_a_c_k_i_d] ddiisskkllaabbeell --RR --BB [--nn] [--bb _b_o_o_t_1 [--ss _b_o_o_t_2]] _d_i_s_k _p_r_o_t_o_f_i_l_e [_d_i_s_k_t_y_p_e] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN DDiisskkllaabbeell can be used to install, examine or modify the label on a disk drive or pack. When writing the label, it can be used to change the drive identification, the disk partitions on the drive, or to replace a damaged label. On some systems, ddiisskkllaabbeell can be used to install boot- strap code as well. There are several forms of the command that read (display), install or edit the label on a disk. Each form has an addi- tional option, --rr, which causes the label to be read from or written to the disk directly, rather than going through the system's in-core copy of the label. This option may allow a label to be installed on a disk with- out kernel support for a label, such as when labels are first installed on a system; it must be used when first installing a label on a disk. The specific effect of --rr is described under each command. The read and install forms also support the --BB option to install bootstrap code. These variants are described later. In all cases you can specify --nn to operate in no change mode to avoid committing any permanent changes. The first form of the command (read) is used to examine the label on the named disk drive (e.g. sd0 or /dev/rsd0c). It will display all of the parameters associated with the drive and its partition layout. Unless the --rr flag is given, the kernel's in-core copy of the label is dis- played; if the disk has no label, or the partition types on the disk are incorrect, the kernel may have constructed or modified the label. If the --rr flag is given, the label from the raw disk will be displayed rather than the in-core label. The second form of the command, with the --ww flag, is used to write a standard label on the designated drive. The required arguments to ddiisskkllaabbeell are the drive to be labelled (e.g. sd0), and the drive type as described in the disktab(5) file. The drive parameters and partitions are taken from that file. If different disks of the same physical type are to have different partitions, it will be necessary to have separate disktab entries describing each, or to edit the label after installation as described below. The optional argument is a pack identification string, up to 16 characters long. The pack id must be quoted if it con- tains blanks. If the --rr flag is given, the disk sectors containing the label and bootstrap will be written directly. A side-effect of this is that any existing bootstrap code will be overwritten and the disk ren- dered unbootable. If --rr is not specified, the existing label will be up- dated via the in-core copy and any bootstrap code will be unaffected. If the disk does not already have a label, the --rr flag must be used. In ei- ther case, the kernel's in-core label is replaced. An existing disk label may be edited by using the --ee flag. The label is read from the in-core kernel copy, or directly from the disk if the --rr flag is also given. The label is formatted and then supplied to an edi- tor for changes. If no editor is specified in an EDITOR environment variable, vi(1) is used. When the editor terminates, the formatted label is reread and used to rewrite the disk label. Existing bootstrap code is unchanged regardless of whether --rr was specified. With the --RR flag, ddiisskkllaabbeell is capable of restoring a disk label that was formatted in a prior operation and saved in an ascii file. The prototype file used to create the label should be in the same format as that pro- duced when reading or editing a label. Comments are delimited by _# and newline. As with --ww, any existing bootstrap code will be clobbered if --rr is specified and will be unaffected otherwise. The --NNWW flags for ddiisskkllaabbeell explicitly disallow and allow, respectively, writing of the pack label area on the selected disk. The --EE flag to ddiisskkllaabbeell will drop you into a simple initial label edi- tor. This mode is only intended for new disks as it will move partitions around as necessary to maintain a contiguous pool of free blocks. Some command or prompts take an optional unit. Available units are 'b' for bytes, 'c' for cylinders, 'k' for kilobytes, 'm' for megabytes, cylinder when units are specified for sizes (or offsets). Commands may be aborted by entering ^D (Control-D). Entering ^D at the main The editor commands are as follows: ? Display help message with all available commands. There is (simple) context-sensitive help available at most prompts. M Display this manual page. u Undo (or redo) last change. Undo will reset the disklabel to the state before the last command that modified it. p [unit] Print the current disk label. If a _u_n_i_t is given, the size and offsets are displayed in terms of the specified unit. e Edit drive parameters. This option is used to set the follow- ing parameters: bytes/sector, sectors/track, tracks/cylinder, sectors/cylinder, number of cylinders, total sectors on the disk, rpm, disk type, and a descriptive label string. b Set OpenBSD disk boundaries. This option tells ddiisskkllaabbeell which parts of the disk it is allow to modify. This option is probably only useful ports with fdisk partition tables where the ending sector in the MBR is incorrect. The user may enter '*' at the ``Size'' prompt to indicate the entire size of the disk (minus the starting sector). This is useful for large disks where the fdisk partition table is incapable if storing the real size. a [part] Add new partition. This option adds a new BSD partition. If no partion letter is specified (a-p), the user will be prompt- ed for one. c [part] Change the size of an existing partition. If no parition is specified, the user will be prompted for one. The new size may be in terms the aforementioned units and may also be pre- fixed with d [part] Delete an existing partition. If no parition is specified, the user will be prompted for one. m [part] Modify parameters for an existing partition. If no parition is specified, the user will be prompted for one. This option allows the user to change the filesystem type, starting off- set, parition size, block fragment size, block size, and cylinders per group for the specified partition (not all pa- rameters are configurable for non-BSD partitions). s [path] Save the label to a file in ascii format (suitable for loading via the [-R] option). If no path is specified, the user will be prompted for one. w Write the label to disk. This option will commit any changes to the label to the on-disk label. q Quit the editor. If any changes have been made the user will be asked whether or not to save the changes to the on-disk la- bel. x Exit the editor without saving any changes to the label. The final three forms of ddiisskkllaabbeell are used to install boostrap code on machines where the bootstrap is part of the label. The bootstrap code is comprised of one or two boot programs depending on the machine. The --BB option is used to denote that bootstrap code is to be installed. The --rr flag is implied by --BB and never needs to be specified. The name of the boot program(s) to be installed can be selected in a variety of ways. First, the names can be specified explicitly via the --bb and --ss flags. On machines with only a single level of boot program, --bb is the name of that program. For machines with a two-level bootstrap, --bb indicates the pri- mary boot program and --ss the secondary boot program. If the names are not explicitly given, standard boot programs will be used. The boot pro- grams are located in _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c. The names of the programs are taken from the ``b0'' and ``b1'' parameters of the disktab(5) entry for the disk if _d_i_s_k_t_y_p_e was given and its disktab entry exists and includes those param- eters. Otherwise, boot program names are derived from the name of the disk. These names are of the form _b_a_s_e_n_a_m_eboot for the primary (or only) bootstrap, and boot_b_a_s_e_n_a_m_e for the secondary bootstrap; for example, _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_s_d_b_o_o_t and _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_b_o_o_t_s_d if the disk device is _s_d_0. The first of the three boot-installation forms is used to install boot- strap code without changing the existing label. It is essentially a read command with respect to the disk label itself and all options are related to the specification of the boot program as described previously. The final two forms are analogous to the basic write and restore versions ex- cept that they will install bootstrap code in addition to a new label. FFIILLEESS /etc/disktab /usr/mdec/_x_xboot /usr/mdec/boot_x_x EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS disklabel sd0 Display the in-core label for sd0 as obtained via _/_d_e_v_/_r_s_d_0_c. disklabel -w -r /dev/rsd0c sd2212 foo Create a label for sd0 based on information for ``sd2212'' found in _/_e_t_c_/_d_i_s_k_t_a_b. Any existing bootstrap code will be clobbered. (Normally you do not want to use the -r flag though.) disklabel -e -r sd0 Read the on-disk label for sd0, edit it and reinstall in-core as well as on-disk. (Normally you do not want to use the -r flag though.) Existing bootstrap code is unaffected. disklabel -R sd0 mylabel Restore the on-disk and in-core label for sd0 from information in _m_y_l_a_b_e_l. Existing bootstrap code is unaffected. disklabel -B sd0 Install a new bootstrap on sd0. The boot code comes from _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_s_d_b_o_o_t and possibly _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_b_o_o_t_s_d. On-disk and in-core la- bels are unchanged, but on some systems other information may be de- stroyed. Use with care. disklabel -w -B /dev/rsd0c -b newboot sd2212 Install a new label and bootstrap. The label is derived from disktab in- formation for ``sd2212'' and installed both in-core and on-disk. The bootstrap code comes from the file _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_n_e_w_b_o_o_t. SSEEEE AALLSSOO disktab(5), disklabel(5) DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS The kernel device drivers will not allow the size of a disk partition to be decreased or the offset of a partition to be changed while it is open. Some device drivers create a label containing only a single large parti- tion if a disk is unlabeled; thus, the label must be written to the ``a'' partition of the disk while it is open. This sometimes requires the de- sired label to be set in two steps, the first one creating at least one other partition, and the second setting the label on the new partition while shrinking the ``a'' partition. On some machines the bootstrap code may not fit entirely in the area al- located for it by some filesystems. As a result, it may not be possible to have filesystems on some partitions of a ``bootable'' disk. When in- stalling bootstrap code, ddiisskkllaabbeell checks for these cases. If the in- stalled boot code would overlap a partition of type FS_UNUSED it is marked as type FS_BOOT. The newfs(8) utility will disallow creation of filesystems on FS_BOOT partitions. Conversely, if a partition has a type other than FS_UNUSED or FS_BOOT, ddiisskkllaabbeell will not install bootstrap code that overlaps it. BBUUGGSS When a disk name is given without a full pathname, the constructed device name uses the ``a'' partition on the tahoe, the ``c'' partition on all others. In --EE mode, ddiisskkllaabbeell is far too quick to shuffle partitions around; it should keep a free block list and only move partitions around with the user's permission. Also in --EE mode, partitions outside the OpenBSD portion of the disk should be changable. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution October 27, 1997 4 $OpenBSD: ar_io.c,v 1.17 1997/09/01 18:29:42 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: ar_subs.c,v 1.13 1997/09/16 21:20:35 niklas Exp $$OpenBSD: buf_subs.c,v 1.7 1997/09/01 18:29:46 deraadt Exp $ $OpenBSD: cache.c,v 1.6 1997/07/25 18:58:27 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: cpio.c,v 1.5 1997/07/25 18:58:28 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: file_subs.c,v 1.13 1997/09/01 18:29:48 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: ftree.c,v 1.8 1997/09/01 18:29:49 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: gen_subs.c,v 1.8 1997/09/01 18:29:51 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: getoldopt.c,v 1.3 1997/09/01 18:29:52 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: options.c,v 1.30 1997/09/01 18:29:54 deraadt Exp $abcdfiklnoprstuvwxBDEGHLPTUXYZAhLOLiL>P30123456789=:f/?/*?*n+n,N-N.m'E :e  :n:p:x&-/:ttso_|%v !+ HhVq:q:QZZ  lhbwixX  0 $ k j  is a directory is not a regular file.*.*a0+|dA\dAb +O n/ (press RETURN)... (interrupt to abort)?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:(?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s..).%t?f%f .?n?m(file %i of %m) ..?ltline %lt?L/%L. :byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?ltline %lt?L/%L. .byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%t4*gA290@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $NetBSD: mount_nfs.c,v 1996/05/25 22:48:05 fvdl Exp $hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhA hAhAhAhAthAlhAdhA XhA@PhADhAFDISK(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual FDISK(8) NNAAMMEE ffddiisskk - DOS partition maintenance program SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ffddiisskk [--iiee] [--ff _m_b_r_n_a_m_e] [--cc _c_y_l_s] [--hh _h_e_a_d_s] [--ss _s_e_c_t_s] _d_e_v_i_c_e DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN In order for the BIOS to boot the kernel, certain conventions must be ad- hered to. Sector 0 of a bootable hard disk must contain boot code, a MBR partition table, and a magic number. These MBR partitions (also known as BIOS partitions) can be used to break the disk up into several pieces. The BIOS loads sector 0 of the boot disk into memory, verifies the magic number, and begins executing the code at the first byte. The normal DOS MBR boot code searches the MBR partition table for an `active' partition (indicated by a `*' in the fist column), and if one is found, the boot block from that partition is loaded and executed in place of the original (MBR) boot block. The following options are available: --ii Initialize the MBR sector. --ee Edit existing MBR sectors. --ff _m_b_r_n_a_m_e Specifies an alternate MBR template file. --cc,,hh,,ss Specify an alternate BIOS geometry for ffddiisskk to use. The DOS ffddiisskk program can be used to divide space on the disk into parti- tions and set one active. This ffddiisskk program serves a similar purpose to the DOS program. When called with no special flags, it prints the MBR partition table of the specified device, ie. # fdisk fd0 Disk: fd0 geometry: 80/2/18 [2880 sectors] Offset: 0 Signatures: 0xAA55,0x0 Starting Ending #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *0: A6 0 0 1 - 79 1 18 [ 0 - 2880] OpenBSD 1: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused 2: A7 0 0 2 - 79 1 18 [ 1 - 2879] NEXTSTEP 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused This disk is divided into three partitions that happen to fill the disk. Partition two overlaps partition one. (Used for debugging purposes) _# Number of partition table entry. A '*' denotes the bootable partition. _i_d System identifier. OpenBSD reserves the magic number 166 decimal (A6 in hex). If no 166 partition is found, it will use an older 386BSD partition (with a magic number of 165 or A5 in hex). _c_y_l_/_h_d_/_s_e_c These fields provide the starting and ending address of the partition in physical BIOS geometry _s_t_a_r_t_/_s_i_z_e These fields provide the starting sector and size in sectors of the partition in linear block addresses. _N_O_T_E_: Note that the sectors field is `1 based', and the start field is `0 based'. The CHS values will need to be in the BIOS's geometry for the system to be able to boot and use the drive correctly. The --ii flag is used to indicate that the partition data is to be initial- ized. In this mode, ffddiisskk will completely overwrite the primary MBR, and start with a fresh one using a default template, or one given by the --ff flag. It will set up partition number 3 to be an OpenBSD partition, that will start at cylinder 0, head 1, sector 1, and extend to the end of the disk. This mode is designed to initialize an MBR the very first time, or when it has been corrupted beyond repair. It is almost equivelant to the DOS command `FDISK /MBR'. The flag --ee is used to modify a partition table using a interactive edit mode of the ffddiisskk program. This mode is designed to allow you to change any partition on the drive you choose, including extended partitions. It is a very powerfull mode, but is safe as long as you do not execute the _w_r_i_t_e command, or answer in the negative (the default) when ffddiisskk askes you about writing out changes. CCOOMMMMAANNDD MMOODDEE When you first enter this mode, you are presented with a prompt, that looks like so: _f_d_i_s_k_: _0_>. This prompt has two important pieces of infor- mation for you. It will tell you if the in memory copy of the boot block has been modified or not. If it has been modified, the prompt will change to look like: _f_d_i_s_k_:_*_0_>. The second piece of information pertains to the number given in the prompt. This number specifies the disk offset of the currently selected boot block you are editing. This number could be something different that zero when you are editing extended parti- tions. The list of commands and their explanations are given below. _h_e_l_p This command gives you a list of commands that ffddiisskk understands in the interactive edit mode. _r_e_i_n_i_t This command initializes the currently selected, in memory copy, of the boot block. _d_i_s_k This command will display the current drive geometry that fdisk has probed. You are given a chance to edit them if you wish. _e_d_i_t This command is used to edit a given table entry in the memory copy of the current boot block. You may edit either in physical geometry mode, or in sector offsets and sizes. _f_l_a_g This command makes the given partition table entry bootable. On- ly one entry can be marked bootable. If you wish to boot from an extended partition, you will need to mark the partition table en- try for the extended partition as bootable. _u_p_d_a_t_e This command will update the machine code in the memory copy of the currently selected boot block. _s_e_l_e_c_t This command will select and load into memory the boot block pointed to by the extended partition table entry in the current boot block. _p_r_i_n_t This command will print the currently selected in memory copy of the boot block and its MBR table to the terminal. _w_r_i_t_e This will write the in memory copy of the boot block to disk. You will be asked to confirm this operation. _e_x_i_t This will exit the current level of fdisk, either returning to the previously selected in memory copy of a boot block, or exit the program if there is none. _q_u_i_t This will exit the current level of fdisk, either returning to the previously selected in memory copy of a boot block, or exit the program if there is none. Unlike _e_x_i_t it does NOT write the modified block out. _a_b_o_r_t Quit program without saving current changes. NNOOTTEESS The automatic calculation of starting cylinder etc. uses a set of figures that represent what the BIOS thinks is the geometry of the drive. These figures are by default taken from the incore disklabel, or values that _/_b_o_o_t has passed to the kernel, but ffddiisskk gives you an opportunity to change them if there is a need to. This allows the user to create a bootblock that can work with drives that use geometry translation under a potentially different BIOS. If you hand craft your disk layout, please make sure that the OpenBSD partition starts on a cylinder boundary. (This restriction may be changed in the future.) Editing an existing partition is risky, and may cause you to lose all the data in that partition. You should run this program interactively once or twice to see how it works. This is completely safe as long as you answer the write questions in the negative. FFIILLEESS _/_u_s_r_/_m_d_e_c_/_m_b_r - the default MBR template SSEEEE AALLSSOO disklabel(8), boot_i386(8) BBUUGGSS There are subtleties that the program detects that are not explained in this manual page. Also, chances are that some of the subleties it should detect are being steamrolled. Caveat Emperor. OpenBSD April 4, 1993 3 $Id: dfa.c,v 1995/10/18 08:40:17 deraadt Exp $$AtOAO AOAjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: cut.c,v 1.4 1997/09/12 04:12:51 millert Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: chmod.c,v 1.6 1997/06/28 14:45:43 grr Exp $$OpenBSD: append.c,v 1.3 1997/06/30 05:36:15 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: fields.c,v 1.3 1997/06/30 05:36:16 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: files.c,v 1.5 1997/06/30 05:36:16 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: fsort.c,v 1.5 1997/06/30 05:36:16 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: init.c,v 1.2 1997/06/16 02:21:56 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: msort.c,v 1.6 1997/06/30 05:36:17 millert Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: sort.c,v 1.6 1997/06/30 05:36:18 millert Exp $ /dev/stdinB$OpenBSD: tmp.c,v 1.2 1997/06/16 02:21:57 millert Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: init.c,v 1.11 1997/09/14 10:37:45 deraadt Exp $W$OpenBSD: dkcksum.c,v 1.2 1996/06/23 14:30:05 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: getmntopts.c,v 1.2 1996/06/23 14:31:10 deraadt Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: newfs.c,v 1.17 1997/09/26 01:49:18 millert Exp $BBBBBBBBBBBB B@B @%s: can't read disk label; disk type must be specified$OpenBSD: mkfs.c,v 1.10 1997/06/03 22:27:17 grr Exp $......@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: mount_kernfs.c,v 1.4 1997/01/15 23:41:21 millert Exp $+B+B+B+B+B+B+B+B+B+B+B+B $OpenBSD: getmntopts.c,v 1.2 1996/06/23 14:31:10 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: acu.c,v 1.4 1997/09/01 23:24:23 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: acutab.c,v 1.2 1996/06/26 05:40:41 deraadt Exp $h-BXXPX`-BPXȎXXX-BlXHpX(qXP-BXXԝXH-BXX1BWt|1BWpd1BW|P1BW$,1BWC 1BWc0BW.0BW0BW0BX0BXs0BX?0B<@X#0B@X$OpenBSD: cu.c,v 1.4 1997/09/01 23:24:24 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: hunt.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 23:24:24 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: log.c,v 1.3 1997/09/01 23:24:25 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: partab.c,v 1.3 1997/04/02 01:47:02 millert Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: remote.c,v 1.7 1997/09/07 12:23:59 provos Exp $D+ +`+t+++++h+,++X+++0+4+3B3B3B3B|3Bx3Bt3Bp3Bl3Bh3Bd3B`3B\3BX3BT3BP3B3B@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: tip.c,v 1.8 1997/09/01 23:24:26 deraadt Exp $2Kn,X` %K$OpenBSD: tipout.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 23:24:27 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: uucplock.c,v 1.5 1997/09/01 23:24:27 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: value.c,v 1.5 1997/09/01 23:24:28 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: vars.c,v 1.2 1996/06/26 05:40:50 deraadt Exp $9B9B9Bd$9BL+9B$9B<|9Bat9B+h9Ba`9B+\9Ba+T9BP9B~D9Ba@9BX+89B49B(9Bd$9B+9Ba9B\+9BA`9B8BaȪ+8B8B 8B8B8B8B8Ba8B0+8Ba+8B8B8B8B8B8B8BQ8B|8Bp8Bl8B`8Ba\8B,+T8BP8BD8Bd<8BT+08Bd(8Bl+8Bd8BP+8B 8B8B7B7B7B7Ba7B4+$OpenBSD: biz22.c,v 1.4 1997/04/02 01:47:05 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: courier.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 23:24:28 deraadt Exp $X;B,P;BH;B` @;B%4;B%2$OpenBSD: df.c,v 1.3 1996/06/26 05:40:52 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: dn11.c,v 1.3 1996/06/26 05:40:53 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: hayes.c,v 1.6 1997/04/02 01:47:06 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: t3000.c,v 1.5 1997/04/02 01:47:07 millert Exp $>B,>B>B` >B>B%>BK%>BK%>B%x>B%p>B%h>B` `>B%X>BK%2$OpenBSD: v3451.c,v 1.4 1997/04/02 01:47:07 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: v831.c,v 1.4 1997/04/02 01:47:08 millert Exp $@B40@B41$OpenBSD: ventel.c,v 1.5 1997/04/02 01:47:08 millert Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: rm.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 18:30:26 deraadt Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: mt.c,v 1.17 1997/04/16 04:19:07 millert Exp $LCBHCBDCBYBYXDYXAYAY?Y@YZY^Y0MBDYGYGYJYdɜ@ۿRdv!0&gv4DUJüXџn|ك1 w.fT@R+:dN_vm|$ÿ6H ;Z*^lO}~l .ǟ䩐 2ZLKy^hh ?z.ĕ*8FkzTHYb-pBhB`BXBPBHB8@BB^B?B_B5BBBBB B!B"B#B$B%B&B'B(BBBBBBxBpBhB dB\BXBPBLBDB@B8B4B0B(B! Ba$OpenBSD: tputs.c,v 1.3 1996/08/07 03:23:07 tholo Exp $5MS7) $OpenBSD: tparm.c,v 1.5 1997/07/25 20:30:26 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: setupterm.c,v 1.2 1996/06/02 20:19:29 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: outc.c,v 1996/05/31 05:40:02 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: getterm.c,v 1.13 1996/12/14 07:18:47 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: fillcap.c,v 1.3 1996/12/16 16:53:41 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: del_curterm.c,v 1.2 1996/08/31 02:40:30 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: captoinfo.c,v 1.2 1996/06/02 23:47:01 tholo Exp $BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB|BtBpBhB`BXBTBPBLBDBB?B@BABBBCBDBEBFBGBHBIBJBKBLBMBNBOBPBQBRBSBTBU|BVxBWtBXpBYlBZhB[dB\`B]\B^XB_TB`PBaLBbHBsDB@B&BQBRBUB@BVB8B7B=BXBLBOBB&B'BSBYB:BWBZB[B]B^B_B`BaBbBcBdB\B|B xBtBpBlB hBhB dB`B\B'XBTB PB LBHBfDBe@B!8 C?( C@ C[ C\ C\ C] C^ C^ C_ C_ C` C{x C{h C|\ C}H C}@ C~< C`C$OpenBSD: ns_ntoa.c,v 1.7 1997/08/24 21:25:48 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: ns_addr.c,v 1.4 1997/07/21 20:31:05 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: linkaddr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:29:27 tholo Exp $0123456789abcdef$OpenBSD: iso_addr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:29:23 tholo Exp $0123456789abcdef$OpenBSD: ipx_ntoa.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:29:20 tholo Exp $xxxx.xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.uuuuu$OpenBSD: ipx_addr.c,v 1.3 1997/07/09 01:08:39 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: inet_makeaddr.c,v 1.3 1997/04/05 21:13:12 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: inet_lnaof.c,v 1.3 1997/04/05 21:13:11 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getservbyname.c,v 1.3 1997/07/09 01:08:34 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getprotoname.c,v 1.3 1997/07/09 01:08:32 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getnetnamadr.c,v 1.8 1997/08/04 10:34:48 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: getnetbyname.c,v 1.5 1997/07/09 01:08:29 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getnetbyaddr.c,v 1.5 1997/07/09 01:08:28 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: setlocale.c,v 1.6 1997/07/09 01:08:21 millert Exp $CCCCCCCCCCCCCC$OpenBSD: morecrypt.c,v 1.8 1997/03/30 20:24:47 deraadt Exp $:2*" <4,$ >6.&@80( 91)! ;3+# =5-% ?7/'91)! :2*" ;3+# <4,$?7/'>6.&=5-%      )4%/7(3-!0,1'8"5.*2$                                                                                                                                  @ @ @ @ @ $OpenBSD: crypt.c,v 1.12 1997/09/10 23:15:43 deraadt Exp $:2*" <4,$ >6.&@80( 91)! ;3+# =5-% ?7/'91)! :2*" ;3+# <4,$?7/'>6.&=5-%      )4%/7(3-!0,1'8"5.*2$                                                                                                                                  @ @ @ @ @ ./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$OpenBSD: _warnx.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:21:38 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: warnx.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:50 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: _warn.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:21:36 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: warn.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:30:06 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: _vwarnx.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:21:35 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: vwarnx.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:39 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: _sys_siglist.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:21:27 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: siglist.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:26:05 tholo Exp $xCpCdC\CHC8C,C CCCCCCCCCC|CpCdCTC@C(CCCCCCCCxC`C$OpenBSD: siglist.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:26:05 tholo Exp $xCpCdC\CHC8C,C CCCCCCCCCC|CpCdCTC@C(CCCCCCCCxC`C$OpenBSD: _errx.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:21:21 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: errx.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:30:02 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: _err.c,v 1.4 1996/08/19 08:21:19 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: err.c,v 1.4 1997/07/25 20:30:01 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: utime.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:24 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: usleep.c,v 1.5 1997/04/25 04:20:42 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: ttyname.c,v 1.4 1997/07/09 00:28:25 millert Exp $/dev/$OpenBSD: times.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:26:43 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: setmode.c,v 1.7 1997/07/25 20:30:04 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: setjmperr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:25:52 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: sethostname.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:30:03 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: raise.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:25:33 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: pwcache.c,v 1.3 1997/07/09 00:28:23 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: popen.c,v 1.9 1997/09/11 18:51:04 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: nice.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:25:05 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: glob.c,v 1.6 1997/09/01 18:40:33 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getttyent.c,v 1.4 1997/07/09 00:28:22 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getpass.c,v 1.5 1997/07/09 00:28:22 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getmntinfo.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:23:45 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: getlogin.c,v 1.3 1997/07/09 00:28:21 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getgrent.c,v 1.7 1997/07/09 00:28:20 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getbsize.c,v 1.5 1997/08/24 21:25:45 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: fts.c,v 1.14 1997/10/11 04:04:40 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: fstab.c,v 1.6 1997/07/09 00:28:19 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: errno.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:22:34 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: disklabel.c,v 1.4 1997/07/23 21:04:04 kstailey Exp $dC`CXCPCHC@C8C0C(C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCdCCCCC|CtClC C C C C C C CCCC C CC CC C ClC$OpenBSD: daemon.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:22:13 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: confstr.c,v 1.3 1996/09/15 09:30:55 tholo Exp $C$OpenBSD: alarm.c,v 1.3 1996/09/15 09:30:54 tholo Exp $0CpCCC0C$OpenBSD: tcsetattr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:34:42 tholo Exp $pCC$OpenBSD: erand48.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:29 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: _rand48.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:33:19 tholo Exp $3ͫ4m  C$OpenBSD: sscanf.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:30:12 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: fwrite.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:32:50 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: ftell.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:32:47 tholo Exp $P C$OpenBSD: regfree.c,v 1.3 1997/04/28 20:45:01 millert Exp $ C$OpenBSD: herror.c,v 1.4 1997/03/13 19:07:28 downsj Exp $$"C"C!C!C!C$OpenBSD: getservent.c,v 1.3 1997/04/05 21:13:09 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getprotoent.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:28:52 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: getnetent.c,v 1.7 1997/04/24 08:37:09 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: gethostnamadr.c,v 1.26 1997/07/09 01:08:26 millert Exp $:$OpenBSD: md5crypt.c,v 1.9 1997/07/23 20:58:27 kstailey Exp $./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 5C$OpenBSD: _verrx.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:21:31 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: verrx.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:32 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: _verr.c,v 1.3 1996/08/19 08:21:29 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: verr.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:30 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: waitpid.c,v 1.3 1997/07/25 20:30:06 mickey Exp $$OpenBSD: wait.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:27:41 tholo Exp $$OpenBSD: siglist.c,v 1.2 1996/08/19 08:26:05 tholo Exp $h7C`7CT7CL7C87C(7C7C7C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6Cl6C`6CT6CD6C06C6C6C5C5C5C5C5C5Ch5CP5C$OpenBSD: getpwent.c,v 1.11 1997/07/23 21:04:06 kstailey Exp $8C$OpenBSD: getcwd.c,v 1.4 1997/07/09 00:28:20 millert Exp $$OpenBSD: getcap.c,v 1.11 1997/09/12 08:53:08 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: exec.c,v 1.7 1997/09/20 09:46:10 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: err.c,v 1.4 1997/07/25 20:30:01 mickey Exp $`:C:C:C@;C;Ch++e4cP`fb+3c+xC,C +C0a+C)@d$+a5cp9feCBh ?h@+C|C6h`Cb =g)h0CCf\Y++R+ep h8h0h0>fPc C0CC+C@C`f@C\+X+ c|cc7f_c>fb8h0fPadXdpCd0aPC+D@DDcĬ+P]a`LD ]D@zaph0/ha6`06``8`_a@_+@sa`eG̬+!a` hPcP$aC`YD|+.h;fFADWD9h~g h9hax+7hDDDDDHDD@5DD,TDD D DVD!D("D>DL#D&DxfE`BG_SDQGt_cX/DZa[a`Va aND racG)G:fG6ccraVfm+F0:hFDFlFGFhFGEMFEFGGD)@E$jFDFTGDFDlDdFPG$GHFdGEdF G,GG0gGG]DiDpF,G?E,FGF8FPGIIE,hfйff0fcpfcdȴd Bh`fE9IFE0FEHddPc d49F'F&F?fcb:FD2E|E.FLFFtD@ExFK0f4K4Klgb K+#*+FM(++PEMȢ++0ap*ܢ+ +@+#*Т+++U=U6U$*'U+hVLVȨ++0+,aV**`&V+$!V̨++Ԩ+Ĩ+00+@0+VШ+ܨ++ب+++++#V++@#VV VUU8IV 'VtBVVX"V++++++++UU++UU8UU** 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For the purpose of #> providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is #> defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as its #> contact port. While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it #> does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the #> community. # ingreslock 1524/tcp ingreslock 1524/udp prospero-np 1525/tcp # Prospero non-privileged prospero-np 1525/udp nfsd 2049/udp nfs # NFS server nfsd 2049/tcp nfs # NFS server rfe 5002/tcp # Radio Free Ethernet rfe 5002/udp # Actually uses UDP only # # # Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services # Note that these are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial. Sites running # v5 should comment these out and uncomment the v5 entries above. # klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos `rlogin' kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos `rsh' kerberos-adm 749/tcp # Kerberos `kadmin' (v5) kerberos 750/udp kdc # Kerberos (server) udp kerberos 750/tcp kdc # Kerberos (server) tcp kerberos_master 751/udp kerberos-master # Kerberos admin server udp kerberos_master 751/tcp kerberos-master # Kerberos admin server tcp krbupdate 760/tcp kreg # BSD Kerberos registration kpasswd 761/tcp kpwd # BSD Kerberos `passwd' eklogin 2105/tcp # Kerberos encrypted `rlogin' # # Unofficial services # supfilesrv 871/tcp # SUP server cddb 888/tcp # Audio CD Database supfiledbg 1127/tcp # SUP debugging radius 1645/udp # radius authentication radacct 1646/udp # radius accounting icb 7326/tcp # Internet Citizen's Band # # Appletalk # rtmp 1/ddp # Routing Table Maintenance Protocol nbp 2/ddp # Name Binding Protocol echo 4/ddp # AppleTalk Echo Protocol zip 6/ddp # Zone Information Protocol # Secrets for authentication using CHAP # client server secret IP addresses # # Internet (IP) protocols # # $OpenBSD: protocols,v 1.5 1997/02/22 04:32:53 angelos Exp $ # # Updated based on RFC 1340, Assigned Numbers (July 1992). # ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol igmp 2 IGMP # Internet Group Management ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol ipencap 4 IP-ENCAP # IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'') st 5 ST # ST datagram mode tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol ucl 7 UCL # UCL egp 8 EGP # exterior gateway protocol igp 9 IGP # any private interior gateway bbn-rcc-mon 10 BBN-RCC-MON # BBN RCC Monitoring nvp-ii 11 NVP-II # Network Voice Protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol argus 13 ARGUS # ARGUS emcon 14 EMCON # EMCON xnet 15 XNET # Cross Net Debugger chaos 16 CHAOS # Chaos udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol mux 18 MUX # Multiplexing dcn-meas 19 DCN-MEAS # DCN Measurement Subsystems hmp 20 HMP # host monitoring protocol prm 21 PRM # Packet Radio Measurement xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP trunk-1 23 TRUNK-1 # Trunk-1 trunk-2 24 TRUNK-2 # Trunk-2 leaf-1 25 LEAF-1 # Leaf-1 leaf-2 26 LEAF-2 # Leaf-2 rdp 27 RDP # "reliable datagram" protocol irtp 28 IRTP # Internet Reliable Transaction iso-tp4 29 ISO-TP4 # ISO Transport Protocol class 4 netblt 30 NETBLT # Bulk Data Transfer Protocol mfe-nsp 31 MFE-NSP # MFE Network Services Protocol merit-inp 32 MERIT-INP # MERIT Internodal Protocol sep 33 SEP # Sequential Exchange Protocol 3pc 34 3PC # Third Party Connect Protocol idpr 35 IDPR # Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol xtp 36 XTP # Xpress Tranfer Protocol ddp 37 DDP # Datagram Delivery Protocol idpr-cmtp 38 IDPR-CMTP # IDPR Control Message Transport Proto idpr-cmtp 39 IDPR-CMTP # IDPR Control Message Transport il 40 IL # IL Transport Protocol sip 41 SIP # Simple Internet Protocol sdrp 42 SDRP # Source Demand Routing Protocol sip-sr 43 SIP-SR # SIP Source Route sip-frag 44 SIP-FRAG # SIP Fragment idrp 45 IDRP # Inter-Domain Routing Protocol rsvp 46 RSVP # Reservation Protocol gre 47 GRE # General Routing Encapsulation mhrp 48 MHRP # Mobile Host Routing Protocol bna 49 BNA # BNA sipp-esp 50 SIPP-ESP # SIPP Encap Security Payload sipp-ah 51 SIPP-AH # SIPP Authentication Header i-nlsp 52 I-NLSP # Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA swipe 53 SWIPE # IP with Encryption nhrp 54 NHRP # NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol any 61 any # host internal protocol cftp 62 CFTP # CFTP any 63 any # local network sat-expak 64 SAT-EXPAK # SATNET and Backroom EXPAK kryptolan 65 KRYPTOLAN # Kryptolan rvd 66 RVD # MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol ippc 67 IPPC # Internet Pluribus Packet Core any 68 any # distributed file system sat-mon 69 SAT-MON # SATNET Monitoring visa 70 VISA # VISA Protocol ipcv 71 IPCV # Internet Packet Core Utility cpnx 72 CPNX # Computer Protocol Network Executive cphb 73 CPHB # Computer Protocol Heart Beat wsn 74 WSN # Wang Span Network pvp 75 PVP # Packet Video Protocol br-sat-mon 76 BR-SAT-MON # Backroom SATNET Monitoring sun-nd 77 SUN-ND # SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary wb-mon 78 WB-MON # WIDEBAND Monitoring wb-expak 79 WB-EXPAK # WIDEBAND EXPAK iso-ip 80 ISO-IP # ISO Internet Protocol vmtp 81 VMTP # Versatile Message Transport secure-vmtp 82 SECURE-VMTP # SECURE-VMTP vines 83 VINES # VINES ttp 84 TTP # TTP nsfnet-igp 85 NSFNET-IGP # NSFNET-IGP dgp 86 DGP # Dissimilar Gateway Protocol tcf 87 TCF # TCF igrp 88 IGRP # IGRP ospf 89 OSPFIGP # Open Shortest Path First IGP sprite-rpc 90 Sprite-RPC # Sprite RPC Protocol larp 91 LARP # Locus Address Resolution Protocol mtp 92 MTP # Multicast Transport Protocol ax.25 93 AX.25 # AX.25 Frames ipip 94 IPIP # Yet Another IP encapsulation micp 95 MICP # Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. scc-sp 96 SCC-SP # Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. etherip 97 ETHERIP # Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation encap 98 ENCAP # Yet Another IP encapsulation any 99 any # private encryption scheme gmtp 100 GMTP # GMTP reserved 255 Reserved # # $OpenBSD: services,v 1.14 1997/09/30 18:46:47 kstailey Exp $ # # Network services, Internet style # # Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known # port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries # even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations. # Updated from RFC 1340, ``Assigned Numbers'' (July 1992). Not all ports # are included, only the more common ones. # # from: @(#)services 5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91 # tcpmux 1/tcp # TCP port service multiplexer echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp netstat 15/tcp qotd 17/tcp quote msp 18/tcp # message send protocol msp 18/udp # message send protocol chargen 19/tcp ttytst source chargen 19/udp ttytst source ftp-data 20/tcp # default ftp data port ftp 21/tcp ssh 22/tcp ssh 22/udp telnet 23/tcp # 24 - private smtp 25/tcp mail # 26 - unassigned time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver rlp 39/udp resource # resource location nameserver 42/tcp name # IEN 116 whois 43/tcp nicname domain 53/tcp nameserver # name-domain server domain 53/udp nameserver mtp 57/tcp # deprecated bootps 67/tcp # BOOTP server bootps 67/udp bootpc 68/tcp # BOOTP client bootpc 68/udp tftp 69/udp gopher 70/tcp # Internet Gopher gopher 70/udp rje 77/tcp netrjs finger 79/tcp www 80/tcp http # WorldWideWeb HTTP www 80/udp # HyperText Transfer Protocol link 87/tcp ttylink #kerberos 88/tcp krb5 # Kerberos v5 #kerberos 88/udp supdup 95/tcp # 100 - reserved hostnames 101/tcp hostname # usually from sri-nic iso-tsap 102/tcp tsap # part of ISODE. csnet-ns 105/tcp cso-ns # also used by CSO name server csnet-ns 105/udp cso-ns rtelnet 107/tcp # Remote Telnet rtelnet 107/udp pop2 109/tcp postoffice # POP version 2 pop2 109/udp pop3 110/tcp # POP version 3 pop3 110/udp sunrpc 111/tcp sunrpc 111/udp auth 113/tcp authentication tap ident sftp 115/tcp uucp-path 117/tcp nntp 119/tcp readnews untp # USENET News Transfer Protocol ntp 123/tcp ntp 123/udp # Network Time Protocol netbios-ns 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp netbios-dgm 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service netbios-dgm 138/udp netbios-ssn 139/tcp # NETBIOS session service netbios-ssn 139/udp imap2 143/tcp # Interim Mail Access Proto v2 imap2 143/udp snmp 161/udp # Simple Net Mgmt Proto snmp-trap 162/udp snmptrap # Traps for SNMP cmip-man 163/tcp # ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT) cmip-man 163/udp cmip-agent 164/tcp cmip-agent 164/udp xdmcp 177/tcp # X Display Mgr. Control Proto xdmcp 177/udp nextstep 178/tcp NeXTStep NextStep # NeXTStep window nextstep 178/udp NeXTStep NextStep # server bgp 179/tcp # Border Gateway Proto. bgp 179/udp prospero 191/tcp # Cliff Neuman's Prospero prospero 191/udp irc 194/tcp # Internet Relay Chat irc 194/udp smux 199/tcp # SNMP Unix Multiplexer smux 199/udp at-rtmp 201/tcp # AppleTalk routing at-rtmp 201/udp at-nbp 202/tcp # AppleTalk name binding at-nbp 202/udp at-echo 204/tcp # AppleTalk echo at-echo 204/udp at-zis 206/tcp # AppleTalk zone information at-zis 206/udp z3950 210/tcp wais # NISO Z39.50 database z3950 210/udp wais ipx 213/tcp # IPX ipx 213/udp imap3 220/tcp # Interactive Mail Access imap3 220/udp # Protocol v3 ulistserv 372/tcp # UNIX Listserv ulistserv 372/udp nnsp 433/tcp usenet # Network News Transfer https 443/tcp # secure http (SSL) photuris 468/tcp # Photuris Key Management photuris 468/udp # # UNIX specific services # exec 512/tcp biff 512/udp comsat login 513/tcp who 513/udp whod shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler # line printer spooler talk 517/udp ntalk 518/udp route 520/udp router routed # RIP timed 525/udp timeserver tempo 526/tcp newdate courier 530/tcp rpc conference 531/tcp chat netnews 532/tcp readnews netwall 533/udp # -for emergency broadcasts uucp 540/tcp uucpd # uucp daemon remotefs 556/tcp rfsa  n}nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/sbin/nologin2nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/sbin/nologin3bin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//sbin/nologin1binrootCharlie &/root/bin/csh3rootCharlie &/root/bin/csh2ng  &:/root:/bin/csh daemon:*:1:31:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5:System &:/operator:/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7:Binaries Commands and Source,,,:/:/sbin/nologin uucp:*:66:1:UNIX-to-UNIX Copy:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico nobody:*:32767:32767:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/sbin/nologin1nobodydaemon*The devil himself/root/sbin/nologin3daemon*The devil himself/root/sbin/nologin2 |s2-D&Dr chpass(1). # Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using # one of these shells. /bin/sh /bin/csh /usr/local/bin/tcsh /usr/local/bin/bash uucp*BUNIX-to-UNIX Copy/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico3Boperator*System &/operator/sbin/nologin3operator*System &/operator/sbin/nologin2operator*System &/operator/sbin/nologin1operatordaemon*The devil himself/root/sbin/nologin1daemonrootCharlie &/root/bin/csh1root`[uucp*BUNIX-to-UNIX Copy/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico1uucpbin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//sbin/nologin3bin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//sbin/nologin2uucp*BUNIX-to-UNIX Copy/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico2/dev/ttyb 19200 modem crtscts defaultroute netmask ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote noipdefault lock connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chatscript" ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER' '' ATZ OK ATDT*70,5551212 CONNECT '' '' '' '' '' Userid:--Userid: myloginname assword?--assword? mypassword # Secrets for authentication using PAP # client server secret IP addresses # $OpenBSD: termcap.pc3,v 1.1 1997/05/14 20:52:46 pefo Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1980, 1985, 1989 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the University of # California, Berkeley and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # @(#)termcap.src 5.109 (Berkeley) 3/8/93 # pc3|ibmpc3|IBM PC BSD/386 Console:\ :am:bs:bw:eo:km:xo:\ :Co#8:co#80:it#8:li#25:pa#64:\ :AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:\ :Sb=\E[4%dm:Sf=\E[3%dm:UP=\E[%dA:al=\E[L:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:\ :ce=\E[K:cl=\Ec:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:dl=\E[M:do=^J:ho=\E[H:\ :kH=\E[F:kI=\E[L:kN=\E[G:kP=\E[I:kb=^H:kd=\E[B:kh=\E[H:\ :kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:\ :mh=\E[=8F:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nw=^M^J:op=\E[x:rc=\E8:sc=\E7:\ :se=\E[0m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:ta=^I:up=\E[A: # $OpenBSD: scsi_modes,v 1.1 1996/06/12 11:21:47 deraadt Exp $ # SCSI mode page data base. # Copyright (c) 1995 HD Associates # (contact: dufault@hda.com) # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of HD Associates # may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY HD ASSOCIATES ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HD ASSOCIATES BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # The ordering is alphabetical by page name, as it appears in the SCSI spec. # ALL DEVICE TYPES # Control mode page: 0x0a { {Reserved} *t7 {RLEC} t1 {Queue Algorithm Modifier} t4 {Reserved} *t2 {QErr} t1 {DQue} t1 {EECA} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {RAENP} t1 {UAAENP} t1 {EAENP} t1 {Reserved} *i1 {Ready AEN Holdoff Period} i2 } # Disconnect-Reconnect Page: 0x02 { {Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Bus Inactivity Limit} i2 {Disconnect Time Limit} i2 {Connect Time Limit} i2 {Maximum Burst Size} i2 {Reserved} *t6 {DTDC} t2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Peripheral Device Page: 0x09 { {Interface Identifier} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # DIRECT ACCESS DEVICES # Caching page: 0x08 { {Reserved} *t5 {WCE} t1 {MF} t1 {RCD} t1 {Demand Retention Priority} t4 {Write Retention Priority} t4 {Disable Pre-fetch Transfer Length} i2 {Minumum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch Ceiling} i2 } # Flexible disk page: 0x05 { {Transfer rate} i2 {Number of heads} i1 {Sectors per track} i1 {Data bytes per sector} i2 {Number of cylinders} i2 {Starting cylinder-write precompensation} i2 {Starting cylinder-reduced write current} i2 {Drive step rate} i2 {Drive step pulse width} i1 {Head settle delay} i2 {Motor on delay} i1 {Motor off delay} i1 {TRDY} t1 {SSN} t1 {MO} t1 {Reserved} *t5 {Reserved} *t4 {SPC} t4 {Write Compensation} i1 {Head load delay} i1 {Head unload delay} i1 {Pin 34} t4 {Pin 2} t4 {Pin 4} t4 {Pin 1} t4 {Medium rotation rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Format device page: 0x03 { {Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Sectors per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Logical Unit} i2 {Sectors per Track} i2 {Data Bytes per Physical Sector} i2 {Interleave} i2 {Track Skew Factor} i2 {Cylinder Skew Factor} i2 {SSEC} t1 {HSEC} t1 {RMB} t1 {SURF} t1 {Reserved} *t4 } # Medium types supported page: 0x0b { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium type one supported} i1 {Medium type two supported} i1 {Medium type three supported} i1 {Medium type four supported} i1 } # Notch page (0x0c) # Read-Write Error Recovery Page 0x01 { {AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {TB (Transfer Block)} t1 {RC (Read Continuous)} t1 {EER (Enable Early Recovery)} t1 {PER (Post Error)} t1 {DTE (Disable Transfer on Error)} t1 {DCR (Disable Correction)} t1 {Read Retry Count} i1 {Correction Span} i1 {Head Offset Count} i1 {Data Strobe Offset Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Write Retry Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Recovery Time Limit} i2 } # Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Page 0x04 { {Number of Cylinders} i3 {Number of Heads} i1 {Starting Cylinder-Write Precompensation} i3 {Starting Cylinder-Reduced Write Current} i3 {Drive Step Rate} i2 {Landing Zone Cylinder} i3 {Reserved} *t6 {RPL} t2 {Rotational Offset} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium Rotation Rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Verify Error Recovery Page 0x07 { {Reserved} *t4 {EER} t1 {PER} t1 {DTE} t1 {DCR} t1 {Verify Retry Count} i1 {Verify Correction Span} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Verify Recovery Time Limit} i2 } # CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page 0x0E { {Reserved} *t5 {Immed} t1 {SOTC} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Reserved} *i2 {APRVal} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Format of LBAs / sec.} t4 {Logical Blocks per Second of Audio Playback} i2 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 0 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 0 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 1 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 1 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 2 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 2 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 3 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 3 Volume} i1 } # $OpenBSD: dot.profile,v 1.3 1997/10/20 22:24:21 millert Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1994 Christopher G. Demetriou # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou. # 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/ export HISTFILE=/.sh_history export HOME=/ umask 022 set -o emacs # emacs-style command line editing if [ "X${DONEPROFILE}" = "X" ]; then DONEPROFILE=YES # set up some sane defaults echo 'erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C' stty newcrt werase ^W intr ^C kill ^U erase ^? 9600 echo '' mount /dev/rd0a / # mount the kern_fs so that we can examine the dmesg state mount -t kernfs /kern /kern # pull in the functions that people will use from the shell prompt. . /.instutils echo "Follow the installation directions to install or upgrade" echo "the OpenBSD distribution sets." fi # $OpenBSD: dot.instutils,v 1.1 1997/05/14 20:52:44 pefo Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1994 Christopher G. Demetriou # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou. # 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Installation configuration utilites (functions), to get OpenBSD configured # reasonably once it is installed on the hard disk. These are meant to be # invoked from the shell prompt, by people installing OpenBSD. Configure() { DEV=/dev ETC=/etc if [ ! -f /etc/fstab ]; then DEV=/mnt/dev ETC=/mnt/etc fi echo "You will now be prompted for information about this" echo "machine. If you hit return, the default answer (in" echo "brackets) will be used." echo "" echo -n "What is this machine's hostname? [unknown.host.domain] " read hname if [ "$hname" = "" ]; then hname=unknown.host.domain fi echo $hname > ${ETC}/myname proto_domain=`echo $hname | sed -e 's/[^.]*\.//'` echo "" echo "What domain is this machine in (this is NOT its YP" echo -n "domain name)? [$proto_domain] " read dname if [ "$dname" = "" ]; then dname=$proto_domain fi echo "" if [ -e $ETC/sendmail.cf ]; then echo "WARNING: A default sendmail.cf exists, and probably" echo "needs to be tuned and/or replaced, to work properly at" echo "your site!" else echo "WARNING: No default sendmail.cf installed. Did you" echo "forget to install the 'etc' distribution?" fi echo " localhost localhost.$dname" > ${ETC}/hosts echo "" echo -n "Does this machine have an ethernet interface? [y] " read resp case "$resp" in n*) ;; *) intf= while [ "$intf" = "" ]; do echo -n "What is the primary interface name " echo -n "(e.g. ed0, ep0, etc)? " read intf done echo -n "What is the hostname for this interface? [$hname] " read ifname if [ "$ifname" = "" ]; then ifname=$hname fi ifaddr= while [ "$ifaddr" = "" ]; do echo -n "What is the IP address associated with " echo -n "interface ${intf}? " read ifaddr done echo "$ifaddr $ifname `echo $ifname | sed -e s/\.$dname//`" \ >> ${ETC}/hosts echo -n "Does this interface have a special netmask? [n] " read resp case "$resp" in y*) echo -n "What is the netmask? [0xffffff00] " read ifnetmask if [ "$ifnetmask" = "" ]; then ifnetmask=0xffffff00 fi ;; *) ifnetmask= ;; esac echo -n "Does this interface need additional flags? [n] " read resp case "$resp" in y*) echo -n "What flags? [link0] " read ifflags if [ "$ifflags" = "" ]; then ifflags=link0 fi ;; *) ifflags= ;; esac echo "inet $ifname $ifnetmask $ifflags" > ${ETC}/hostname.$intf echo "" echo -n "WARNING: if you have any more ethernet interfaces, " echo "you will have to configure" echo -n "them by hand. Read the comments in /etc/netstart to " echo "learn how to do this." ;; esac echo "" echo -n "Making device nodes (may take a while)..." cd ${DEV} sh MAKEDEV all echo " done." sync echo "" echo "If you haven't already installed a kernel on the hard drive" echo "using your kernel-copy floppy, do so now. Kernel" echo "installation instructions can be found in the" echo "installation notes." } the disk. __congratulations_1 } ur currently mounted filesystems? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) get_localdir ;; *) ;; esac fi done install_sets $THESETS # Copy in configuration information and make devices in target root. if [ ! -d /mnt/etc -o ! -d /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo -o ! -d /mnt/dev ]; then echo "Something needed to complete the installation seems" echo "to be missing, did you forget to extract a required set?" echo "" echo "Please review the installation notes and try again..." echo "" echo "You *may* be able to correct the problem and type 'install'" echo "without having to extract all of the distribution sets again." exit fi cd /tmp for file in fstab hostname.* hosts myname mygate resolv.conf; do if [ -f $file ]; then echo -n "Copying $file..." cp $file /mnt/etc/$file echo "done." fi done # If no zoneinfo on the installfs, give them a second chance if [ ! -e /usr/share/zoneinfo ]; then get_timezone fi if [ ! -e /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo ]; then echo "Cannot install timezone link..." else echo -n "Installing timezone link..." rm -f /mnt/etc/localtime ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /mnt/etc/localtime echo "done." fi md_copy_kernel md_installboot ${ROOTDISK} if [ ! -x /mnt/dev/MAKEDEV ]; then echo "No /dev/MAKEDEV installed, something is wrong here..." exit fi echo -n "Making all devices..." #pid=`twiddle` cd /mnt/dev sh MAKEDEV all #kill $pid echo "done." cd / unmount_fs /tmp/fstab.shadow # Pat on the back. md_congrats # ALL DONE! exit 0 # $OpenBSD: install.md,v 1.6 1997/09/30 17:52:38 deraadt Exp $ # # # Copyright rc) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Jason R. Thorpe. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # machine dependent section of installation/upgrade script. # # Machine-dependent install sets MDSETS="kernel" md_set_term() { if [ ! -z "$TERM" ]; then return fi echo -n "Specify terminal type [pc3]: " getresp "pc3" TERM="$resp" export TERM } md_makerootwritable() { } md_machine_arch() { cat /kern/machine } md_get_diskdevs() { # return available disk devices cat /kern/msgbuf | egrep "^[sw]d[0-9] " | cut -d" " -f1 | sort -u } md_get_cddevs() { # return available CDROM devices cat /kern/msgbuf | egrep "^a?cd[0-9] " | cut -d" " -f1 | sort -u } md_get_ifdevs() { # return available network devices cat /kern/msgbuf | egrep "^(sn[0-9] |e[dglp][0-9] |[dil]e[0-9] |f[ep]a[0-9] )" | cut -d" " -f1 | sort -u } md_get_partition_range() { # return range of valid partition letters echo "[a-p]" } md_installboot() { echo "Installing bootable kernel in the msdos partition /dev/${1}i" if mount -t msdos /dev/${1}i /mnt2 ; then elf2ecoff /mnt/bsd /mnt2/bsd umount /mnt2 else echo "Failed, you will not be able to boot from /dev/${1}." fi echo "Building dynamic libraries cache" /mnt/sbin/ldconfig -f /mnt/etc/ld.so.cache -P /mnt } md_native_fstype() { echo "msdos" } md_native_fsopts() { echo "ro" } md_init_mbr() { # $1 is the disk to init echo echo "You will now be asked if you want to initialize the disk with a 5Mb" echo "MSDOS partition. This is the recomended setup and will allow you to" echo "store about three to four different bootable kernels on the disk." echo "If you want to have a different setup, exit 'install' now and do" echo "the MBR initialization by hand using the 'fdisk' program. You may" echo "also use any vendor specific program to set up the disk. Consult" echo "your ARC system manuals for doing setup this way." echo echo -n "Do you want to init the MBR and the MSDOS partition? [y]" getresp "y" case "$resp" in n*|N*) exit 0;; *) echo echo "A MBR record with an OpenBSD usable partition table will now be copied" echo "to your disk. Unless you have special requirements you will not need" echo "to edit this MBR. After the MBR is copied an empty 5Mb MSDOS partition" echo "will be created on the disk. You *MUST* setup the OpenBSD disklabel" echo "to have a partition covering this MSDOS partition." echo "You will probably see a few '...: no disk label' messages" echo "It's completly normal. The disk has no label yet." echo "This will take a minute or two..." sleep 2 dd if=/usr/mdec/mbr of=/dev/r$1c >/dev/null 2>&1 gunzip < /usr/mdec/msdos5mb.gz | dd of=/dev/r$1c bs=512 seek=32 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac } md_checkfordisklabel() { # $1 is the disk to check local rval echo echo "ARC systems need a MBR and MSDOS partition on the bootable disk." echo "This is necessary because the BIOS doesn't know nothing about" echo "OpenBSD and have to boot the system from a file stored in the" echo "MSDOS partition. Install will put a bootable kernel with the" echo "name 'bsd' in there that you later should use to boot OpenBSD. " echo echo -n "Have this disk previously been used with DOS or Windows? [n]" getresp "n" case "$resp" in n*|N*) md_init_mbr $1;; *) echo echo "You may keep your current setup if you want to be able to use any" echo "already loaded OS. However you will be asked to prepare an empty" echo "partition for OpenBSD later. There must also be ~1.5Mb free space" echo "in the boot partition to hold the bootable OpenBSD kernel." echo "Also note that the boot partition must be included as partition" echo "'i' in the OpenBSD disklabel." echo echo -n "Do You want to keep the current MSDOS partition setup? [y]" getresp "y" case "$resp" in n*|N*) md_init_mbr $1;; *) ;; esac ;; esac disklabel -r $1 > /dev/null 2> /tmp/checkfordisklabel if grep "no disk label" /tmp/checkfordisklabel; then rval=1 elif grep "disk label corrupted" /tmp/checkfordisklabel; then rval=2 else rval=0 fi rm -f /tmp/checkfordisklabel return $rval } md_prep_fdisk() { local _disk local _done _disk=$1 echo echo "This disk has not previously been used with OpenBSD. You may share" echo "this disk with other operating systems (probably Windows/NT or" echo "maybe Linux/Mips etc.) Anyhow, to be able to boot the system you" echo "will need a small DOS partition in the begining of the disk to" echo "hold the bootable kernel. This has been taken care of if you choosed" echo "to do that initialization just before." echo echo "WARNING: Wrong information in the BIOS partition table might" echo "render the disk unusable." echo -n "Press [Enter] to continue " getresp "" echo echo "Current partition information is:" fdisk ${_disk} echo -n "Press [Enter] to continue " getresp "" _done=0 while [ $_done = 0 ]; do echo cat << \__md_prep_fdisk_1 An OpenBSD partition should have type 166 (A6), and should be the only partition marked as active. Also make sure that the size of the partition to be used by OpenBSD is correct, otherwise OpenBSD disklabel installation will fail. Furthermore, the partitions must NOT overlap each others. fdisk will be started in update mode, and you will be able to add this information as needed. If you make a mistake, exit fdisk without storing the new information, and you will be allowed to start over. __md_prep_fdisk_1 echo -n "Press [Enter] to continue " getresp "" fdisk -e ${_disk} echo echo "The new partition information is:" fdisk ${_disk} echo echo "Is this information correct (if not, you will be permitted to " echo -n "edit it again)? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in n*|N*) ;; *) _done=1 ;; esac done echo "Please take note of the offset and size of the OpenBSD partition" echo "*AND* the MSDOS partitions you may want to access from OpenBSD." echo "At least the MSDOS partition used for booting must be accessible" echo "by OpenBSD as partition 'i'. You may need this information to " echo "fill in the OpenBSD disk label later." echo -n "Press [Enter] to continue " getresp "" } md_prep_disklabel() { local _disk _disk=$1 md_checkfordisklabel $_disk case $? in 0) echo -n "Do you wish to edit the disklabel on $_disk? [y]" ;; 1) md_prep_fdisk ${_disk} echo "WARNING: Disk $_disk has no label" echo -n "Do you want to create one with the disklabel editor? [y]" ;; 2) echo "WARNING: Label on disk $_disk is corrupted" echo -n "Do you want to try and repair the damage using the disklabel editor? [y]" ;; esac getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ;; *) return ;; esac # display example cat << \__md_prep_disklabel_1 Here is an example of what the partition information may look like once you have entered the disklabel editor. Disk partition sizes and offsets are in sector (most likely 512 bytes) units. You may set these size/offset pairs on cylinder boundaries (the number of sector per cylinder is given in the `sectors/cylinder' entry, which is not shown here). Also, you *must* make sure that the 'i' partition points at the MSDOS partition that will be used for booting. The 'c' partition shall start at offset 0 and include the entire disk. This is most likely correct when you see the default label in the editor. Do not change any parameters except the partition layout and the label name. [Example] 10 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg] a: 120832 10240 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 11*- 142*) b: 131072 131072 swap # (Cyl. 142*- 284*) c: 6265200 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 - 6809) e: 781250 262144 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 284*- 1134*) f: 1205000 1043394 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 1134*- 2443*) g: 2008403 2248394 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 2443*- 4626*) h: 2008403 4256797 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 4626*- 6809*) i: 10208 32 MSDOS # (Cyl. 0*- 11*) [End of example] __md_prep_disklabel_1 echo -n "Press [Enter] to continue " getresp "" disklabel -W ${_disk} disklabel ${_disk} >/tmp/label.$$ disklabel -r -R ${_disk} /tmp/label.$$ rm -f /tmp/label.$$ disklabel -E ${_disk} } md_copy_kernel() { #echo -n "Copying kernel..." #cp -p /bsd /mnt/bsd #echo "done." } md_welcome_banner() { { if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "" echo "Welcome to the OpenBSD/ARC ${VERSION} installation program." cat << \__welcome_banner_1 This program is designed to help you put OpenBSD on your disk, in a simple and rational way. You'll be asked several questions, and it would probably be useful to have your disk's hardware manual, the installation notes, and a calculator handy. __welcome_banner_1 else echo "" echo "Welcome to the OpenBSD/ARC ${VERSION} upgrade program." cat << \__welcome_banner_2 This program is designed to help you upgrade your OpenBSD system in a simple and rational way. As a reminder, installing the `etc' binary set is NOT recommended. Once the rest of your system has been upgraded, you should manually merge any changes to files in the `etc' set into those files which already exist on your system. __welcome_banner_2 fi cat << \__welcome_banner_3 As with anything which modifies your disk's contents, this program can cause SIGNIFICANT data loss, and you are advised to make sure your data is backed up before beginning the installation process. Default answers are displayed in brackets after the questions. You can hit Control-C at any time to quit, but if you do so at a prompt, you may have to hit return. Also, quitting in the middle of installation may leave your system in an inconsistent state. __welcome_banner_3 } | more } md_not_going_to_install() { cat << \__not_going_to_install_1 OK, then. Enter `halt' at the prompt to halt the machine. Once the machine has halted, power-cycle the system to load new boot code. __not_going_to_install_1 } md_congrats() { local what; if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then what="installed"; else what="upgraded"; fi cat << __congratulations_1 CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully $what OpenBSD! To boot the installed system, enter halt at the command prompt. Once the system has halted, reset the machine and boot from#!/bin/sh # $OpenBSD: install.sh,v 1.17 1997/10/30 05:23:44 millert Exp $ # $NetBSD: install.sh,v 1996/08/27 18:15:05 gwr Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Jason R. Thorpe. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # OpenBSD installation script. # In a perfect world, this would be a nice C program, with a reasonable # user interface. FILESYSTEMS="/tmp/filesystems" # used thoughout FQDN="" # domain name trap "umount /tmp > /dev/null 2>&1" 0 MODE="install" # include machine-dependent functions # The following functions must be provided: # md_copy_kernel() - copy a kernel to the installed disk # md_get_diskdevs() - return available disk devices # md_get_cddevs() - return available CD-ROM devices # md_get_ifdevs() - return available network interfaces # md_get_partition_range() - return range of valid partition letters # md_installboot() - install boot-blocks on disk # md_labeldisk() - put label on a disk # md_prep_disklabel() - label the root disk # md_welcome_banner() - display friendly message # md_not_going_to_install() - display friendly message # md_congrats() - display friendly message # md_native_fstype() - native filesystem type for disk installs # md_native_fsopts() - native filesystem options for disk installs # md_makerootwritable() - make root writable (at least /tmp) # md_machine_arch() - get machine architecture # include machine dependent subroutines . install.md # include common subroutines . install.sub # which sets? THESETS="$ALLSETS $MDSETS" if [ "`df /`" = "`df /mnt`" ]; then # Good {morning,afternoon,evening,night}. md_welcome_banner echo -n "Proceed with installation? [n] " else echo "You seem to be trying to restart an interrupted installation!" echo "" echo "You can try to skip the disk preparation steps and continue," echo "otherwise you should reboot the miniroot and start over..." echo -n "Skip disk initialization? [n] " fi getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) echo "" echo "Cool! Let's get to it..." ;; *) md_not_going_to_install exit ;; esac # XXX Work around vnode aliasing bug (thanks for the tip, Chris...) ls -l /dev > /dev/null 2>&1 # Deal with terminal issues md_set_term # Get timezone info get_timezone # Make sure we can write files (at least in /tmp) # This might make an MFS mount on /tmp, or it may # just re-mount the root with read-write enabled. if [ "`df /`" = "`df /tmp`" ]; then md_makerootwritable fi # Get the machine architecture (must be done after md_makerootwritable) ARCH=`md_machine_arch` if [ "`df /`" = "`df /mnt`" ]; then # Install the shadowed disktab file; lets us write to it for temporary # purposes without mounting the miniroot read-write. if [ -f /etc/disktab.shadow ]; then cp /etc/disktab.shadow /tmp/disktab.shadow fi while [ "X${ROOTDISK}" = "X" ]; do getrootdisk done # Deal with disklabels, including editing the root disklabel # and labeling additional disks. This is machine-dependent since # some platforms may not be able to provide this functionality. md_prep_disklabel ${ROOTDISK} # Assume partition 'a' of $ROOTDISK is for the root filesystem. # Loop and get the rest. # XXX ASSUMES THAT THE USER DOESN'T PROVIDE BOGUS INPUT. cat << __get_filesystems_1 You will now have the opportunity to enter filesystem information. You will be prompted for the mount point (full path, including the prepending '/' character) for each BSD partition on ${ROOTDISK}. Enter "none" to skip a partition or "done" when you are finished. __get_filesystems_1 echo "The following will be used for the root filesystem and swap:" echo " ${ROOTDISK}a /" echo " ${ROOTDISK}b swap" echo "${ROOTDISK}a /" > ${FILESYSTEMS} # XXX - allow the user to name mount points on disks other than ROOTDISK # also allow a way to enter non-BSD partitions (but don't newfs!) # Get the list of BSD partitions and store sizes _npartitions=0 for _p in `disklabel ${ROOTDISK} 2>&1 | grep '^ *[a-p]:.*BSD' | sed 's/^ *\([a-p]\): *\([0-9][0-9]*\) .*/\1\2/'`; do case $_p in a*) # We already have an 'a' ;; *) _pp=`firstchar ${_p}` _ps=`echo ${_p} | sed 's/^.//'` _partitions[${_npartitions}]=${_pp} _psizes[${_npartitions}]=${_ps} _npartitions=$(( ${_npartitions} + 1 )) ;; esac done # Now prompt the user for the mount points. Loop until "done" echo "" _i=0 resp="X" while [ $_npartitions -gt 0 -a X${resp} != X"done" ]; do _pp=${_partitions[${_i}]} _ps=$(( ${_psizes[${_i}]} / 2 )) _mp=${_mount_points[${_i}]} # Get the mount point from the user while : ; do echo -n "Mount point for ${ROOTDISK}${_pp} (size=${_ps}k) [$_mp]? " getresp "$_mp" case "X${resp}" in X/*) _mount_points[${_i}]=$resp break ;; Xdone|Xnone|X) break ;; *) echo "mount point must be an absolute path!";; esac done _i=$(( ${_i} + 1 )) if [ $_i -ge $_npartitions ]; then _i=0 fi done # Now write it out _i=0 while test $_i -lt $_npartitions; do if [ -n "${_mount_points[${_i}]}" ]; then echo "${ROOTDISK}${_partitions[${_i}]} ${_mount_points[${_i}]}" >> ${FILESYSTEMS} fi _i=$(( ${_i} + 1 )) done echo "" echo "You have configured the following devices and mount points:" echo "" cat ${FILESYSTEMS} echo "" echo "Filesystems will now be created on these devices." echo "If you made any mistakes, you may edit this now." echo -n "Edit using ${EDITOR}? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ${EDITOR} ${FILESYSTEMS} ;; *) ;; esac echo echo "============================================================" echo "The next step will overwrite any existing data on:" ( echo -n " " while read _device_name _junk; do echo -n "${_device_name} " done echo "" ) < ${FILESYSTEMS} echo "" echo -n "Are you really sure that you're ready to proceed? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ;; *) echo "ok, try again later..." exit ;; esac # Loop though the file, place filesystems on each device. echo "Creating filesystems..." ( while read _device_name _junk; do newfs /dev/r${_device_name} done ) < ${FILESYSTEMS} else # Get the root device ROOTDISK=`df /mnt | sed -e '/^\//!d' -e 's/\/dev\/\([^ ]*\)[a-p] .*/\1/'` while [ "X${ROOTDISK}" = "X" ]; do getrootdisk done fi # Get network configuration information, and store it for placement in the # root filesystem later. cat << \__network_config_1 You will now be given the opportunity to configure the network. This will be useful if you need to transfer the installation sets via FTP, HTTP, or NFS. Even if you choose not to transfer installation sets that way, this information will be preserved and copied into the new root filesystem. __network_config_1 echo -n "Configure the network? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) resp="" # force at least one iteration _nam="" if [ -f /tmp/myname ]; then _nam=`cat /tmp/myname` fi while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Enter system hostname (short form): [$_nam] " getresp "$_nam" done hostname $resp echo $resp > /tmp/myname resp="" # force at least one iteration if [ -f /tmp/resolv.conf ]; then FQDN=`grep '^domain ' /tmp/resolv.conf | \ sed -e 's/^domain //'` fi while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Enter DNS domain name: [$FQDN] " getresp "$FQDN" done FQDN=$resp configurenetwork resp="none" if [ -f /tmp/mygate ]; then resp=`cat /tmp/mygate` fi echo -n "Enter IP address of default route: [$resp] " getresp "$resp" if [ "X${resp}" != X"none" ]; then route delete default > /dev/null 2>&1 if route add default $resp > /dev/null ; then echo $resp > /tmp/mygate fi fi resp="none" if [ -f /tmp/resolv.conf ]; then resp=`grep '^nameserver ' /tmp/resolv.conf | \ sed -e 's/^nameserver //'` fi echo -n "Enter IP address of primary nameserver: [$resp] " getresp "$resp" if [ "X${resp}" != X"none" ]; then echo "domain $FQDN" > /tmp/resolv.conf echo "nameserver $resp" >> /tmp/resolv.conf echo "search $FQDN" >> /tmp/resolv.conf echo -n "Would you like to use the nameserver now? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) cp /tmp/resolv.conf \ /tmp/resolv.conf.shadow ;; *) ;; esac fi if [ ! -f /tmp/resolv.conf.shadow ]; then echo "" echo "The host table is as follows:" echo "" cat /tmp/hosts echo "" echo "You may want to edit the host table in the event that" echo "you are doing an NFS installation or an FTP installation" echo "without a name server and want to refer to the server by" echo "name rather than by its numeric ip address." echo -n "Would you like to edit the host table with ${EDITOR}? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ${EDITOR} /tmp/hosts ;; *) ;; esac fi cat << \__network_config_2 You will now be given the opportunity to escape to the command shell to do any additional network configuration you may need. This may include adding additional routes, if needed. In addition, you might take this opportunity to redo the default route in the event that it failed above. __network_config_2 echo -n "Escape to shell? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) echo "Type 'exit' to return to install." sh ;; *) ;; esac ;; *) ;; esac if [ "`df /`" = "`df /mnt`" ]; then # Now that the network has been configured, it is safe to configure the # fstab. ( while read _dev _mp; do if [ "$_mp" = "/" ]; then echo /dev/$_dev $_mp ffs rw 1 1 else echo /dev/$_dev $_mp ffs rw 1 2 fi done ) < ${FILESYSTEMS} > /tmp/fstab # XXX We no longer do the following. It is not neccessary. It can be done # XXX after the install is complete. # # echo "The fstab is configured as follows:" # echo "" # cat /tmp/fstab # cat << \__fstab_config_1 # #You may wish to edit the fstab. You may also wish to take this opportunity to #place NFS mounts in the fstab (this would be especially useful if you plan to #keep '/usr' on an NFS server. #__fstab_config_1 # echo -n "Edit the fstab with ${EDITOR}? [n] " # getresp "n" # case "$resp" in # y*|Y*) # ${EDITOR} /tmp/fstab # ;; # # *) # ;; # esac # # echo "" munge_fstab /tmp/fstab /tmp/fstab.shadow mount_fs /tmp/fstab.shadow fi mount | while read line; do set -- $line if [ "$2" = "/" -a "$3" = "nfs" ]; then echo "You appear to be running diskless." echo -n "Are the install sets on one of yo#!/bin/sh # $OpenBSD: upgrade.sh,v 1.8 1997/07/09 15:15:35 millert Exp $ # $NetBSD: upgrade.sh,v 1996/08/27 18:15:08 gwr Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Jason R. Thorpe. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # OpenBSD installation script. # In a perfect world, this would be a nice C program, with a reasonable # user interface. ROOTDISK="" # filled in below trap "unmount_fs -check /tmp/fstab.shadow > /dev/null 2>&1; rm -f /tmp/fstab.shadow" 0 MODE="upgrade" # include machine-dependent functions # The following functions must be provided: # md_copy_kernel() - copy a kernel to the installed disk # md_get_diskdevs() - return available disk devices # md_get_cddevs() - return available CD-ROM devices # md_get_ifdevs() - return available network interfaces # md_get_partition_range() - return range of valid partition letters # md_installboot() - install boot-blocks on disk # md_labeldisk() - put label on a disk # md_welcome_banner() - display friendly message # md_not_going_to_install() - display friendly message # md_congrats() - display friendly message # md_machine_arch() - get machine architecture # include machine dependent subroutines . install.md # include common subroutines . install.sub # which sets? THESETS="$UPGRSETS $MDSETS" # Good {morning,afternoon,evening,night}. md_welcome_banner echo -n "Proceed with upgrade? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) echo "Cool! Let's get to it..." ;; *) md_not_going_to_install exit ;; esac # Deal with terminal issues md_set_term # XXX Work around vnode aliasing bug (thanks for the tip, Chris...) ls -l /dev > /dev/null 2>&1 # Make sure we can write files (at least in /tmp) # This might make an MFS mount on /tmp, or it may # just re-mount the root with read-write enabled. md_makerootwritable # Get the machine architecture (must be done after md_makerootwritable) ARCH=`md_machine_arch` while [ "X${ROOTDISK}" = "X" ]; do getrootdisk done # Assume partition 'a' of $ROOTDISK is for the root filesystem. Confirm # this with the user. Check and mount the root filesystem. resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = "X" ]; do echo -n "Root filesystem? [${ROOTDISK}a] " getresp "${ROOTDISK}a" _root_filesystem="/dev/`basename $resp`" if [ ! -b ${_root_filesystem} ]; then echo "Sorry, ${resp} is not a block device." resp="" # force loop to repeat fi done echo "Checking root filesystem..." if ! fsck -pf ${_root_filesystem}; then echo "ERROR: can't check root filesystem!" exit 1 fi echo "Mounting root filesystem..." if ! mount -o ro ${_root_filesystem} /mnt; then echo "ERROR: can't mount root filesystem!" exit 1 fi # Grab the fstab so we can munge it for our own use. if [ ! -f /mnt/etc/fstab ]; then echo "ERROR: no /etc/fstab!" exit 1 fi # Grab the hosts table so we can use it. if [ ! -f /mnt/etc/hosts ]; then echo "ERROR: no /etc/hosts!" exit 1 fi cp /mnt/etc/hosts /tmp/hosts # Start up the network in same/similar configuration as the installed system # uses. cat << \__network_config_1 The upgrade program would now like to enable the network. It will use the configuration already stored on the root filesystem. This is required if you wish to use the network installation capabilities of this program. __network_config_1 echo -n "Enable network? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) if ! enable_network; then echo "ERROR: can't enable network!" exit 1 fi cat << \__network_config_2 You will now be given the opportunity to escape to the command shell to do any additional network configuration you may need. This may include adding additional routes, if needed. In addition, you might take this opportunity to redo the default route in the event that it failed above. __network_config_2 echo -n "Escape to shell? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) echo "Type 'exit' to return to upgrade." sh ;; *) ;; esac ;; *) ;; esac # Now that the network has been configured, it is safe to configure the # fstab. We remove all but ufs/ffs. ( > /tmp/fstab while read _dev _mp _fstype _rest ; do if [ "X${_fstype}" = X"ufs" -o \ "X${_fstype}" = X"ffs" ]; then if [ "X${_fstype}" = X"ufs" ]; then # Convert ufs to ffs. _fstype=ffs fi echo "$_dev $_mp $_fstype $_rest" >> /tmp/fstab fi done ) < /mnt/etc/fstab echo "The fstab is configured as follows:" echo "" cat /tmp/fstab cat << \__fstab_config_1 You may wish to edit the fstab. For example, you may need to resolve dependencies in the order which the filesystems are mounted. Note that this fstab is only for installation purposes, and will not be copied into the root filesystem. __fstab_config_1 echo -n "Edit the fstab with ${EDITOR}? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ${EDITOR} /tmp/fstab ;; *) ;; esac echo "" munge_fstab /tmp/fstab /tmp/fstab.shadow if ! umount /mnt; then echo "ERROR: can't unmount previously mounted root!" exit 1 fi # Check all of the filesystems. check_fs /tmp/fstab.shadow # Mount filesystems. mount_fs /tmp/fstab.shadow echo -n "Are the upgrade sets on one of your normally mounted (local) filesystems? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) get_localdir /mnt ;; *) ;; esac # Install sets. install_sets $THESETS # Get timezone info get_timezone # Fix up the fstab. echo -n "Converting ufs to ffs in /etc/fstab..." ( > /tmp/fstab while read _dev _mp _fstype _rest ; do if [ "X${_fstype}" = X"ufs" ]; then # Convert ufs to ffs. _fstype=ffs fi echo "$_dev $_mp $_fstype $_rest" >> /tmp/fstab done ) < /mnt/etc/fstab echo "done." echo -n "Would you like to edit the resulting fstab with ${EDITOR}? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ${EDITOR} /tmp/fstab ;; *) ;; esac # Copy in configuration information and make devices in target root. ( cd /tmp for file in fstab; do if [ -f $file ]; then echo -n "Copying $file..." cp $file /mnt/etc/$file echo "done." fi done echo -n "Installing timezone link..." rm -f /mnt/etc/localtime ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /mnt/etc/localtime echo "done." echo -n "Making devices..." #_pid=`twiddle` cd /mnt/dev sh MAKEDEV all #kill $_pid echo "done." md_copy_kernel md_installboot ${ROOTDISK} ) unmount_fs /tmp/fstab.shadow # Pat on the back. md_congrats # ALL DONE! exit 0 #!/bin/sh # $OpenBSD: install.sub,v 1.49 1997/10/29 21:38:17 deraadt Exp $ # $NetBSD: install.sub,v 1996/09/02 23:25:02 pk Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Jason R. Thorpe. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # OpenBSD installation/upgrade script - common subroutines. ROOTDISK="" # filled in below VERSION=22 VERSION_MAJOR=$(( $VERSION / 10 )) VERSION_MINOR=$(( $VERSION % 10 )) export VERSION VERSION_MAJOR VERSION_MINOR ALLSETS="base etc misc comp text man game" # default install sets UPGRSETS="base misc comp text man game" # default upgrade sets SNAPSETS="bin dev etc games man misc sbin text \ usr.bin usr.binutils usr.games usr.include \ usr.lib usr.libexec usr.misc usr.sbin usr.share var" THESETS= # one of the above local_sets_dir="" # Path searched for sets by install_sets # on the local filesystems # decide upon an editor if [ X$EDITOR = X ]; then if [ -x /usr/bin/vi ]; then EDITOR=vi else EDITOR=ed fi export EDITOR fi # Please don't use the 1 of n form below, good idea, wrong implementation! # get a reponse with default[s] getresp() { valid="false" while [ "X$valid" = "Xfalse" ]; do read resp if [ "X$resp" = "X" ]; then resp=$1 fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then for i in $@; do if [ "X$resp" = "X$i" ]; then valid="true" fi done else valid="true" fi if [ "X$valid" = "Xfalse" ]; then echo "Try again: Enter one of [$@]" fi done } isin() { # test the first argument against the remaining ones, return succes on a match local _a _a=$1; shift while [ $# != 0 ]; do if [ "$_a" = "$1" ]; then return 0; fi shift done return 1 } rmel() { # remove first argument from list formed by the remaining arguments local _a _a=$1; shift while [ $# != 0 ]; do if [ "$_a" != "$1" ]; then echo "$1"; fi shift done } cutword () { # read a line of data, return Nth element. local _a local _n local _oifs # optional field separator _oifs="$IFS" case "$1" in -t?*) IFS=${1#-t}; shift;; esac _n=$1 read _a; set -- $_a IFS="$_oifs" if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return; fi eval echo \$$_n } cutlast () { # read a line of data, return last element. Equiv. of awk '{print $NF}'. local _a local _oifs # optional field separator _oifs="$IFS" case "$1" in -t?*) IFS=${1#-t}; shift;; esac read _a; set -- $_a IFS="$_oifs" if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return; fi while [ "$#" -gt 10 ]; do shift 10; done eval echo \$$# } firstchar () { # return first character of argument local _a _a=$1 while [ ${#_a} != 1 ]; do _a=${_a%?} done echo $_a } basename () { local _oifs if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return; fi _oifs="$IFS" IFS="/" set -- $1 IFS="$_oifs" while [ "$#" -gt 10 ]; do shift 10; done eval echo \$$# } dir_has_sets() { # return true when the directory $1 contains a set for $2...$n local _dir local _file _dir=$1; shift for _file in $* do if [ -f $_dir/${_file}${VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then return 0 fi # Try for stupid msdos convention if [ -f $_dir/${_file}${VERSION}.tgz ]; then return 0 fi # Special check for kernel if [ $_file = "kernel" -a -f $_dir/bsd ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } list_has_sets() { # return true when the list $1 contains a set, given dir $2 for $3...$n local _list local _file _list=$1; shift for _file in $* do if isin ${_file}${VERSION}.tar.gz $_list; then return 0 fi # Try for stupid msdos convention if isin ${_file}${VERSION}.tgz $_list; then return 0 fi # Special check for kernel if test $_file = "kernel" && isin bsd $_list; then return 0 fi done return 1 } ftp_list_files() { # log in via ftp to host $1 as user $2 with password $3 # and return a list of all files in the directory $4 on stdout local _host local _user local _pass local _dir _host=$1; shift _user=$1; shift _pass=$1; shift _dir=$1; shift ftp -V -n $_host <<__ptf user $_user $_pass cd $_dir ls quit __ptf } twiddle() { # spin the propeller so we don't get bored while : ; do sleep 1; echo -n "/"; sleep 1; echo -n "-"; sleep 1; echo -n "\\"; sleep 1; echo -n "|"; done > /dev/tty & echo $! } get_localdir() { # $1 is relative mountpoint local _mp local _dir _mp=$1 _dir= while : ; do echo -n "Enter the pathname where the sets are stored [$_dir] " getresp "$_dir" _dir=$resp # Allow break-out with empty response if [ -z "$_dir" ]; then echo -n "Are you sure you don't want to set the pathname? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) break ;; *) continue ;; esac fi if dir_has_sets "$_mp/$_dir" $THESETS then local_sets_dir="$_mp/$_dir" break else cat << __get_reldir_1 The directory \"$local_sets_dir\" does not exist, or does not hold any of the upgrade sets. __get_reldir_1 echo -n "Re-enter pathname? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ;; *) local_sets_dir="" break ;; esac fi done } getrootdisk() { cat << \__getrootdisk_1 The installation program needs to know which disk to consider the root disk. Note the unit number may be different than the unit number you used in the boot program (especially on a PC with multiple disk controllers). Available disks are: __getrootdisk_1 _DKDEVS=`md_get_diskdevs` echo "$_DKDEVS" echo "" echo -n "Which disk is the root disk? " getresp "" if isin $resp $_DKDEVS ; then ROOTDISK="$resp" else echo "" echo "The disk $resp does not exist." ROOTDISK="" fi } labelmoredisks() { cat << \__labelmoredisks_1 You may label the following disks: __labelmoredisks_1 echo "$_DKDEVS" echo "" echo -n "Label which disk? [done] " getresp "done" case "$resp" in done) ;; *) if isin $resp $_DKDEVS ; then md_labeldisk $resp else echo "" echo "The disk $resp does not exist." fi ;; esac } addhostent() { # $1 - IP address # $2 - symbolic name # Create an entry in the hosts table. If no host table # exists, create one. If the IP address already exists, # replace it's entry. if [ ! -f /tmp/hosts ]; then echo " localhost" > /tmp/hosts fi sed "/^$1 /d" < /tmp/hosts > /tmp/hosts.new mv /tmp/hosts.new /tmp/hosts echo "$1 $2 $2.$FQDN" >> /tmp/hosts } addifconfig() { # $1 - interface name # $2 - interface symbolic name # $3 - interface IP address # $4 - interface netmask # $5 - (optional) interface link-layer directives # Create a hostname.* file for the interface. echo "inet $2 $4 NONE $5" > /tmp/hostname.$1 addhostent $3 $2 } configurenetwork() { local _ifsdone local _ifs local _ouranswer local _reprompt _IFS=`md_get_ifdevs` _ifsdone="" _ouranswer="" _reprompt=1 resp="" # force at least one iteration while [ "X${resp}" != X"done" ]; do if [ $_reprompt = 1 ]; then cat << \__configurenetwork_1 You may configure the following network interfaces (the interfaces marked with [X] have been succesfully configured): __configurenetwork_1 for _ifs in $_IFS; do if isin $_ifs $_ifsdone ; then echo -n " [X] " else echo -n " [ ] " fi echo $_ifs done echo "" fi echo -n "Configure which interface? (or, enter 'done') [$_ouranswer] " getresp "$_ouranswer" case "$resp" in "done") ;; "") _reprompt=0 ;; *) _ifs=$resp if isin $_ifs $_IFS ; then if configure_ifs $_ifs ; then _ifsdone="$_ifs $_ifsdone" fi else echo "Invalid response: \"$resp\" is not in list" fi _ouranswer="done" _reprompt=1 ;; esac done } configure_ifs() { local _up local _interface_name local _interface_ip local _interface_mask local _interface_symname local _interface_extra local _hostname _interface_name=$1 set -- `ifconfig $_interface_name | sed -n ' 1s/.**$/DOWN/p 2s/inet// 2s/--> [0-9.][0-9.]*// 2s/netmask// 2s/broadcast// 2p'` _up=$1 _interface_ip=$2 _interface_mask=$3 # Get IP address resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "IP address? [$_interface_ip] " getresp "$_interface_ip" _interface_ip=$resp done # Get symbolic name _hostname=`hostname` resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Symbolic (host) name? [$_hostname] " getresp "$_hostname" _interface_symname=$resp done # Get netmask resp="" if [ "X${_interface_mask}" = X"" ]; then _interface_mask= fi while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Netmask ? [$_interface_mask] " getresp "$_interface_mask" _interface_mask=$resp done echo "Your network interface might require additional link-layer" echo "directives (like \`link0'). If this is the case you can enter" echo "these at the next prompt. Values used by some drivers are:" echo " -link0 BNC" echo " link0 -link1 AUI" echo " link0 link1 UTP" echo "(But please keep in mind not all drivers use flags like this)." echo -n "Additional link-layer arguments? [$_interface_extra] " getresp "$_interface_extra" if [ "X${resp}" != X"" ]; then _interface_extra=$resp fi # Configure the interface. If it # succeeds, add it to the permanent # network configuration info. if [ $_up != "UP" ]; then ifconfig ${_interface_name} down if ifconfig ${_interface_name} inet \ ${_interface_ip} \ netmask ${_interface_mask} ${_interface_extra} up ; then addifconfig \ ${_interface_name} \ ${_interface_symname} \ ${_interface_ip} \ ${_interface_mask} "${_interface_extra}" return 0 fi else echo "Interface ${_interface_name} is already active." echo "Just saving configuration on new root filesystem." addifconfig \ ${_interface_name} \ ${_interface_symname} \ ${_interface_ip} \ ${_interface_mask} "${_interface_extra}" fi return 1 } # Much of this is gratuitously stolen from /etc/netstart. enable_network() { # Set up the hostname. if [ ! -f /mnt/etc/myname ]; then echo "ERROR: no /etc/myname!" return 1 fi hostname=`cat /mnt/etc/myname` hostname $hostname # configure all the interfaces which we know about. ( tmp="$IFS" IFS="$IFS." set -- `echo /mnt/etc/hostname*` IFS=$tmp unset tmp while [ $# -ge 2 ] ; do shift # get rid of "hostname" ( read af name mask bcaddr extras read dt dtaddr if [ ! -n "$name" ]; then echo "/etc/hostname.$1: invalid network configuration file" exit fi cmd="ifconfig $1 $af $name " if [ "${dt}" = "dest" ]; then cmd="$cmd $dtaddr"; fi if [ -n "$mask" ]; then cmd="$cmd netmask $mask"; fi if [ -n "$bcaddr" -a "X$bcaddr" != "XNONE" ]; then cmd="$cmd broadcast $bcaddr"; fi cmd="$cmd $extras" $cmd ) < /mnt/etc/hostname.$1 shift done ) # set the address for the loopback interface ifconfig lo0 inet localhost # use loopback, not the wire route add $hostname localhost # /etc/mygate, if it exists, contains the name of my gateway host # that name must be in /etc/hosts. if [ -f /mnt/etc/mygate ]; then route delete default > /dev/null 2>&1 route add default `cat /mnt/etc/mygate` fi # enable the resolver, if appropriate. if [ -f /mnt/etc/resolv.conf ]; then _resolver_enabled="TRUE" cp /mnt/etc/resolv.conf /tmp/resolv.conf.shadow fi # Display results... echo "Network interface configuration:" ifconfig -a echo "" if [ "X${_resolver_enabled}" = X"TRUE" ]; then route show echo "" echo "Resolver enabled." else route -n show echo "" echo "Resolver not enabled." fi return 0 } install_url() { # Get several parameters from the user, and xfer # files from the server. # Note: _ftp_server_ip, _ftp_server_dir, _ftp_server_login, # _ftp_server_password, and _ftp_passive must be global. local _sets local _f local _file_list local _get_files local _failed_files local _osetsdone local _url_type # Is this an ftp or http install? _url_type=$1; shift echo echo "This is an automated ${_url_type}-based installation process. You will be asked" echo "questions and then the files will be retrieved iteratively via ftp(1)." echo # Proxy the connections? if [ "X${_proxy_host}" = X"" ]; then _proxy_host=none fi echo -n "HTTP/FTP proxy URL? (if you use a proxy) [${_proxy_host}] " getresp "${_proxy_host}" if [ "X${resp}" = X"none" ]; then unset _proxy_host ftp_proxy http_proxy else _proxy_host=$resp export ftp_proxy=${_proxy_host} export http_proxy=${_proxy_host} fi if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" -a "X$ftp_proxy" = "X" ]; then # Use passive mode ftp? (incompatible with proxy) case "${_ftp_passive}" in -p) resp=y ;; *) resp=n ;; esac echo -n "Do you want to use passive ftp? [${resp}] " getresp "${resp}" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) _ftp_passive=-p ;; *) unset _ftp_passive ;; esac fi # Provide a list of possible servers echo -n "Do you want a list of potential ${_url_type} servers? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in n*|N*) ;; *) ftp ${_ftp_passive} -V -a ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/ftplist | grep "^${_url_type}:" ;; esac # Get server IP address resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do eval echo -n "Server IP address or hostname? [\$_${_url_type}_server_ip]\ " eval getresp "\$_${_url_type}_server_ip" eval _${_url_type}_server_ip=$resp done # Get server directory if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" -a "X${_ftp_server_dir}" = X"" ]; then # Default ftp dir _ftp_server_dir="pub/OpenBSD/${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/${ARCH}" fi resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do eval echo -n "Server directory? [\$_${_url_type}_server_dir]\ " eval getresp "\$_${_url_type}_server_dir" eval _${_url_type}_server_dir=$resp done if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" ]; then # Need default values even if we proxy ftp... if [ "X${_ftp_server_login}" = X"" ]; then _ftp_server_login=anonymous fi if [ "X${_ftp_server_password}" = X"" ]; then _ftp_server_password=root@`hostname`.${FQDN} fi if [ "X${ftp_proxy}" = X"" ]; then # Get login name resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Login? [${_ftp_server_login}] " getresp "${_ftp_server_login}" _ftp_server_login=$resp done # Get password resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Password? [${_ftp_server_password}] " getresp "${_ftp_server_password}" _ftp_server_password=$resp done fi fi # Get list of files from the server. # XXX - check for nil $_file_list and deal if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" -a "X${ftp_proxy}" = X"" ]; then _file_list=`ftp_list_files "$_ftp_server_ip" "$_ftp_server_login" "$_ftp_server_password" "$_ftp_server_dir"` else # Assumes index file is "index.txt" for http (or proxy) # We can't use index.html since the format is server-dependent _file_list=`eval ftp -V ${_url_type}://\\$_${_url_type}_server_ip/\\$_${_url_type}_server_dir/index.txt | sed 's/ //'` fi _sets="" if list_has_sets "$_file_list" $THESETS; then for _f in $THESETS ; do if [ "X${_f}" = "Xkernel" ]; then if isin bsd $_file_list; then _kernel=bsd fi elif isin ${_f}${VERSION}.tar.gz $_file_list; then _sets="$_sets ${_f}${VERSION}.tar.gz" elif isin ${_f}${VERSION}.tgz $_file_list; then _sets="$_sets ${_f}${VERSION}.tgz" fi done else eval echo "There are no OpenBSD install sets available in \"\$_${_url_type}_server_dir\"." echo -n "Search for *.tar.gz and *.tgz files? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in n*|N*) return ;; *) ;; esac # *.tar.gz and *.tgz are possible sets _sets="" _kernel="" for _f in ${_file_list} ; do case "$_f" in *.tar.gz|*.tgz) _sets="$_sets ${_f}" esac done if [ "X${_sets}" = X"" ]; then echo "There are no *.tar.gz or *.tgz files in that dir." echo -n "See a directory listing? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in n*|N*) return ;; *) ;; esac echo "" echo "${_file_list}" echo "" return else echo "Adding *.tar.gz and *.tgz files to selector." fi fi # Yes, all those blackslashes really are necesary... eval echo "\\\\n"\ "You will now be asked for files to extract. In addition to the\\\\n"\ "files listed in the selector you may enter any file located at\\\\n"\ "\$_${_url_type}_server_ip:\$_${_url_type}_server_dir. You can also enter\\\\n"\ "'all' to install all the standard sets, or 'list' to list the\\\\n"\ "files avilable at \$_${_url_type}_server_ip:\$_${_url_type}_server_dir.\\\\n"\ "When you are done selecting files, enter 'done'.\\\\n"\ "Some of these sets are required for your ${MODE} and some are optional.\\\\n"\ "Consult the intallation notes if you are not sure which sets are required!\\\\n" _osetsdone="$_setsdone" while : ; do echo "" echo "The following sets are available for extraction." echo "Enter filename, \`list', \`all', or \`done'." echo "" _next="" for _f in $_sets $_kernel ; do if isin $_f $_setsdone ; then echo -n " [X] " _next="" else echo -n " [ ] " if [ -z "$_next" ]; then _next=$_f fi fi echo $_f done # Get the name of the file. echo -n "File name [$_next]? " getresp "$_next" if [ "X${resp}" = X"done" ]; then break elif [ "X${resp}" = X"list" ]; then echo "" eval echo "\$_${_url_type}_server_dir:" echo "${_file_list}" continue elif [ "X${resp}" = X"all" ]; then # XXX - setting _setsdone like this # is not entirely correct. _get_files="$_sets $_kernel" _setsdone="$_sets $_kernel" break fi _f=$resp # Ensure file exists if ! isin $_f $_file_list ; then eval echo "File \$_${_url_type}_server_dir/$_f does not exist. Check to make" echo "sure you entered the information properly." continue fi # Add file to extraction list _get_files="${_get_files} $_f" _setsdone="$_f $_setsdone" done # User may have said "done" without selecting any files if [ "X${_get_files}" = X"" ]; then return fi echo echo "Fetching files via ${_url_type} may take a long time, especially over a slow network" echo -n "connection. Ready to download files? [y] " getresp "y" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) ;; *) _setsdone="$_osetsdone" return ;; esac # Download the files one at a time and keep track of which ones failed while test -n "${_get_files}" ; do _failed_files="" for _f in $_get_files ; do echo "" if [ "X${_f}" = "X${_kernel}" ]; then if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" -a "X${ftp_proxy}" = X"" ]; then ( cd /mnt ; ftp ${_ftp_passive} -V ftp://${_ftp_server_login}:${_ftp_server_password}@${_ftp_server_ip}/${_ftp_server_dir}/${_f} ) else ( cd /mnt ; eval ftp -V ${_url_type}://\$_${_url_type}_server_ip/\$_${_url_type}_server_dir/${_f} ) fi else if [ "${_url_type}" = "ftp" -a "X${ftp_proxy}" = X"" ]; then ( cd /mnt ; ftp ${_ftp_passive} -V ftp://${_ftp_server_login}:${_ftp_server_password}@${_ftp_server_ip}/${_ftp_server_dir}/${_f} | tar zxvpf - ) else ( cd /mnt ; eval ftp -V ${_url_type}://\$_${_url_type}_server_ip/\$_${_url_type}_server_dir/${_f} | tar zxvpf - ) fi fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Mark xfer as having failed,. _setsdone=`rmel $_f $_setsdone` _failed_files="${_failed_files} ${_f}" fi done # Give them the option of refetching failed files. _get_files="" while test -n "${_failed_files}" ; do echo "" echo "The following files failed to transfer and extract correctly:" echo "Choose which one(s) to refetch or 'done' to exit selector." echo "" _next="" for _f in $_failed_files ; do if isin $_f $_setsdone ; then echo -n " [X] " _next="" else echo -n " [ ] " if [ -z "$_next" ]; then _next=$_f fi fi echo $_f done echo "" # Get the name of the file. echo -n "File name [$_next]? " getresp "$_next" if [ "X${resp}" = X"done" ]; then break elif [ "X${resp}" = X"list" ]; then echo "" eval echo "\$_${_url_type}_server_dir:" echo "${_file_list}" echo "" continue fi _f=$resp # Ensure file exists if ! isin $_f $_file_list ; then eval echo "File \$_${_url_type}_server_dir/$_f does not exist. Check to make" echo "sure you entered the information properly." continue fi # Add file to extraction list _get_files="${_get_files} ${_f}" _setsdone="${_f} ${_setsdone}" done done } install_from_mounted_fs() { # $1 - directory containing installation sets local _filename local _sets local _next local _f local _kernel _sets="" if dir_has_sets $1 $THESETS; then for _f in $THESETS ; do if [ "X${_f}" = "Xkernel" ]; then if [ -f $1/bsd ]; then _kernel=bsd fi elif [ -f $1/${_f}${VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then _sets="$_sets ${_f}${VERSION}.tar.gz" elif [ -f $1/${_f}${VERSION}.tgz ]; then _sets="$_sets ${_f}${VERSION}.tgz" fi done else echo "There are no OpenBSD install sets available in \"$1\"" return fi while : ; do echo "The following sets are available for extraction:" echo "(marked sets have already been extracted)" echo "" _next="" for _f in $_sets $_kernel ; do if isin $_f $_setsdone; then echo -n " [X] " _next="" else echo -n " [ ] " if [ -z "$_next" ]; then _next=$_f fi fi echo $_f done echo "" # Get the name of the file. if [ "X$_next" = "X" ]; then resp=n else resp=y fi echo -n "Continue extraction in this directory [$resp]?" getresp "$resp" if [ "$resp" = "n" ]; then break fi echo -n "File name [$_next]? " getresp "$_next" _f=$resp _filename="/$1/$_f" # Ensure file exists if [ ! -f $_filename ]; then echo "File $_filename does not exist. Check to make" echo "sure you entered the information properly." continue fi # Extract file if [ X$_f = X$_kernel ]; then cp $_filename /mnt/$_f else cat $_filename | (cd /mnt; tar -zxvpf -) fi echo "Extraction complete." _setsdone="$_f $_setsdone" done } install_cdrom() { local _drive local _partition_range local _partition local _fstype local _directory # Get the cdrom device info cat << \__install_cdrom_1 The following CD-ROM devices are installed on your system; please select the CD-ROM device containing the partition with the installation sets: __install_cdrom_1 _CDDEVS=`md_get_cddevs` echo "$_CDDEVS" echo "" echo -n "Which is the CD-ROM with the installation media? [abort] " getresp "abort" case "$resp" in abort) echo "Aborting." return ;; *) if isin $resp $_CDDEVS ; then _drive=$resp else echo "" echo "The CD-ROM $resp does not exist." echo "Aborting." return fi ;; esac # Get partition _partition_range=`md_get_partition_range` resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Partition? [c] " getresp "c" case "$resp" in $_partition_range) _partition=$resp ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp" resp="" # force loop to repeat ;; esac done # Ask for filesystem type cat << \__install_cdrom_2 There are two CD-ROM filesystem types currently supported by this program: 1) ISO-9660 (cd9660) 2) Berkeley Fast Filesystem (ffs) __install_cdrom_2 resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Which filesystem type? [cd9660] " getresp "cd9660" case "$resp" in cd9660|ffs) _fstype=$resp ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp" resp="" # force loop to repeat ;; esac done # Mount the CD-ROM if ! mount -t ${_fstype} -o ro \ /dev/${_drive}${_partition} /mnt2 ; then echo "Cannot mount CD-ROM drive. Aborting." return fi # Get the directory where the file lives if [ "X${_directory}" = X"" ]; then _directory="/${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/${ARCH}" fi resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo "Enter the directory relative to the mount point that" echo -n "contains the file. [${_directory}] " getresp "${_directory}" done _directory=$resp install_from_mounted_fs /mnt2/${_directory} umount -f /mnt2 > /dev/null 2>&1 } mount_a_disk() { # Mount a disk on /mnt2. The set of disk devices to choose from # is $_DKDEVS. # returns 0 on failure. local _drive local _def_partition local _partition_range local _partition local _fstype local _fsopts local _directory local _md_fstype local _md_fsopts getresp "abort" case "$resp" in abort) echo "Aborting." return 0 ;; *) if isin $resp $_DKDEVS ; then _drive=$resp else echo "" echo "The disk $resp does not exist." echo "Aborting." return 0 fi ;; esac # Get partition cat <<__mount_a_disk_1 The following partitions have been found on $_drive: __mount_a_disk_1 disklabel $_drive 2>/dev/null | grep '^ .:' echo _likely_partition_range=`disklabel $_drive 2>/dev/null | \ sed -n -e '/swap/s/.*//' -e '/unused/s/.*//' \ -e '/^ .:/{s/^ \(.\).*/\1/;H;}' \ -e '${g;s/\n//g;s/^/[/;s/$/]/p;}'` _partition_range=`disklabel $_drive 2>/dev/null | \ sed -n -e '/^ .:/{s/^ \(.\).*/\1/;H;}' \ -e '${g;s/\n//g;s/^/[/;s/$/]/p;}'` _def_partition=`echo $_likely_partition_range | \ sed -n 's/^\[\(.\).*\]/\1/p'` if [ -z "$_def_partition" ]; then _def_partition=`echo $_partition_range | \ sed -n 's/^\[\(.\).*\]/\1/p'` if [ -z "$_def_partition" ]; then echo "There are no usable partitions on that disk" return 0 fi fi resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Partition? [$_def_partition] " getresp "$_def_partition" case "$resp" in $_partition_range) _partition=$resp ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp" resp="" # force loop to repeat ;; esac done # Ask for filesystem type cat << \__mount_a_disk_2 The following filesystem types are supported: 1) default (deduced from the disklabel) 2) ffs __mount_a_disk_2 _md_fstype=`md_native_fstype` _md_fsopts=`md_native_fsopts` if [ ! -z "$_md_fstype" ]; then echo " 3) $_md_fstype" else _md_fstype="_undefined_" fi resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Which filesystem type? [default] " getresp "default" case "$resp" in default) _fstype="" _fsopts="ro" ;; ffs) _fstype="-t $resp" _fsopts="ro" ;; $_md_fstype) _fstype="-t $resp" _fsopts=$_md_fsopts ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp" resp="" # force loop to repeat ;; esac done # Mount the disk if ! mount $_fstype -o $_fsopts /dev/${_drive}${_partition} /mnt2; then echo "Cannot mount disk. Aborting." return 0 fi return 1 } install_disk() { local _directory cat << \__install_disk_1 The following disk devices are installed on your system; please select the disk device containing the partition with the installation sets: __install_disk_1 _DKDEVS=`md_get_diskdevs` echo "$_DKDEVS" echo "" echo -n "Which is the disk with the installation sets? [abort] " if mount_a_disk ; then return fi # Get the directory where the file lives resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo "Enter the directory relative to the mount point that" echo -n "contains the file. [${_directory}] " getresp "${_directory}" done _directory=$resp install_from_mounted_fs /mnt2/${_directory} umount -f /mnt2 > /dev/null 2>&1 } install_nfs() { # Get the IP address of the server resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Server IP address or hostname? [${_nfs_server_ip}] " getresp "${_nfs_server_ip}" done _nfs_server_ip=$resp # Get server path to mount resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Filesystem on server to mount? [${_nfs_server_path}] " getresp "${_nfs_server_path}" done _nfs_server_path=$resp # Determine use of TCP echo -n "Use TCP transport (only works with capable NFS server)? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) _nfs_tcp="-T" ;; *) _nfs_tcp="" ;; esac # Mount the server mkdir /mnt2 > /dev/null 2>&1 if ! mount_nfs $_nfs_tcp ${_nfs_server_ip}:${_nfs_server_path} \ /mnt2 ; then echo "Cannot mount NFS server. Aborting." return fi # Get the directory where the file lives resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo "Enter the directory relative to the mount point that" echo -n "contains the file. [${_nfs_directory}] " getresp "${_nfs_directory}" done _nfs_directory=$resp install_from_mounted_fs /mnt2/${_nfs_directory} umount -f /mnt2 > /dev/null 2>&1 } install_tape() { local _xcmd # Get the name of the tape from the user. cat << \__install_tape_1 The installation program needs to know which tape device to use. Make sure you use a "no rewind on close" device. __install_tape_1 _tape=`basename $TAPE` resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Name of tape device? [${_tape}]" getresp "${_tape}" done _tape=`basename $resp` TAPE="/dev/${_tape}" if [ ! -c $TAPE ]; then echo "$TAPE does not exist or is not a character special file." echo "Aborting." return fi export TAPE # Rewind the tape device echo -n "Rewinding tape..." if ! mt rewind ; then echo "$TAPE may not be attached to the system or may not be" echo "a tape device. Aborting." return fi echo "done." # Get the file number resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "File number? " getresp "" case "$resp" in [1-9]*) _nskip=`expr $resp - 1` ;; *) echo "Invalid file number ${resp}." resp="" # fore loop to repeat ;; esac done # Skip to correct file. echo -n "Skipping to source file..." if [ "X${_nskip}" != X"0" ]; then if ! mt fsf $_nskip ; then echo "Could not skip $_nskip files. Aborting." return fi fi echo "done." cat << \__install_tape_2 There are 2 different ways the file can be stored on tape: 1) an image of a gzipped tar file 2) a standard tar image __install_tape_2 resp="" # force one iteration while [ "X${resp}" = X"" ]; do echo -n "Which way is it? [1] " getresp "1" case "$resp" in 1) _xcmd="tar -zxvpf -" ;; 2) _xcmd="tar -xvpf -" ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp." resp="" # force loop to repeat ;; esac ( cd /mnt; dd if=$TAPE | $_xcmd ) done echo "Extraction complete." } get_timezone() { local _a local _zonepath # # If the zoneinfo is not on the installation medium or on the # installed filesystem, set TZ to GMT and return immediatly. # if [ ! -e /usr/share/zoneinfo -a ! -e /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo ]; then TZ=GMT return fi if [ ! -d /usr/share/zoneinfo ]; then _zonepath=/mnt else _zonepath="" fi cat << \__get_timezone_1 Select a time zone for your location. Timezones are represented on the system by a directory structure rooted in "/usr/share/timezone". Most timezones can be selected by entering a token like "MET" or "GMT-6". Other zones are grouped by continent, with detailed zone information separated by a slash ("/"), e.g. "US/Pacific". To get a listing of what's available in /usr/share/zoneinfo, enter "?" at the prompts below. __get_timezone_1 if [ X$TZ = X ]; then TZ=`ls -l /mnt/etc/localtime 2>/dev/null | cutlast` TZ=${TZ#/usr/share/zoneinfo/} fi while : ; do echo -n "What timezone are you in [\`?' for list] [$TZ]? " getresp "$TZ" case "$resp" in "") echo "Timezone defaults to GMT" TZ="GMT" break; ;; "?") ls ${_zonepath}/usr/share/zoneinfo ;; *) _a=$resp while [ -d ${_zonepath}/usr/share/zoneinfo/$_a ]; do echo -n "There are several timezones available" echo " within zone '$_a'" echo -n "Select a sub-timezone [\`?' for list]: " getresp "" case "$resp" in "?") ls ${_zonepath}/usr/share/zoneinfo/$_a ;; *) _a=${_a}/${resp} if [ -f ${_zonepath}/usr/share/zoneinfo/$_a ]; then break; fi ;; esac done if [ -f ${_zonepath}/usr/share/zoneinfo/$_a ]; then TZ="$_a" echo "You have selected timezone \"$_a\"". return fi echo "'/usr/share/zoneinfo/$_a' is not a valid timezone on this system." ;; esac done } install_sets() { local _yup _yup="FALSE" # Ask the user which media to load the distribution from. cat << \__install_sets_1 It is now time to extract the installation sets onto the hard disk. Make sure the sets are either on a local device (i.e. tape, CD-ROM) or on a network server. You will have the chance to repeat this step or to extract sets from several places, so you don't have to try to load all the sets in one try and can recover from some errors. __install_sets_1 if [ "X$local_sets_dir" != "X" ]; then install_from_mounted_fs ${local_sets_dir} if [ X"$_setsdone" != X ]; then _yup="TRUE" fi fi # Go on prodding for alternate locations resp="" # force at least one iteration while [ X"${resp}" = X ]; do # If _yup is not FALSE, it means that we extracted sets above. # If that's the case, bypass the menu the first time. if [ X"$_yup" = X"FALSE" ]; then echo -n "Install from (f)tp, h(ttp), (t)ape, (C)D-ROM," echo -n "(N)FS or local (d)isk? " getresp "" case "$resp" in d*|D*) install_disk resp=d ;; f*|F*) install_url ftp resp=f ;; h*|H*) install_url http resp=h ;; t*|T*) install_tape resp=t ;; c*|C*) install_cdrom resp=c ;; n*|N*) install_nfs resp=n ;; *) echo "Invalid response: $resp" resp="" ;; esac else _yup="FALSE" # So we'll ask next time fi # Give the user the opportunity to extract more sets. They # don't necessarily have to come from the same media. echo "" echo -n "Extract more sets? [n] " getresp "n" case "$resp" in y*|Y*) # Force loop to repeat resp="" ;; *) ;; esac done } munge_fstab() { local _fstab local _fstab_shadow local _dev local _mp local _fstype local _rest # Now that the 'real' fstab is configured, we munge it into a 'shadow' # fstab which we'll use for mounting and unmounting all of the target # filesystems relative to /mnt. Mount all filesystems. _fstab=$1 _fstab_shadow=$2 ( while read _dev _mp _fstype _rest; do # Skip comment lines case "$_dev" in \#*) continue;; *) ;; esac # and some filesystem types (like there are swap,kernfs,...) case "$_fstype" in ffs|ufs|nfs) ;; *) continue;; esac if [ "$_mp" = "/" ]; then echo $_dev /mnt $_fstype $_rest else echo $_dev /mnt$_mp $_fstype $_rest fi done ) < $_fstab > $_fstab_shadow } mount_fs() { # Must mount filesystems manually, one at a time, so we can make # sure the mount points exist. # $1 is a file in fstab format local _fstab _fstab=$1 ( while read line; do set -- $line _dev=$1 _mp=$2 _fstype=$3 _opt=$4 # If not the root filesystem, make sure the mount # point is present. if [ "X{$_mp}" != X"/mnt" ]; then mkdir -p $_mp fi # Mount the filesystem. If the mount fails, exit # with an error condition to tell the outer # later to bail. if ! mount -v -t $_fstype -o $_opt $_dev $_mp ; then # error message displated by mount exit 1 fi done ) < $_fstab if [ "X${?}" != X"0" ]; then cat << \__mount_filesystems_1 FATAL ERROR: Cannot mount filesystems. Double-check your configuration and restart the installation process. __mount_filesystems_1 exit fi } unmount_fs() { # Unmount all filesystems and check their integrity. # Usage: [-check] local _check local _fstab local _pid if [ "$1" = "-check" ]; then _check=1 _fstab=$2 else _check=0 _fstab=$1 fi if [ ! \( -f $_fstab -a -s $_fstab \) ]; then echo "fstab empty" > /dev/tty return fi ( _devs="" _mps="" # maintain reverse order while read line; do set -- $line _devs="$1 ${_devs}" _mps="$2 ${_mps}" done echo -n "Umounting filesystems... " for _mp in ${_mps}; do echo -n "${_mp} " umount ${_mp} done echo "Done." if [ $_check = 1 ]; then echo "Checking filesystem integrity..." for _dev in ${_devs}; do echo "${_dev}" fsck -f ${_dev} done fi echo "Done." ) < $_fstab } check_fs() { # Check filesystem integrity. # $1 is a file in fstab format local _fstab _fstab=$1 ( _devs="" _mps="" while read line; do set -- $line _devs="$1 ${_devs}" _mps="$2 ${_mps}" done echo "Checking filesystem integrity..." for _dev in ${_devs}; do echo "${_dev}" fsck -f ${_dev} done echo "Done." ) < $_fstab } d'(TZXd  <<d d@@((xp`0 P      i@x_y_@v@x_z_\x_y_@v@x_z_xx_y_x_y_x_y_@wP@x_z_hPx_y_@RTR@x_z_SSy_ z_ 0SDS@x_y_`StS@x_z_ SS@x_z_ V4V@x_z_ pVV@x_z_VW@x_y_ _$_y_z_ `_t_y_z_ d,dy_z_ Xflf@x_z_ff@x_z_4hHhy_z_`hth@x_z_hhx_y_hhy_z_\i4i@x_z_Hi4iy_y_ii@x_z_ii y_y_j$j@x_z_v$v